Monday, October 17, 2022

Death…the ultimate reminder of Truth.

Death is not to be feared, it is to be respected because it reminds US (human BEings) of Truth - our time here is temporary

Death is a part of Life, it’s not the end of Life. Death is the end of birth. We’ve been conditioned to celebrate birth and do so every year yet death is not to be discussed until it approaches and/or poses a “threat”. 

Suffering comes from the inability to accept what is, Reality. Reality is what is, in spite of everything else. made up by ego. This explains why when Reality “hits”, ego is no where to be found. 

Nothing “hits” like a Reality check from Death! Accepting the fact that WE (Human BEings) ALL have an unknown expiration date is one way to focus   energy on what matters; your time here, NOW. 

The NOW is what matters considering it’s the only “Time” Real change/growth/evolution happens…within. One must BE Still/Silent to remember what is Known, just forgotten; there is nothing to fear…not even Death. 

Death is a part of Life and Life will begin to seem a bit more valuable…particularly to those dealing with a terminal illness. It doesn’t have to take a near Death experience to respect and value Life yet it does the trick every time. 

Know this, the point of Life is for the experience of it! Nothing more, nothing less, which is why “you can’t take it with you!” 

The True value/worth is what can’t be bought or sold…Life. Choose to see the value in it NOW…tomorrow is not guaranteed because it’s not Real. Only LOVE is Real. 



Monday, September 19, 2022

It’s about the journey, not the destination!

It’s not about the destination but the journey through Life that makes all the difference in the world. Because WE (human BEings) are not of this world, this (earth) is not our destination but merely a temporary experience of Life in human (physical) form. 

WE (human BEings) are, at the core essence of our BEingness, the Spirit of Love. Not to be confused the emotion but to be clear, Agape; selfless

The fact that Truth has been forgotten does not in any way, shape or form change the fact that Truth is what it is, Reality. 

Here is the Truth, only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists; except for in the mind, made up by ego out of fear. 

Fear of the unknown because ego must be in control and so makes up worst case scenarios because it can’t imagine things being and/or getting better. That would mean the elimination of its existence and ego won’t have that! 

Ego continues to cause confusion, chaos and drama out of fear in order to stay relevant. However Peace (of mind) is experienced in remembering what is already Known, simply forgotten (Truth/LOVE).

Peace (of mind) is experienced in the Silence/Stillness of Truth. One must be willing to first, accept Truth (Reality) for what it is, in order to see (Clearly) it is the response and not a reaction, is how Peace is experienced.   

Because Life here in physical form is temporary only Truth has value because everything else is made up by ego and its insecurities. 

Truth stands the tests of Time where Life’s situations don’t last always. This means in spite of the circumstance, “I will remain Still” because Peace comes from within

Enjoy the journey in spite of the situations presented by Life. It’s never personal but always and only for One’s growth/evolution back to Truth. Only LOVE is Real. BE Still. 


Friday, May 27, 2022


Because Life - circumstances beyond control happens with/without assistance, Peace (of mind) is experienced by accepting what already is

Acceptance allows for progress because it is open where denial of what is, is closed off which offers no progress but leaves stagnation resulting in Suffering/Depression. 

To remember Truth, there is nothing to fear, comes from the fact that only LOVE is Real. Everything else is made up in the mind, by ego. 

Fear is a tool ego uses as a form of “protection” yet it only causes damage considering nothing Real can be threatened. 

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE, temporarily playing this game of lessons called Life. The game is played well when this is remembered; 

1. The little me/you (ego) is not in control. 

2. Take nothing personally. Peace (of mind) is maintained by allowing what is, to BE.  Strength/Power is activated when choosing to not fail the test by engaging in the nonsense . 

Tests are passed when One chooses to remain Present and remember the fact that everything happens for a reason rather than react, i,e, panic, worry, stress, etc. 

The “reason” is only and always for One’s growth. It’s an opportunity to learn and evolve. To take matters personally misses the point. In the sport of archery, the term used for this sin - to miss the point, mark, bullseye. 

Treasure every moment instead and be grateful for the most precious gift of Life (breath). Know this, to exhale brings the breath back. To inhale, cuts the breath off. So exhale and let go of what is not controlled, Life. 

Go with the flow of Life by accepting what already is  and letting go what is not at this very moment. It is from this space, Presence, that offers Peace (of mind). It’s experience renews Strength/Power within, (LOVE) which sets you free! 

Exhale. Life is happening for you! Enjoy it while you still can. 


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Its never personal.

