Wednesday, April 13, 2022

LOVE is all that matters.

Nothing matters until it is given meaning, until then, it doesn’t matter because it means nothing

This is precisely what ego wants to keep from Truth however because Truth is what it is, it can be denied but Truth will never change. 

Truth is WE (human BEings) are temporarily occupying the physical form/body solely for the experience of Life. 

Each One of us has an expiration date that comes with the birth date. One is celebrated while the other is feared. 

Truth is because WE (human BEings) are not the physical form/body but the Spirit/Energy of LOVE, there is nothing to fear. Death is a part of Life in the physical realm. Life continues endlessly

Choose to remember Truth - Only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened. There is  nothing to fear. WE (human BEings) are LOVE, having a temporary human experience through Life. 

The point of Life is not about how much is or can be acquired while here because without LOVE, it means nothing

LOVE is not found in things/acquisitions because LOVE can not be bought. Ego however knows nothing about LOVE which explains the constant search and need for more.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) get back to Truth, WE are LOVE, the point of living will have been missed. Archery; sin - to miss the point/bullseye. 

Experience requires Presence (of mind). Choose to not allow ego to continue to make shit up for protection. It never works! 

BE LOVE. LOVE never fails! 


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