Tuesday, October 9, 2018

LOVE is the ONLY way to Peace.

Life is a game. The ONE and only rule to the game of Life is to remember Who is in control (at ALL times,) otherwise, fear will take control. At which point, there is no control - considering to operate from fear means you've lost control.

The game of Life is played well when, particularly in moments of difficulty and/or uncertainty, its remembered Who is in control. 

The game is Won when, in those moments, room/space is made (by stepping back and letting go) for miracles to happen. 

Because miracles happen effortlessly when LOVE is the motivating factor, choose to BE LOVE and you've Won at the game of Life in spite of what your eyes and ears report. 

Because only LOVE is Real, fear does not exist (except in the mind). 

Because nothing Real can be threatened, LOVE does not attack. LOVE poses no threat. LOVE does not impose. LOVE does not threaten. LOVE causes no harm, ever!

Because LOVE is everything, it gives freely and willingly, expecting nothing in return.
At the end of it ALL, LOVE is all that matters.

Because you are LOVE, remember to consistently operate from only LOVE so Peace will continue to BE the experience of this lifetime.   Peace

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Conditons change, LOVE does not.

Conditions are made by ego, out of fear. LOVE, on the other hand, is unconditional because it is what it is no matter the circumstance. When WE, the entire human race, remember Truth, "under one condition" will be a thing of the Past since there are no conditions when it comes to Truth. Truth is what it is and conditions do not change that.

Truth is, WE, mankind are LOVE, expressed temporarily in physical form as human BEings. Considering nothing Real can be threatened and only LOVE is Real, to be LOVE is to be fearless. For fear comes from ego, not LOVE.  Because WE are LOVE, there is no reason to fear another. We are simply a reflection of one another. 

Do not continue to believe the lie made up by ego which poses as the guardian/protector against fear, for fear is of no other than ego. It is only LOVE that eliminates fear.

Choose to BE LOVE and all of what is feared will be no longer. This will then eliminate the need for conditions which are merely terms set for "protection", due to a lack of trust which comes from ego out of fear.  

LOVE is unconditional. YOU ARE LOVE. Remember this and Peace will be the experience that is not only indescribable but also attainable no matter the circumstance. Peace

Monday, July 23, 2018

WE are a reflection of one another.

Because WE, mankind, are one (LOVE,) the state of Peace is returned when Truth is not only remembered but accepted for what it is rather than what we want it to be. 

Because Peace is a state of BEing, and WE are human BEings, this state is reestablished only when fully in the Present moment. The mind has a tendency to wonder off if/when not focused on the task at hand. This explains why/how things get done with no memory of them happening. The body was at work but the mind was off either stuck in the Past or preoccupied, i.e., worried about the Future.

When Truth is remembered and accepted for Truth, aka Reality, all of what causes chaos and conflict will suddenly become clear for it really is, fear. Because only LOVE is Real, its imperative WE remember the True essence of our BEing, LOVE. 

Because only LOVE is Real, there is nothing to fear considering fear is not Real. Its simply a figment of the imagination made up by, no other than, ego. Fear enters the mind only when left unattended. And that's precisely when ego slips in and takes over because without the distraction of fear, there is no place or need for ego.  

Because WE are LOVE, and only LOVE is Real, let us return to Truth (LOVE) which has and will never change. Let us remember what can never be taught, Truth (LOVE). How can one be taught what always was and will always be? It is only when LOVE is remembered that Peace returns to its rightful place - on earth. 

"WE are made in His image" simply means because GOD is LOVE, WE are LOVE, expressed in physical human form - temporarily.  Remember this specifically when ego uses fear to magnify and intensify what, in Truth, is nothing to fear. Remember LOVE and Peace will be reestablished and Life will carry on as it should. Peace.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Remember this. We are LOVE.

Because WE, the entire human race are LOVE, there is nothing to fear. 

Fear is simply a figment of the imagination, dictated and controlled by ego. When left unattended, i.e., lack of Presence, there is no limit to how far ego is willing to go because at that point, it has full control with fear as its weapon. It only takes a moment of distraction for ego to seize control of the mind, again. Whenever fear is involved, it simply means Truth (LOVE) has been forgotten

Considering only Love is Real, everything else is made up in fear, by ego. Choose to stay Present, in the moment and remember what was always known, just forgotten. Because only LOVE is Real, there is nothing to fear. For how can an illusion pose a threat when, it doesn’t exist, except in the mind?

Because the mind is where decisions are made, it has no place for illusion/fear which is precisely why ego uses Time (Past and Future) to distract the mind and occupy it with fearful thoughts. The illusion is Time itself - the Past which no longer exists and Future which doesn’t exist. Yet, this is possible only when LOVE is forgotten.