 The moment Truth has been forgotten, the opposite, lies is believed to be True. Considering Truth is what it is (Reality,) acceptance of what is is for those in denial which is where suffering comes from. Truth is, only LOVE is Real. Everything else is  made up in the mind left unoccupied and taken over by ego. At this point, anything is up for grabs because nothing is based on Truth. 

The fact that WE (human BEings) are LOVE, temporarily manifested in physical form is the only thing that matters. Choosing to remember this is where/how Clarity sheds light on the situation(s) allowing for One to respond rather than react. The moment We (human BEings) tap into the Power of our True essence (LOVE,) and act from that space where there is no fear, is when miracles happen by healing...the disturbed mind. 

Growth/evolution is a direct result of overcoming difficult situations - by going through them. Allowing what is to come then allowing what was to go. Making/taking nothing personal by detaching from the story ego insists must never be forgotten...”for your own protection,” is the first step in the process of evolution. 

Because everything happens for a reason, asking the question "what am I learn from this?" and being still/quiet enough to receive the answer is key when it comes to learning from experience. Otherwise the blessing is missed because the mind is trapped in fear. 

Choose to remember Truth, there is nothing to fear, by returning to the Present moment (NOW) and BE grateful for the Strength (within) to deal with anything Life presents. Continue to show up whole, fully aware of Truth, WE (human BEings) are LOVE and what "seemed" like the impossible will miraculously BE.

The magic is Knowing it always works out in the end. The lesson is in trusting the process. Growth/evolution is in the ability to see things for what they are, Life lessons, nothing more - nothing less. Positive change comes first from being able to recognize the need for change then the willingness to let go of what was and the need to know what will be. What will be, will BE. 

BE Still. There is nothing to fear. Breathe, deeply, consciously. Life here is temporary, make it count while it is still possible. 


Saturday, May 14, 2022

Enjoy the moment!

Considering the fact that Life is a game that is played well whenever the one rule is remembered; you are not in control, the opposite reflects the same however the later causes and leaves damage and destruction because Truth has been forgotten. Truth is, only LOVE is Real and nothing Real can be threatened. 

Because WE (human BEings) are LOVE - the highest form expressed in the physical realm, any/all negative feelings are indications of the mind trapped in fear, by ego. The one and only solution to realigning with Spirit (LOVE/GOD) is and will always be to return to the Present moment and choose to remember Truth; there is nothing to fear.  

Circumstances are a part of Life. The problem occurs when they are seen and taken personally, by ego rather than from the perspective of the Third eye (WHOLLY Spirit) which sees matters for what they are, lessons to be learned. Nothing more, nothing less. 

The point of it ALL is to learn, grow and evolve from each and every situation otherwise the whole point will have been missed. And this, in the term of archery, is a sin; to have missed the point, mark, bullseye. Yet Life will continue to repeat itself (History) until the lesson - you are not in control, is received and understood. Too often it is forced through crisis which has a way of "awakening" the disillusioned to what really matters when it comes a matter of Life and Death.

As transient BEings, Life is best lived in the moment, bearing in mind Past and Future are concepts of the mind that do not actually exist. The Past cannot be erased or returned to. What's done is done. The best thing one can do is to learn and grow from past experiences. The future is anticipated yet when it happens, it will be in the Present moment, NOW. The best thing to do is remember Truth; there is nothing to fear. 

Choose to remember the True essence of BEing (LOVE) so to see and appreciate the precious and priceless gift of Life (breath) while still physical form. Because Time is guaranteed to no one, enjoying the Present moment, no matter how challenging is where the magic happens. It is specifically during uncertain times are WE (human BEings) to remember Truth; THE I AM is in control. 

Tap into Your Power and Strength by going within to BE still and recharge. It is then Life is seen for what it is, Reality. Nothing more. Nothing less. Because WE (human BEings) are co-creators, choosing to accept what already is allows space for the possibility of improvement. This is where growth and evolving comes in to play. This has more to do with the willingness to be open than it does to do with age.

Choose to BE YOU, LOVE and enjoy Life!... while still here in this realm. 


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

LOVE is all that matters.

Nothing matters until it is given meaning, until then, it doesn’t matter because it means nothing

This is precisely what ego wants to keep from Truth however because Truth is what it is, it can be denied but Truth will never change. 

Truth is WE (human BEings) are temporarily occupying the physical form/body solely for the experience of Life. 

Each One of us has an expiration date that comes with the birth date. One is celebrated while the other is feared. 

Truth is because WE (human BEings) are not the physical form/body but the Spirit/Energy of LOVE, there is nothing to fear. Death is a part of Life in the physical realm. Life continues endlessly

Choose to remember Truth - Only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened. There is  nothing to fear. WE (human BEings) are LOVE, having a temporary human experience through Life. 

