Monday, August 1, 2016

The manifestation of its Power is in itself the miracle.

The healing of any/ALL relationship(s) are where miracles lie. What is most commonly forgotten is the fact that miracles come from LOVE and so where there is no LOVE, there are no miracles.

Because LOVE (Agape) come with no strings attached, LOVE expects nothing in return and that "space" of freedom from needing, wanting and/or expecting is how miracles comes about. Agape is not of this world and that explains why it seems foreign and often side eyed considering "there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world."

In this world, there is nothing that even comes close to Agape because it is selfless and for that very reason Agape seems foreign and even suspect. Because Ego dominates to conquer any/all
situation(s) for its benefit and never that of another, its primary character trait is selfishness! This explains the guard of Ego's "protection" that's often seen as mandatory because the only other alternative is  LOVE which to Ego is insane.

Because LOVE needs no protection, it depends not on anyone or anything. Because LOVE is ALL there Really is, it needs no defense considering it can never be defeated. Because LOVE has only  one goal, Peace, there are no conditions that must first meet certain requirements upon which its Power is then accessible. Because LOVE is unconditional (unrestricted,)  there is never an excuse for why its Power will not manifest the miracles that comes naturally only from LOVE.

The freedom that Agape offers is how miracles are materialized for when LOVE is offered, the miracle that is guaranteed is what unveils all of what was believed to be true but was in fact the very cause for conflict, pain, suffering, misery, anger, resentment, unforgiveness, etc.

Choose to remember Who You Really are, a PERFECT creation of LOVE, temporarily experiencing life in human form through the body; which, by the way is not Who You Really are at your True essence (Spirit.) It is from this point, you will Know your role in this world is none other than to BE the change You want to see in the world. This is done by demonstrating Agape which recognizes even the most heinous acts of  hate for the cry for LOVE they Really are.

Agape heals. Ego destroys. Allow the Power of LOVE to manifest the miracles of Peace that are guaranteed and fear will be revealed for the nothingness Ego makes up and uses to divide and conquer. What the world needs NOW is LOVE sweet LOVE. Peace


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