When LOVE is forgotten, ego uses fear to manufacture what is not Real. Fear is the trick used to make illusions seem Real. And without the Presence of mind, where Truth (LOVE) resides, the most inhumane behavior is not only carried out, but justified as well, by non other than ego. This is because ego will never accept responsibility for any action taken. Blame is the name of its game because Denial blocks vision to Truth. 

Ego has convinced far too many that LOVE is untrustworthy, unreliable, unrealistic, hurts, etc., when in fact, the complete opposite is True. Because only LOVE is Real, one can always rely on the treasures (Peace and Joy,) that LOVE brings as a result of BEing LOVE. Of which can not be bought for all the money in the world, because they are not of this world which explains ego's jealousy and insecurities. 

Choose to not get caught up in what never matters, Past/Future because what is and will always be is NOW. Rest assured that because only LOVE is Real, nothing else matters because everything else is temporary and will pass. Remember WE are LOVE and fear will dissolve into the nothingness it really is. Peace

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Ego has a purpose and You do, too!

Only when WE (mankind) remember the True essence of BEing will our purpose become realized. Presence (of mind) is required in order to BE and Presence is always and only found in the present moment - NOW. Otherwise, life will continue to be lived without the presence of mind, lost in the Past (that no longer exists) or worried about the Future (which doesn't exist). This way of thinking is  precisely where wrong choices are made (because of fear).

Because WE (human BEings) have forgotten the essence of our True nature does not in any way, shape or form, change the fact that WE are LOVE. Once this fact  is recognized for what it is (Truth,) fear vanishes because it can not stand the light of Truth. Truth sheds light on what ego keeps in the dark using its tool, fear, to disguise and misconstrue Truth.

Considering Truth is not of this world, only Truth stands the tests of Time because it is what it is (LOVE). Truth has never and will never change because its foundation is LOVE. Ego, on the other hand is on "borrowed" time (Past/Future) and you can't get that back which explains why its story constantly changes and makes no sense. Decisions based on the Past will repeat the Past and decisions made worried about the Future will bring Regret. This is because everything apart from LOVE is not Truth but made up in fear by ego.

Truth can not be taught, it is simply accepted for what it is. Once LOVE is remembered for what it is, (ALL of US human BEings,) Peace (of mind) will be reestablished. Truth confirms where there is LOVE, there is no threat, meaning there is nothing to be afraid of considering only LOVE is Real. It's been said "it takes Time" of which no one is guaranteed when in fact, acceptance is what it takes. Acceptance takes no Time at all, it's simply a decision to suffer no more! Acceptance offers Peace while Denial insists on Suffering. The decision is yours. Just remember, you must be Present in order to choose wisely. Peace. 

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Because only LOVE is Real, nothing else matters.

Unless and until WE (human BEings) get back to BEing, what is made up by ego; using fear as its most effective tool, will continue to dictate each and every move. Because ego needs Time to remain relevant, Time is never spent in silence where Strength is regained and Peace is reestablished. 

Once Truth is recognized for what it is, LOVE, fear dissolves because where one is, the other isn’t - they can not coexist. Considering only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up in fear by ego  bringing with it, Chaos and Confusion.  

Because ego considers NOW its most dangerous threat, it remains in the PAST unable to let it go, in spite of the fact that the Past is just that, done and gone. The whole point of the Past is to learn the lesson(s) it brings. Otherwise not only will the Past, aka history continue to repeat itself, Suffering will play a role in forcing the issue of learning and growing from decisions made in fear. Because fear always comes with its buddy, Regret, you won’t find Regret without Shame.

Shame and Regret come after the fact because ego will never allow the Time it takes to wake up and recognize Truth. To recollect Truth is to regain awareness which doesn’t take Time, it takes acceptance of what is, aka Reality. That can only happen in the NOW which explains why ego keeps the mind stuck in the Past, stressed and worried about the Future that doesn’t even exist, except in the mind where problems are made up in fear of what may happen.

Choose to remember Truth, YOU are LOVE so fear will dissolve into the nothingness it is.  Choose to live and stay in the NOW where endless possibilities are available and life is experienced with no Regret and no Shame. This is precisely because LOVE makes no mistakes. LET GO. LIVE LIFE. Peace

Friday, May 11, 2018

No matter the circumstance, keep space for Peace (of mind).