The point of Life is not about how much is or can be acquired while here because without LOVE, it means nothing

LOVE is not found in things/acquisitions because LOVE can not be bought. Ego however knows nothing about LOVE which explains the constant search and need for more.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) get back to Truth, WE are LOVE, the point of living will have been missed. Archery; sin - to miss the point/bullseye. 

Experience requires Presence (of mind). Choose to not allow ego to continue to make shit up for protection. It never works! 

BE LOVE. LOVE never fails! 


Sunday, April 10, 2022


Because LOVE, not ego’s version, the emotion which changes depending on the circumstance, but the Energy/Spirit, is who WE (human BEings) are, there is nothing that is required or expected. 

Because only LOVE is Real there is nothing to fear - it’s all made up in the mind by ego. LOVE has nothing to prove because everything else is made up which explains why it makes no sense yet continues to cause unnecessary problems/drama…ego’s main and only purpose for existence.

WE (human BEings) however are here temporarily in physical human form to simply experience Life in whatever form it takes. 

Unless and until Truth is remembered, WE (human BEings) are LOVE having a temporary human experience of Life, the point of living will have been missed. And in the term of archery, that - to have missed the point/bullseye, is a sin

Choosing to not take matters personally, no matter how personal they may seem, saves the embarrassment that is the result of ego causing problems and not knowing its place. 

Get back to BEing YOU (LOVE) and Truth will be recognized; Only LOVE is Real. Remembering One’s True essence (LOVE) dissipates fear for where there is LOVE there is no fear because there is nothing to fear. 

One must BE LOVE to recognize LOVE through ego’s disguise (fear). It is at this point where LOVE extends itself, specifically because ego is not involved. Ego would never! That takes humility of which ego knows nothing about. 

BE YOU, LOVE (Whole - no requirements, no expectations, no needs/wants, Present, Conscious, Awake, Alert) and every Life situation will be seen and taken for what it is, a temporary situation that is not meant to be held onto. 

Life has a lesson in each and every situation and the test will always and only be to remember Truth - WE (human BEings) are LOVE. 

One will never fail when it comes to LOVE. 1. Because LOVE never fails, it is in no competition. 2. LOVE has nothing to prove and so needs no validation, ego does. 3. LOVE allows what is to come and go because only LOVE is Real (consistent). 

Be easy. BE LOVE (YOU). 



Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Go within and BE LOVE (YOU).

Because WE (human BEings) are not the physical form/body but the Spirit/Energy (LOVE) within, Peace (of mind) is experienced the moment Truth is remembered - Only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace that surpasses all understanding. 

The moment Truth is forgotten, fear takes over (by ego,) disguised as protection but causes problems (worrying, panicking, etc.) rather than bring Solutions (acceptance of what is and finding the silver lining in every situation to learn from it). 

Life’s “lessons” are reminders of what is too often forgotten; The Solution to all problems are found within. Problems are found without (lack) where Solutions are found within (Whole) and Peace (of mind) is experienced…for even just a moment. 

Choose to remember what is Known, just forgotten; There is nothing to fear. Problems are made up in the mind, by ego, in fear of what may or may not happen. Because ego must cause and maintain drama in order to exist, the worst case scenario is always the first thing ego sees. Hence the worrying, panicking, etc. 

Managing One’s Energy - by remaining Present/Still/Conscious/Awake/Alert, is the key to regain and  maintain Peace (of mind) in spite of what may seem like an impossible situation.  

BE Still. Continue to trust the process. It’s not about what Life is doing but about what is being done with what Life is doing.

Choose to not take matters personally, it’s never personal, it’s just Life. Awareness, Acceptance, Allowance of what Life presents is how to avoid further suffering on a collective/global scale. 

Go within and BE LOVE (YOU).


Friday, April 1, 2022


Unless/until WE (human BEings) remember Truth - we are LOVE, respect will continue to be seen as something that can be demanded.

Because only LOVE is Real, respect is automatically given and received. When not in the right mind (present, conscious, awake, alert) however, ego takes over and causes problems,  where there aren’t any (insecurities,) then demands respect. 

Respect is given freely when ego is non existent. Ego, on the other hand, has conditions and only gives respect where respect is due - once those conditions have been met. 

Respect for one another as human BEings is the first step toward Peace (of mind) because of the fact that WE are LOVE temporarily occupying the physical form (body).  This is the foundation to where LOVE is displayed in action and not words.

To Know and remember One’s True nature (LOVE) is to have self respect and maintain it particularly when challenged by another that has forgotten their True nature (LOVE). 

