Tuesday, January 25, 2022

You either play or get played.

Life is a game. WE (Human BEings) either play or get played! How to not get played? Do not take matters personally. 

Everything in Life comes with a lesson. If/when seen and taken otherwise, the point would have been missed. And in the term of archery, to miss the point/mark, is a sin

How to not miss the point/mark of Life? Pay attention! Ego requires an empty/unoccupied mind in order to maintain its existence (illusion). It needs to start and/or maintain  problems by making up stories (in fear). 

Presence (consciousness) is required in order to pay attention. Miracles, aka solutions, happen in the NOW, never the Past or Future. Two periods of time that  are merely a man made concept. Not convinced?  A brush with Death is likely to  change one’s perspective on Time. 

Choose to see and take Life (“good/bad”) as it comes - whether you’re prepared for it or not. Why? Because Life happens whether you’re ready or not. 

The Joy of Life is in understanding how it works. You see, Life is a game that is played well by allowing what already is, to BE. 

Surrendering - not quitting - is the key to seeing clearly what is really going on. To surrender, one must be Present (NOW) and accept what is in order to move forward. By surrendering and accepting what is, one will always find/see Truth for what it is, Reality - temporary

Truth is a reminder there is nothing to fear (ever). What will be, will BE. Truth is because of the nature of our core BEingness (LOVE,) there is no threat. Only LOVE is Real, and nothing Real can be threatened. 

BE Still. Pay attention. BE Present. Be grateful for the experience of BEing alive because one day you won’t be. You are NOW, so live life to the fullest, NOW while you still can!

BE YOU (LOVE). Peace

Monday, January 24, 2022

Life is eternal. Living is in the experience while alive!

Because Life is what it is, Reality, Peace (of mind) comes with accepting Reality for what it is - Life. 

The experience of Life is the point of living. Living one’s best life depends on the perspective of the situation and/or Life in general. 

Choose to not take matters personally by remembering that everything in Life happens for a reason, or it wouldn’t happen at all

When faced with challenges, which is a part of Life, a part of growing/evolving is in taking a moment to ask the question “what am I to learn from this?” If Peace (of mind) is really the  desired result, there must be no sign of ego. And Truth will be in the action taken.  

Allowing a pause for consideration leaves room for little/no regret where because ego is a “know it all” there is never anything/anyone one to consider. 

The chances of experiencing shame/regret are higher whenever ego is on the scene because ego creates and maintains a false sense of reality through fear and drama disguised as LOVE. 

Peace (of mind) is experienced and maintained by remembering to tap into the Power/Strength within (LOVE). Surrendering to the Present moment - here (NOW) is the first step toward experiencing Peace (of mind). 

Otherwise the mind will remain hostage, and trapped in fear, by ego. Fear of what may or may not happen. Future - a point in time that does not exist (NOW). Fear of what should’ve happened but didn’t may happen again. Past - a point in time that does not exist (NOW). 

In order to break the cycle of insanity; doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result - one must be willing to face Reality for what it is (Life). There is nothing personal about Life. Problems come about, by ego, the moment matters are taken personally. 

The silver lining that comes with each challenge is in finding the lesson. This is how one learns from experience  otherwise history will continue to repeat itself; until the lesson is learned (not memorized). 

BE Still. Ah! Ha! moments are experienced in Stillness. BE Grateful for Life. We (human BEings) may not be in control of outside circumstances however we are certainly in control of how we respond rather than react. 

BE YOU (LOVE). Peace 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Enjoy playing the game!

Unless/until WE (human BEings) realize that Life, here in the physical form is a miracle, challenging circumstances will continue to be seen and taken as something that shouldn’t happen.

Peace (of mind) comes from Knowing and remembering that Life is a game that comes with one rule “You are not in control of outside circumstances.” 

However because of who YOU are at the core essence of BEing (LOVE) the miracle is  “found” by tapping into the source of Power/Strength that comes from within (LOVE) so to respond rather than react to whatever situation.  

Clarity, from the perspective of the Third eye, is how the game, Life, is played well. Otherwise Life will continue to be taken personally where there is little to no room/opportunity for growth. And growth comes from finding and learning from the lesson that is in everything. 