Considering Peace is a state of BEing, it must first happen in the mind which then reflects in the body. Because the essence of our nature is LOVE, Peace comes naturally when we choose LOVE over fear, again and again until it flows freely and effortlessly. This isn’t to be mistaken as “second” nature for what is the essence of our BEing  is not second but One and only

The fact that WE (the entire human race) are LOVE, has been forgotten does not in any way, shape or form, alter its efficacy. The moment we come to recognize our True self - not through the body’s eyes - Peace will be restored back to its original state of BEing...still, quiet and without fear. 

Because only LOVE is Real, it is the One and only guarantee of Peace because they come together, you can’t have one without the other. At least not for very long because ego will definitely find a way to cause conflict and confusion to start problems where there aren’t any, using its good and faithful trick, fear

Choose to remember Truth, you are LOVE and your circumstance will be clearly seen for what it really is, temporary. So don’t trip, BE still. BE quiet.  BE LOVE. Peace

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Because only LOVE is Real, it depends on nothing and/or no one.

Unless and until the True essence of our BEing (the ENTIRE human race) is remembered, fear in the form of attack, will continue to be the first reaction to any and everything. 

Because ego's main and constant goal is to cause and maintain Confusion and Conflict, it is always on the defense. Because fear is of ego, it remains on guard at all times causing problems where there are none.  

Choose to remember what can never be taught, Truth. Truth is only LOVE is Real - everything else (racism, religion, sexism, class, groups, political party, gender bias, discrimination, etc.,) are forms of separation and is made up by ego which explains why they make no sense yet continues to cause so much damage. Separation is what ego uses to instill and set fear in the minds of those that have forgotten Truth. 

Although Truth has been forgotten, the fact that WE, the ENTIRE human race is ONE with life itself remains True considering Truth does not change, ever.  This fact just needs to be remembered so its "miraculous" Power can flow freely and naturally. Choose to not block the flow of energy with fear but to allow LOVE to be the guide in challenging situations as well as the answer to each and every problem, question, doubt, etc. This way what was once seen as miracles will become a natural way of Life.  

Recognize that only LOVE is Real for there is nothing to fear because nothing and/or no one can alter the nature of your True essence, LOVE. Remember this and Peace (of Mind, Body and Spirit) will been restored.  Peace

Monday, April 16, 2018

SelfLESSness is the key to it ALL.

Because WE (human BEings) have forgotten Truth, the opposite of Truth is believed to be True. Belief in anything and/or anyone is within itself where the problem lies. Unless and until Truth is accepted for what it is, Suffering will always have its place. 

Peace (of mind) comes from recognizing the fact that because of who you are, there is nothing and/or no one to fear. Because nothing Real can be threatened, when seen clearly from the perspective of Truth, aka Reality, and accepted for what it is, (LOVE,) sanity is returned to its proper place and Peace is experienced

Return to Truth and remember, blessings come by blessing another. Because blessings are not of this world, contrary to popular belief, all the money in the world couldn’t buy one. Because blessings are priceless, they can’t be bought or sold.

Blessings are experienced when self/ego is not in the picture. Otherwise, payment of some sort in one form or another, is to be expected. When ego is involved it must be acknowledged because everything ego does is for show or it’s not happening! Because ego is always searching for approval, it is never satisfied which explains why authenticity is a non factor whenever ego is involved.

Because WE (human BEings) are ALL created equal, miracles happen when Truth is remembered  for what it is. Fear then dissolves and LOVE is both expressed and experienced simultaneously.

SelfLESSness is where it’s at! No self. No ego. Peace

Thursday, April 12, 2018

“You ARE, because I AM.”

Because the essence of who you ARE has been forgotten, Truth has become unrecognizable, to you.  Whenever one becomes identified with anything and/or anyone, a false self (ego) takes over and at some point or another, Confusion and later, Chaos, are expected to make an appearance. There will be reason to be feel offended, annoyed, hurt, betrayed, misled, misunderstood, etc., etc., etc.

Because only Truth is true any/everything other than Truth is made up which explains why it makes no sense. To ego, on the other hand, Chaos and Conflict makes perfect sense because to ego, Truth is always it’s problem and never it’s solution. 

Peace of mind, Peace within comes from remembering the essence of our True nature - LOVE. Because WE (human BEings) are LOVE, manifested through physical form, there is nothing to fear, ever. Because only LOVE is Real, nothing unreal exists - its all made up (by ego).

Choose to remember LOVE because LOVE will always find a way to Peace considering LOVE is the only way to Peace.  

BE still and remember, you are LOVE. Peace

Thursday, February 15, 2018

WE have yet to learn the lesson because History continues to repeat itself.

Unless and until Truth is remembered for what it is, WE will continue to suffer as a result. History repeats itself to force US (Human BEings) to face Truth but Denial is what keeps fear locked in place. 