Because only LOVE is Real, it does not change which is the sole reason when present, conscious, awake, alert, disrespect is seen for exactly what it is, a cry for LOVE. Otherwise matters will be taken personally and the respect factor will have been lost - over what was meant for One’s growth/evolvement. 

Stay Present, Conscious, Awake, Alert  and respect for self and others will be a way of Life which offers Peace (of mind)…in spite of Life’s circumstances.




When WE (human BEings) remember the True essence of our BEingness, LOVE, the freedom to just BE will be the experience of Life - the way it was meant to be lived. 

Until then, fear will continue to be the reason for chaos and confusion which always ends in suffering. The point history is trying to make - by repeating itself - is simple; 

1. Learn from the Past. This means taking a moment to ask the question “What is/was this here to teach me?” rather than asking “why me?”. Why not you? Choose to change your perspective on Life and Life will change your perspective on everything else. 

2. Allow each circumstance aka Test to teach the lesson it carries. This is done by not taking it personally otherwise the point will have been missed. Life has a way, called history, of getting its point across and  history will repeat itself until the lesson is learned. Acceptance of what is along with applying what was learned from past tests is where growth/positive change begins. Know this, circumstances change, the lesson never changes.

3. BE YOU (LOVE). How? In action. BE kind. BE honest. BE respectful. BE patient. BE understanding. BE thoughtful. BE empathetic. BE gentle. BE open. BE willing. BE fair. BE grateful. BE present. Peace


Monday, March 28, 2022

Don’t be tricked!

Because WE (human BEings) have forgotten the True essence of our BEingness (LOVE,) we believe we are this physical form, body. 

This belief is what ego uses to disguise Truth with its most effective tool, fear. One must be Present/Conscious/Awake/Alert in order to not get tricked by ego, only to end up with shame and regret after the damage has already been done. 

Ego’s one and only purpose is to be and remain relevant - by any means necessary! Because only LOVE is Real, ego makes up shit in order to cause and maintain conflict and confusion

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE, temporarily occupying a physical form/body. The physical form (body) is solely for one purpose - the experience of Life.

Whenever ego is not checked, by choosing to be and remain Present/Conscious/Awake/Alert, the point of Life is mistaken for bad/good luck, and the experience is taken personally when its Life, nothing personal. Ego takes everything personal which explains how/why it’s so easily offended. 

Choose to remember what you Know, but may have forgotten - the end of Birth is Death, not Life. Life is eternal. The physical form (body) is a temporary gift, in the breath of Life, which allows One the experience of Life. 

Do not begin/continue to waste precious Time - that is guaranteed to no One - on what doesn’t matter, particularly because Death is at every corner!

Choose to “die before you Die” by living Consciously in humility and Peace (of mind) will be the experience of Life which is priceless

Nothing is worth One’s Peace (of mind) yet when it comes to ego, the slightest thing is worth enough to stir up problems where there aren’t any. This happens when the mind is left unattended. 

It doesn’t take long for ego to distract One with nonsense in order to entertain and stay relevant…at the owner’s expense for not being and staying  Present/Conscious/Awake/Alert. 

Life here in physical form, is not to be wasted on Time (Past/Future) because the experience of Life is only an always in the NOW - where miracles are witnessed! 

Be grateful for  the experience (good, bad, indifferent) of Life because it is all for One’s benefit/Conscious evolution. 

Remember Truth, only LOVE is Real and nothing unreal exists; except for in the mind, by ego, where the problem begins and remains. Solution - no ego, no problem!

BE easy! BE YOU (LOVE). 


Friday, March 25, 2022

Hello, LOVE.

WE (human BEings) have forgotten the True nature of our BEingness, LOVE. LOVE is boundless yet there must be a form for something to BE. 

As LOVE, in temporary form of human BEings, Truth is what must be present for One to experience LOVE. Otherwise ego will (continue to) take over, in the mind, and cause a whole mess with fear.

Peace (of mind) comes the moment Truth is remembered - only LOVE is Real. LOVE is experienced - through action, the moment fear is no longer a factor. 

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are far more capable of experiencing Peace, on earth, once the Reality of the Source of Power (LOVE) is tapped into. 

The illusion of LOVE seems safer because ego’s version comes with conditions which too many  believe are for protection. Ironically enough however, it is intentionally meant to do more harm than good. 

Choose to not give energy to what does not make sense. To do so would be insane yet there is evidence of it everywhere. So much so, it, authenticity, seems to be a rare yet valuable treasure to be cherished. Simply because when it comes to ego, nothing is Real. Everything is made up (in the mind) in fear which explains why it makes no sense yet causes so much damage. 