Shedding layers of what is believed to be one’s identification may seem daunting only because ego uses superficial ways to make connections out of fear of becoming insignificant. 

Truth is because WE (human BEings) are LOVE, temporarily occupying the physical form (body,) there is no need to seek value in a thing or validation from anyone/thing. No thing and/or no one can add or reduce its value because LOVE is priceless

Only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace that surpasses all understanding. 

Breathe. BE Still. BE Present. BE Grateful. 

The answer (LOVE ) is YOU. Peace. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

Take a moment to make it count.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) recognize the True essence of our BEingness, LOVE, the entire point of being here would’ve been missed. That, in the term of archery, is a sin - to have missed the point/mark aka bull’s eye.

WE (human BEings,) particularly in the Western parts of the world, have been conditioned, in fear, to believe success is the equivalent to material wealth. 

Until one realizes, understands and accepts the fact that nothing on this planet can equal the value of one’s Life, Time here will continue to be wasted on what doesn’t matter NOW.

Until the realization of how precious Time here really is, taken into account, the sin will continue to be in the constant pursuit of something

When in fact, because WE (human BEings) are not of this world - we’re here temporarily - there is nothing that could ever bring the Joy and Peace (of mind) like the Present moment, no matter how challenging. 

Choose to take this Time to focus the mind on the breath, the True miracle of Life, to align with the Spirit of your True nature, LOVE. 

From this point, the probability of making Real positive change increases, particularly because ego is not involved to promote fear. 

Breathe. It really is a blessing! Someone just took their last. Peace. 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Before your Time is up.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) accept the fact that Life, here in the physical form, is simply to experience ALL of what Life has to offer, fear will continue to be the cause of problems because ego takes matters personally. 

Because everything in Life happens for a reason, the lesson is to find the blessing in everything! Otherwise ego will judge and find fault in each and every situation by using it’s most effective tool, fear, to control and stagnant the mere attempt of progress/evolution. 

Fortunately, because the Truth  of  who WE (human BEings) Really are, LOVE, it is simply a matter of  realizing and accepting this fact to invoke Real change - which first takes place within.

Choose to live Life from the perspective of the Third eye where the light of Clarity offers Peace (of mind). Clarity keeps ego in check considering ego needs chaos and confusion to maintain its senseless path toward destruction leaving nothing but Shame and Regret in its wake. 

We know better. Let us do better (within). Peace. 

Monday, January 3, 2022

It’s just a nightmare. It’s not Real!

Awakening happens when the illusion of what Life is meant to be becomes so intolerable whatever circumstance cracks/shatters what was once lived as a dream that turned into a nightmare.

It is at this point of seeing things clearly for what they are (Reality) that positive change is not only possible but likely. 

It is the decision to accept Reality for what it is, that opens the doors for “miracles” to occur. Miracles happen naturally however WE (human BEings) too often get in the way because of fear.  Fear of the unknown. 

Unless/until WE (human BEings) remember the True nature of our core BEingness - LOVE - ego will continue to use fear as it’s only yet most effective  form of “control”. 

Choose to remember because only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up which explains why it makes no sense. Rather than question what doesn’t seem right, WE (human BEings) tend to “go with the flow” because that’s the way it’s always been. 

Truth is what is True isn’t taught because Truth doesn’t change. WE (human BEings) are told lies from birth and taught to believe it to be True. 

Choose to wake up to the fact that Life in this physical form is simply a moment in “Time” where we get to experience Life and all of what it entails. 

The “golden nugget” is to: 

1. Not take Life personally. It’s a game but not a joke!

2. BE  and stay in a state of gratitude for everything because there is a lesson in it. 

3. When being “tested”, remember it’s a test and you’re less likely to take it personally which is precisely how the test is failed

4. Trust Life’s process and Know by taking a moment to reflect and respond rather than react is how lessons are learned. 

5. Lastly, choose to not let Death be the reminder of how precious the breath of Life really is. 

Stay awake. BE Grateful. BE still and you will experience the Peace that surpasses all understanding. Peace