Thursday, August 18, 2016

Where confusion lies and Truth stands.

Somehow "never forget" seems to be the best advice for how to avoid further Pain and Suffering. Although it may seem like good advice, very few consider the adverse effects that bring exactly what's being avoided - Pain and Suffering. 

Here are some examples of why this advice has yet to work. 
1. What is done, is gone and nothing/no one will ever change that.

2. Because of  #1., it is not only pointless, it is harmful to spend another minute on what can never be undone if it's other than to recognize the cause and learn from the lesson it came to teach. 

3. Positive change comes from releasing the Past by recognizing Hope for the Future is not found in dwelling over and/or rehashing the Past. On the contrary, unless and until the Past is released, there is no Hope for the Future!

Because Ego lives in the Past, it insists you "never forget," which is Ego's way of protecting its own interests, never yours or that of others'. If you think otherwise, you've been deceived. Its sole purpose is to divide and conquer however that has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not its mission is accomplished and everything to do with  Your presence of mind to Know and remember what is True. ALL of what you try to "never forget" will be wiped from your memory the instant You  remember Who You are, a PERFECT creation of Love.  

Take your proper place as the light of this world and You will be reminded of what you always knew, you just forgot. It is here You will see, because of Who You are, LOVE, there is nothing/ no one to Fear. And precisely because of Who's You are, there is no threat which is where Peace is established - first in the mind by remembering Who's in control (certainly not Ego,) then in the literal sense, Peace on earth. Peace

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