The form/body has its limits and so does the mind. LOVE, on the other hand, is limitless,  priceless and one of a kind because there is nothing like it. Meaning there is no comparison so… BE YOU, (LOVE)!


Thursday, March 24, 2022

Presence is where magic/miracles happen!

Because WE (human BEings) are LOVE expressed through energy, the form (body) is how energy/LOVE is transferred from one to another and recognized in  action

This explains why words are not necessary when it comes to LOVE. Action on the other hand, speaks louder than words because LOVE has nothing to prove considering, LOVE says it all

LOVE/energy is recognized when ego is not on the scene because it comes with fear. And that is its most effective tool used to distract one from Truth (LOVE). 

Because WE (human BEings) have forgotten the essence of our core BEingness (LOVE,) ego has made up its version of what it calls LOVE which requires an even exchange at the very least…for its own protection - never yours! 

Choose to remember, only LOVE is Real and nothing Real can be threatened. In spite of how challenging Life may appear, the Reality of it all - good, bad, indifferent, is the experience of it all

This is where growth/evolvement happens. It is in recognizing Truth - there is nothing to fear but something to learn from each and every life situation by 1. not taking matters personally, no matter how personal it may seem and 2. remembering “this too, shall pass!” that fosters Peace (of mind).

It is in becoming still and alert with the Present moment that creates the possibility of accepting and allowing what already is, to be. And if Peace (of mind) is the desired result, there will be no resisting and/or denial which imprisons when acceptance and allowance liberates!

Remember Truth, WE (human BEings) are LOVE temporarily in form (body) which comes with an unknown expiration date. 

In the mean time,  choose to BE YOU (LOVE) while taking every opportunity that presents itself to learn from each experience Life has for you! 


Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Everything has a season (a period of Time).

Unless WE (human BEings) remember the fact that while here in physical form, there will be a point when Time is up (for you,) Time will continue to be wasted toiling on what isn’t worth it while Life itself continues because Life is eternal - never ending. 

Considering the fact that WE (human Beings) are at the core essence of BEingness, energy/LOVE, it is always beneficial to all parties involved when in that frame of mind precisely because ego is not involved.

It takes Presence/awareness to not hold onto what was meant to be for a period of Time. All things come and go and accepting this Reality is how to avoid (further) suffering. It is in the allowance of what already is that brings freedom and Peace (of mind). 

When faced with challenges, it is more beneficial to remember “this too shall pass” and Know everything that happens has a lesson (gift) attached. 

The key is to not take matters personally which is precisely where growth comes from. “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” signifies growth, strength and wisdom - all of which are beneficial to one’s evolvement. 

Choose to allow what is, aka Life, to BE which is just for a season otherwise what was meant for one’s growth will have an adverse effect - all because ego refuses to let go of what it can’t control (Life). 

As a result, ego uses Time (Past/Future - two points in Life that do not exist) to distract the mind by causing chaos and conflict/drama where there was never a problem to begin with. When/if the mind is left unattended for any amount of Time, ego is bound to show up and start a scene.

Remember, Life aka challenges, is a gift! The prize is in learning the lesson each challenge presents itself in is for good and not to be taken personally otherwise the whole point would have been missed. 

Because history has a way of repeating itself, the lesson will present itself in another form, until the lesson is no longer needed. It’s  called Life, nothing personal! 

This fosters humility which never brings shame or regret where ego most certainly does, each and every time! 

Breathe. BE Still. Enjoy this moment in Peace, if only for a moment.


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

LOVE never dies.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) remember the True essence of our BEingness (LOVE,) the point of living will continue to be missed. In the term of archery, to sin is to have missed the point/bullseye/target.

Because WE (human BEings) are here, physically, for a matter of Time, the point is to “see/take” things for what they are, a Test - nothing personal, so no matter what happens, Peace (of mind) is maintained.  

Because challenges/difficult times are a part of Life, they are more likely to go just as quickly as they came if/when they’re not being held onto. 

Circumstances happen, in the moment, however it tends to be replayed over and over again in the mind afterwards because it hasn’t been let go (mentally). The  physical body is what relives the experience which continues the cycle, often times long after the situation occurred. 

To BE (LOVE) is to remember there is nothing to fear. Fear is not Real. It is made up in the mind, by ego. 

Choose to remember only LOVE is Real and what is True/Real is the fact that WE (human BEings) are LOVE, temporarily inhabiting the physical form. And when the form (body) expires, LOVE/Energy, remains.  LOVE/Energy never dies it is simply transferred from one form to another. 