Mental health is a serious issue that must be addressed or WE (Human BEings) will continue to deal with the aftermath - which is never good. Continuing to turn a blind eye to the main problem, fear, expecting Real change is called insanity. Unless and until the mind is changed  - by first recognizing Truth for what it is, then by accepting Truth for what it is - Pain and Suffering is to be expected.

Crisis creates growth for those that have been "cracked  open" to Life by Surrendering to what is because the Pain is too much to bear. It is always at this point of Surrender that Real change is made considering Clarity comes from Surrendering to what is. Continuing to deny what is causes further Suffering because at some point, Truth will be dealt with in that Truth never changes.  

Truth is, WE (Human BEings) are LOVE manifested in the physical, human form. WE forgot this and was taught the complete opposite which explains where fear comes from. The moment Truth is remembered for what it is, Peace is experienced (even for just a brief moment) until fear once again takes its place in the mind and Suffering returns as a result.

Because Truth will never change, there is Hope however because Truth requires acceptance in order to experience the Peace it brings, the mind must first change and let go of fear so Real change can take place. Real change requires Clarity otherwise fear will creep back in to cause and maintain chaos and conflict. WE (Human BEings) must wake up and realize WE are all we have and because WE are LOVE, We are all we need! Peace


Friday, February 9, 2018

Me/Us first, is the problem.

Unless and until WE (human BEings) remember Truth, Peace will continue to be something worth fighting for yet it will never be achieved through fighting. History has repeated this lesson over and over for thousand of years but because ego continues to control the mind, the point continues to be missed and WE (human BEings) continue to suffer.

The idea that Peace can be achieved is the first misconception considering Peace is a state of BEing. It takes place first in the mind and is then experienced. Peace of mind is returned to its natural state once Truth is first recognized then accepted for what it is not what it should or could be.

Truth is only LOVE is Real - everything else is made up by ego which explains why none of it makes sense. Ego on the other hand will continue to cover up Truth with fear as long as WE (human BEings) continue to turn a blind eye to what is innate but just forgotten (LOVE).

Denial is an insidious disease which seems to protect yet causes much harm because Truth is what it is whether its accepted or not. Because only Truth is True, it will be faced and dealt with at one point or another and too often, its done forcefully. It is at this point the choice to Surrender and accept Truth for what it is and experience the freedom Peace brings or continue to fight what is and fight for Peace too.

Peace of mind comes from remembering WE (human BEings) are LOVE. When this Truth is accepted for what it is, the need to put yourself before anyone else will no longer be. Because only LOVE is Real, there is no threat considering nothing Real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists. 

Remember who You are and experience the freedom of Peace that surpasses all understanding. Because Peace is a choice, you either keep it or give it away, it can't be taken from you. That's just another lie made up by ego. 

Remember Truth and BE LOVE so to continue to experience Peace. There is no ego in this equation which is the very reason it is guaranteed to work every single time. Peace

Friday, February 2, 2018

The point where it ALL matters.

Because Truth has been forgotten, too many are caught up and lost in the physical plain, distracted by the Past. Reliving it by keeping its memory alive, ex., "We will never forget 911...", "I can forgive but I will never forget", etc. 

Fear of what the Future holds becomes burdensome which causes stress and anxiety, when in fact, the Future does not exist (except in the mind). To come to the realization of Truth requires the willingness to accept what is! From this point anything is possible because it takes Clarity to successfully put forth a plan that makes sense.

Just like an athlete becomes laser focused and gets "in the zone" to perform at his/her best, so too must WE (human BEings) get "in the zone" of BEing. Presence is required in order to BE fully in the moment, NOW. Otherwise one will continue to be tortured by the mind either stressing about the Past (which will never change) or worried about the Future (which will never come - accept as the Present moment, NOW).

The moment Truth is remembered for what it is, Reality, the ability to accept Reality/Truth comes with the experience of Peace that sets you free.  It is the choice to either accept or deny Truth that brings with it either Pain and Suffering or Peace (of mind).  Because Truth is what it is, belief does not apply but acceptance on the other hand makes all the difference considering acceptance, not belief is where the possibility of positive change begins.

Remember Truth, You are LOVE. Because Truth has never and will never change, there is nothing (new) to be taught - yet Truth is too often forgotten. To recognize Truth, first within you, is to heal the mind of incessant thoughts about the Past  and Future. To accept Truth - You are LOVE - is to realize the efficacy of the Power of LOVE. Once realized, fear dissipates because only LOVE eliminates fear.  

BE Present. BE Still. BE Love. BE Peace. Peace

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Ego is still - and will ALWAYS be the problem.

