Wednesday, April 13, 2022

LOVE is all that matters.

Nothing matters until it is given meaning, until then, it doesn’t matter because it means nothing

This is precisely what ego wants to keep from Truth however because Truth is what it is, it can be denied but Truth will never change. 

Truth is WE (human BEings) are temporarily occupying the physical form/body solely for the experience of Life. 

Each One of us has an expiration date that comes with the birth date. One is celebrated while the other is feared. 

Truth is because WE (human BEings) are not the physical form/body but the Spirit/Energy of LOVE, there is nothing to fear. Death is a part of Life in the physical realm. Life continues endlessly

Choose to remember Truth - Only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened. There is  nothing to fear. WE (human BEings) are LOVE, having a temporary human experience through Life. 

The point of Life is not about how much is or can be acquired while here because without LOVE, it means nothing

LOVE is not found in things/acquisitions because LOVE can not be bought. Ego however knows nothing about LOVE which explains the constant search and need for more.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) get back to Truth, WE are LOVE, the point of living will have been missed. Archery; sin - to miss the point/bullseye. 

Experience requires Presence (of mind). Choose to not allow ego to continue to make shit up for protection. It never works! 

BE LOVE. LOVE never fails! 


Sunday, April 10, 2022


Because LOVE, not ego’s version, the emotion which changes depending on the circumstance, but the Energy/Spirit, is who WE (human BEings) are, there is nothing that is required or expected. 

Because only LOVE is Real there is nothing to fear - it’s all made up in the mind by ego. LOVE has nothing to prove because everything else is made up which explains why it makes no sense yet continues to cause unnecessary problems/drama…ego’s main and only purpose for existence.

WE (human BEings) however are here temporarily in physical human form to simply experience Life in whatever form it takes. 

Unless and until Truth is remembered, WE (human BEings) are LOVE having a temporary human experience of Life, the point of living will have been missed. And in the term of archery, that - to have missed the point/bullseye, is a sin

Choosing to not take matters personally, no matter how personal they may seem, saves the embarrassment that is the result of ego causing problems and not knowing its place. 

Get back to BEing YOU (LOVE) and Truth will be recognized; Only LOVE is Real. Remembering One’s True essence (LOVE) dissipates fear for where there is LOVE there is no fear because there is nothing to fear. 

One must BE LOVE to recognize LOVE through ego’s disguise (fear). It is at this point where LOVE extends itself, specifically because ego is not involved. Ego would never! That takes humility of which ego knows nothing about. 

BE YOU, LOVE (Whole - no requirements, no expectations, no needs/wants, Present, Conscious, Awake, Alert) and every Life situation will be seen and taken for what it is, a temporary situation that is not meant to be held onto. 

Life has a lesson in each and every situation and the test will always and only be to remember Truth - WE (human BEings) are LOVE. 

One will never fail when it comes to LOVE. 1. Because LOVE never fails, it is in no competition. 2. LOVE has nothing to prove and so needs no validation, ego does. 3. LOVE allows what is to come and go because only LOVE is Real (consistent). 

Be easy. BE LOVE (YOU). 



Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Go within and BE LOVE (YOU).

Because WE (human BEings) are not the physical form/body but the Spirit/Energy (LOVE) within, Peace (of mind) is experienced the moment Truth is remembered - Only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace that surpasses all understanding. 

The moment Truth is forgotten, fear takes over (by ego,) disguised as protection but causes problems (worrying, panicking, etc.) rather than bring Solutions (acceptance of what is and finding the silver lining in every situation to learn from it). 

Life’s “lessons” are reminders of what is too often forgotten; The Solution to all problems are found within. Problems are found without (lack) where Solutions are found within (Whole) and Peace (of mind) is experienced…for even just a moment. 

Choose to remember what is Known, just forgotten; There is nothing to fear. Problems are made up in the mind, by ego, in fear of what may or may not happen. Because ego must cause and maintain drama in order to exist, the worst case scenario is always the first thing ego sees. Hence the worrying, panicking, etc. 

Managing One’s Energy - by remaining Present/Still/Conscious/Awake/Alert, is the key to regain and  maintain Peace (of mind) in spite of what may seem like an impossible situation.  

BE Still. Continue to trust the process. It’s not about what Life is doing but about what is being done with what Life is doing.

Choose to not take matters personally, it’s never personal, it’s just Life. Awareness, Acceptance, Allowance of what Life presents is how to avoid further suffering on a collective/global scale. 

Go within and BE LOVE (YOU).


Friday, April 1, 2022


Unless/until WE (human BEings) remember Truth - we are LOVE, respect will continue to be seen as something that can be demanded.

Because only LOVE is Real, respect is automatically given and received. When not in the right mind (present, conscious, awake, alert) however, ego takes over and causes problems,  where there aren’t any (insecurities,) then demands respect. 

Respect is given freely when ego is non existent. Ego, on the other hand, has conditions and only gives respect where respect is due - once those conditions have been met. 

Respect for one another as human BEings is the first step toward Peace (of mind) because of the fact that WE are LOVE temporarily occupying the physical form (body).  This is the foundation to where LOVE is displayed in action and not words.

To Know and remember One’s True nature (LOVE) is to have self respect and maintain it particularly when challenged by another that has forgotten their True nature (LOVE). 

Because only LOVE is Real, it does not change which is the sole reason when present, conscious, awake, alert, disrespect is seen for exactly what it is, a cry for LOVE. Otherwise matters will be taken personally and the respect factor will have been lost - over what was meant for One’s growth/evolvement. 

Stay Present, Conscious, Awake, Alert  and respect for self and others will be a way of Life which offers Peace (of mind)…in spite of Life’s circumstances.




When WE (human BEings) remember the True essence of our BEingness, LOVE, the freedom to just BE will be the experience of Life - the way it was meant to be lived. 

Until then, fear will continue to be the reason for chaos and confusion which always ends in suffering. The point history is trying to make - by repeating itself - is simple; 

1. Learn from the Past. This means taking a moment to ask the question “What is/was this here to teach me?” rather than asking “why me?”. Why not you? Choose to change your perspective on Life and Life will change your perspective on everything else. 

2. Allow each circumstance aka Test to teach the lesson it carries. This is done by not taking it personally otherwise the point will have been missed. Life has a way, called history, of getting its point across and  history will repeat itself until the lesson is learned. Acceptance of what is along with applying what was learned from past tests is where growth/positive change begins. Know this, circumstances change, the lesson never changes.

3. BE YOU (LOVE). How? In action. BE kind. BE honest. BE respectful. BE patient. BE understanding. BE thoughtful. BE empathetic. BE gentle. BE open. BE willing. BE fair. BE grateful. BE present. Peace