Emotions change. LOVE does not. Physical form begins with Birth and ends with Death. Life, on the other hand, continues. While here, in physical form, choose to enjoy life by BEing YOU (LOVE) and the experience of life will be worth living! 


Sunday, March 13, 2022

Don’t get caught up!

Because WE (Human BEings) are here for a matter of Time, the point of Life is to enjoy the Time and not get caught up in the matter…”This too shall pass”!

Considering the fact that because Death comes after Birth, not Life, the point/purpose of Life is to learn and grow through the process otherwise the point/purpose/bullseye would have been missed. In the term of archery, missing the target is a sin

The target - object of attention, is to experience Life in whatever form it appears. Living Life in Peace (of mind) in spite of its challenges is precisely how to “hit the bullseye”! 

Remember Truth, only LOVE is Real. This alone dispels fear which is always the problem that only comes from ego. Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE, in physical form (body) temporarily here to experience LOVE by simply BEing One’s authentic self. 

Choose to just BE (LOVE) and allow Life to demonstrate what has been forgotten, Peace (of mind) comes from within

It’s a matter of perspective. The Third eye (Truth) cuts through the clouds of chaos and confusion caused by ego. All answers are clear and correct from this state of mind (Pease) where shame and regret do not exist because ego is not involved. 

BE Still and enjoy the ride. Cherish each moment. Make it count because it doesn’t otherwise. Don’t get caught up in what can’t be changed (Past) or what may/may not be (Future). That is a waste of Time of which is guaranteed to no one

You are LOVE. BE YOU, LOVE (action) in each/every situation  and miracles will continue to be what naturally heals. This is where growth comes from. 

Choose to not get caught up what is never personal but simply a Test (of your will to keep and maintain Peace (of mind) however challenging). 

Remember Truth, only LOVE is Real, and the lesson will have been learned. It’s all for the experience of Life or what’s the point of it all? 

Don’t get caught up in what is meant to come and go, it’s never worth One’s Peace (of mind). Choose Peace each and every time and the experience will be the reward that no money could buy! 


Thursday, March 10, 2022

It doesn’t matter.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) recognize the True essence of our BEingness (LOVE,) ego will continue to use fear to distract and destroy. 

What is to be remembered, because you already Know this, is because only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up in the mind (by ego) and made to seem Real. 

When Life is lived from the perspective of the Third eye, where Calm and Clarity provide the space for Knowledge, there is nothing to fear. 

This state of BEing is only accessible in complete Stillness where there are no doubts, worries, questions, concerns, hesitation, reservations, conditions, stipulations, demands, obligations, ultimatums, etc. 

This Knowing offers the Peace (of mind) that surpasses all understanding specifically because it comes from within. This explains why nothing on this planet is worth the cost of One’s Peace (of mind)… it is priceless!

Choose to remember, Presence (NOW/HERE) is where/how magic, aka miracles happen. One must be Present (in the mind) in order to manifest and/or receive “blessings”.

It’s in the doing (Service -  a helpful act) that blessings are shared by all parties. When ego is not on the scene, meaning expecting nothing in return, is where/how LOVE is expressed

Because only LOVE is Real, nothing else matters. Choose to not get caught up in ego’s traps; misunderstandings, misconceptions, personal agendas, personal vendettas, assuming, projecting, etc., of which all stem from fear. It’s not Real and so it doesn’t matter unless/until it’s given meaning.

What is given meaning is not Real - it’s made up, by ego. What is Real, (LOVE) doesn’t need meaning. Nothing means anything (nonsense) without LOVE! 


Friday, March 4, 2022

LOVE is a state of BEing. Peace is a state of mind.

Because WE (human BEings) have forgotten Truth - only LOVE is Real, the opposite is what’s believed to be True - LOVE is the enemy because it lies. 

Truth is, LOVE is not an emotion. Emotions change, depending on the circumstance, LOVE does not. LOVE is a state of BEing where it’s efficacy (ex., forgiveness, of self and others) is expressed in the doing. 

LOVE requires nothing because LOVE is everything, particularly that which seems furthest from LOVE. It’s simply a cry/demand for LOVE because Truth - only LOVE is Real, has been forgotten.  

Remember YOU (LOVE) and choose to live Life fully by BEing your highest self in action (service). Words are nice but not necessary when it comes to LOVE. 

LOVE recognizes only Truth, and ego will certainly rear its ugly head if/when no recognition/credit  is offered for its service. Ego always blows its own cover!

Because only LOVE is Real there are no strings attached which indicates no requirements, no stipulations, no payments due, no records kept, no worries, no doubts, no questions, no fears.