Unless and until Truth is remembered for what it is (LOVE,) ego will continue to be the root cause of any/all conflict. It is only when Truth is forgotten, that ego interjects; first by distractions then with fear.

The "trick" is simply to always bring the mind back to Truth. Although this task is simple, it is far from easy. Ego would like you to continue to believe Time is what it takes to resolve conflict however because only Truth sets you free, there is no Peace without Truth.

Too many believe removing oneself from "toxic" people and/or situations is how Peace is gained but Truth of the matter is your response (not reaction) to every situation is what maintains and/or reestablishes Peace.

There must be a pause i.e., stillness that occurs in order to recognize the right decision to make in every situation. The first right decision is to always first pause. It is the space of stillness that offers - never imposes - the only right answer. A pause, however brief, is how Truth can be recognized yet acceptance of Truth is how "freedom" is experienced.

Because Truth is not of this world, it has nothing to do with Time.  Because ego is on borrowed Time, it doesn't have Time to waste which explains why Shame and Regret are the results of making the wrong decision whenever ego is involved.

Let us (ALL of mankind) remember who WE are, LOVE, expressed in the physical and [very] temporary human form. Because only LOVE is Real, anything other than LOVE is, without fail,  a cry for LOVE because LOVE has simply been forgotten. Remember this and the enticing fragrance of needing to "protect" your image/reputation by retaliating (which always involves ego and always ends in conflict,) will be less and less effective.

Let us not continue to suffer in Denial of what WE know is Real and the only way to Peace - LOVE. Ego has no place here. Ego has done enough damage, don't you think? Be You, BE LOVE. Peace

Monday, January 22, 2018

"Time's up" because the Time is NOW.

This is yet another moment in Time where History is repeating itself because the lessons that have come in the Past have yet to be learned and understood. What is believed to be the right, noble, just thing to do, is never forget what happened. As if keeping that moment alive by memorializing  it will prevent it from happening again. 

Truth is, until and unless WE (human beings) wake up and realize it's Time for change, the possibility of progress will continue to be something to work towards and/or hope for. The good news is there is a shift in energy that is taking place and the blanket of silence and shame is finally coming off!

Because Blame is a complete waste of Time and the Time for  positive change is always NOW, we are witnessing positive change. One exciting example is the 2018's unprecedented surge of female candidates. This is the result of better choices being made by those that refuse to let History continue to strike blows that at best may cause a bit of inconvenience or at the very worst, totally devastate lives. 

What we're dealing with today are human rights issues and the piece that must be remembered is: because someone has the right to do something, doesn't make it the right thing to do. WE (human beings) must be reminded that WE are ALL in this TOGETHER. Unless and until we acknowledge and accept this fact, pain and suffering will continue to lead to war and death because fear is behind it ALL.

Because WE are human BEings, WE have the right to BE what/whoever. Coming back to basic mutual respect for one another (regardless of race, religion, gender, political party, sexuality, class, ethnic background, disability, etc.) is the first step toward learning from the Past while growing and flourishing through its lessons. 

The Time is NOW. Peace

Friday, January 12, 2018

Ego is the root cause of ignorance and arrogance.

Whenever ego is involved, conflict and drama is unavoidable. Rather than focus on ignorance and arrogance which comes from ego, the most effective thing to do is remember Truth. When Truth is remembered, the urge to defend, lash out, and/or even try to make sense of what makes no sense, dissolves

Only when Truth is remembered will the opportunity for growth and improvement be seen for what it is. Because only LOVE is Real, every situation is an opportunity for growth and improvement. The key is to not fall for ego's tricks because although they make absolutely no sense, the damage left in the aftermath is never worth the time invested.

Because Truth has been forgotten, its Power is believed to hurt when in fact the opposite is True. Truth is, only LOVE is Real. Truth is nothing Real, LOVE, can threatened. Truth is, nothing unreal exists, its all made up by ego yet believed to be True.

Belief is part of the problem. Please understand, because something is believed to be True does not make it so. Truth is what it is whether it is believed or not. Truth is, WE (human beings,) are LOVE. Because only LOVE is Real, LOVE is in spite of ignorance and arrogance, etc. LOVE can not be diminished by ignorance and arrogance, that's ego.

When Truth (LOVE) is remembered, the opportunity for growth and improvement brings Healing. When Truth is forgotten, the same opportunity is interpreted, by ego, as an attack that deserves a counter attack. This simply continues the vicious and senseless cycle we see happening everyday!   

Remember Truth, it sets you free.  Choose LOVE...every time all the time to experience the Peace that surpasses all understanding. Peace