Monday, January 24, 2022

Life is eternal. Living is in the experience while alive!

Because Life is what it is, Reality, Peace (of mind) comes with accepting Reality for what it is - Life. 

The experience of Life is the point of living. Living one’s best life depends on the perspective of the situation and/or Life in general. 

Choose to not take matters personally by remembering that everything in Life happens for a reason, or it wouldn’t happen at all

When faced with challenges, which is a part of Life, a part of growing/evolving is in taking a moment to ask the question “what am I to learn from this?” If Peace (of mind) is really the  desired result, there must be no sign of ego. And Truth will be in the action taken.  

Allowing a pause for consideration leaves room for little/no regret where because ego is a “know it all” there is never anything/anyone one to consider. 

The chances of experiencing shame/regret are higher whenever ego is on the scene because ego creates and maintains a false sense of reality through fear and drama disguised as LOVE. 

Peace (of mind) is experienced and maintained by remembering to tap into the Power/Strength within (LOVE). Surrendering to the Present moment - here (NOW) is the first step toward experiencing Peace (of mind). 

Otherwise the mind will remain hostage, and trapped in fear, by ego. Fear of what may or may not happen. Future - a point in time that does not exist (NOW). Fear of what should’ve happened but didn’t may happen again. Past - a point in time that does not exist (NOW). 

In order to break the cycle of insanity; doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result - one must be willing to face Reality for what it is (Life). There is nothing personal about Life. Problems come about, by ego, the moment matters are taken personally. 

The silver lining that comes with each challenge is in finding the lesson. This is how one learns from experience  otherwise history will continue to repeat itself; until the lesson is learned (not memorized). 

BE Still. Ah! Ha! moments are experienced in Stillness. BE Grateful for Life. We (human BEings) may not be in control of outside circumstances however we are certainly in control of how we respond rather than react. 

BE YOU (LOVE). Peace 

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