BE YOU (LOVE) and enjoy Life…while you still can! 


Thursday, March 3, 2022

Ego on display.

WE (Human BEings) have forgotten Truth, only LOVE is Real, chaos and confusion has set in as  we witness the result of ego in action.

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE that embodies the physical form.  Since the beginning of Time however the opposite is believed to be True which explains the state of mind and hence the unimaginable horror as the result of ego, unchecked.

This is nothing new. This is simply history repeating itself because the lesson - only LOVE is Real - has yet to be remembered. Truth isn’t taught, it’s forgotten  because Truth doesn’t change, lies do. 

Because ego is always looking for the opportunity to slide through the smallest crack, aka distraction, it uses its most reliable tool, fear, to cause confusion and chaos. 

This happens the moment fear sets in and LOVE is seen as the enemy. Life taken from ego’s point of view believes ego provides protection when in fact because only LOVE is Real, nothing Real can be threatened.

The mind on the other hand is at risk of being tricked, by ego, which explains why it is prevalent to stay awake so to not fall for ego’s nonsense. 

Because only LOVE IS Real, everything else is made up in the mind, by ego. The mind, left unattended long enough, will certainly result in Shame and Regret at some point in Time.

It takes Calm and Clarity to make sound/wise decisions of which come with no questions and no doubts, just a Knowing from within, the One True source of Power/Strength (LOVE). 

Choose to BE YOU, LOVE, by just BEing. Life, and all of its challenges, and are here for us. Remove ego from any and all situations by choosing to remember how precious each moment here is so that Death doesn’t have to remind us of the inevitable. 

Live authentically. Live fearlessly. Live intentionally. Live boldly. Live freely. LIVE in action of LOVE, and miracles will (continue to) happen naturally.



Wednesday, March 2, 2022

When you Know, there are no questions.

Question something if it doesn’t sit well in your Spirit. The fact that you have to question it in the first place is the first sign that something isn’t right. That’s if you’re paying attention. 

If, on the other hand, it resonates, that is an indication it offers the experience of Peace that only Truth provides. Where there is only a Knowing. No questions because there are no doubts/worries which only come as a result of chaos/confusion - a direct correlation to fear. 

There is no fear in LOVE where Truth resides. 

BE Still and continue to Know the Power/Strength within aka Holy Spirit is the Guide (Clarity/Calm) needed to remember and “See” Truth for what it is (Reality).  

The moment Reality is accepted for what it is, (a Test) and not taken personally is when the experience of Peace is offered and Truth is no longer feared considering Truth is the solution to any/all problems. 

It is at this point that other/better  opportunities present themselves as “answered prayers” otherwise Denial will continue to be the reason Suffering is the price that must be paid (because of ego) for refusing to accept what already is. Peace

Monday, February 28, 2022

Life is a Game. Enjoy the journey!

Considering the fact that WE (human BEings) are, at the smallest molecular structure, energy, it is no surprise we attract what it is we focus on. 

To get back to Truth, would dispel ego once and for all.  Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE manifested into the physical realm, as human form which comes with an expiration date. 

We (human BEings) have forgotten Truth and so wear a mask, (ego) for protection. To remember Truth is to Know only LOVE is Real. Everything else is made up, in the mind, by ego. Nothing Real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists, except for in the mind, by ego. 

Choose to stay awake by paying attention to the activities (thoughts) going on in the mind. Peace of mind comes as an experience once the decision to not entertain the ones that are stuck in the Past or the Future - two points in time that do not exist, except for in the mind.  

Life is experienced in the Here and NOW. Pain is a part of Life, Suffering however is a decision to relive past experiences and/or stress over what is yet to come but never may. 

Because Truth doesn’t change, it requires nothing. Truth is what it is whether it is accepted or not or even acknowledged for that matter. 

Peace of mind on the other hand requires both the acknowledgment and acceptance of Truth to experience it otherwise Denial sets in and makes itself at home. Too much time spent in denial will certainly bring along Depression and Anxiety.  

Do not create more problems by focusing on what may or may not be. Choose rather to be Grateful for Life in spite of its challenges because they’re a part of Life and to not be taken personally. 

It’s all a test - it’s nothing personal. Remember this when being “tested” and choose to pause and breathe rather than react and the lesson will have been learned. If not Shame and Regret are soon to follow suit and the test will present itself again in another situation. Until the lesson is learned, history will continue to repeat itself. 

Ultimately Peace (of mind) can not be bought because it is priceless - not of this world which means nothing on earth is worth it. It’s not given and so nothing can take it away yet it can be interrupted and even taken over by, ego. This is done the moment the mind is left unattended and Truth is forgotten

Because Time is guaranteed to no one, choose to manifest (conscious focus) creations that make positive impacts on others. The effects will multiply in blessings because LOVE recognizes LOVE and LOVE is best expressed through action and not words. This is because “action speaks louder than words.”

Choose to remember your True self, LOVE, and decide to live fearlessly and freely while still here. Life is a Game that’s played well when Present in the mind so Clarity keeps ego in check and no further damage is done. 

Its a journey. Don’t allow ego to ruin it with its shenanigans. In spite of it all, only YOU get to enjoy it for you! Peace.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

You either play or get played.

Life is a game. WE (Human BEings) either play or get played! How to not get played? Do not take matters personally. 

Everything in Life comes with a lesson. If/when seen and taken otherwise, the point would have been missed. And in the term of archery, to miss the point/mark, is a sin

How to not miss the point/mark of Life? Pay attention! Ego requires an empty/unoccupied mind in order to maintain its existence (illusion). It needs to start and/or maintain  problems by making up stories (in fear). 

Presence (consciousness) is required in order to pay attention. Miracles, aka solutions, happen in the NOW, never the Past or Future. Two periods of time that  are merely a man made concept. Not convinced?  A brush with Death is likely to  change one’s perspective on Time. 

Choose to see and take Life (“good/bad”) as it comes - whether you’re prepared for it or not. Why? Because Life happens whether you’re ready or not. 

The Joy of Life is in understanding how it works. You see, Life is a game that is played well by allowing what already is, to BE. 

Surrendering - not quitting - is the key to seeing clearly what is really going on. To surrender, one must be Present (NOW) and accept what is in order to move forward. By surrendering and accepting what is, one will always find/see Truth for what it is, Reality - temporary

Truth is a reminder there is nothing to fear (ever). What will be, will BE. Truth is because of the nature of our core BEingness (LOVE,) there is no threat. Only LOVE is Real, and nothing Real can be threatened. 

BE Still. Pay attention. BE Present. Be grateful for the experience of BEing alive because one day you won’t be. You are NOW, so live life to the fullest, NOW while you still can!

BE YOU (LOVE). Peace

Monday, January 24, 2022

Life is eternal. Living is in the experience while alive!

Because Life is what it is, Reality, Peace (of mind) comes with accepting Reality for what it is - Life. 

The experience of Life is the point of living. Living one’s best life depends on the perspective of the situation and/or Life in general. 

Choose to not take matters personally by remembering that everything in Life happens for a reason, or it wouldn’t happen at all

When faced with challenges, which is a part of Life, a part of growing/evolving is in taking a moment to ask the question “what am I to learn from this?” If Peace (of mind) is really the  desired result, there must be no sign of ego. And Truth will be in the action taken.  

Allowing a pause for consideration leaves room for little/no regret where because ego is a “know it all” there is never anything/anyone one to consider. 

The chances of experiencing shame/regret are higher whenever ego is on the scene because ego creates and maintains a false sense of reality through fear and drama disguised as LOVE. 

Peace (of mind) is experienced and maintained by remembering to tap into the Power/Strength within (LOVE). Surrendering to the Present moment - here (NOW) is the first step toward experiencing Peace (of mind). 

Otherwise the mind will remain hostage, and trapped in fear, by ego. Fear of what may or may not happen. Future - a point in time that does not exist (NOW). Fear of what should’ve happened but didn’t may happen again. Past - a point in time that does not exist (NOW). 

In order to break the cycle of insanity; doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result - one must be willing to face Reality for what it is (Life). There is nothing personal about Life. Problems come about, by ego, the moment matters are taken personally. 

The silver lining that comes with each challenge is in finding the lesson. This is how one learns from experience  otherwise history will continue to repeat itself; until the lesson is learned (not memorized). 

BE Still. Ah! Ha! moments are experienced in Stillness. BE Grateful for Life. We (human BEings) may not be in control of outside circumstances however we are certainly in control of how we respond rather than react. 

BE YOU (LOVE). Peace 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Enjoy playing the game!

Unless/until WE (human BEings) realize that Life, here in the physical form is a miracle, challenging circumstances will continue to be seen and taken as something that shouldn’t happen.

Peace (of mind) comes from Knowing and remembering that Life is a game that comes with one rule “You are not in control of outside circumstances.” 

However because of who YOU are at the core essence of BEing (LOVE) the miracle is  “found” by tapping into the source of Power/Strength that comes from within (LOVE) so to respond rather than react to whatever situation.  

Clarity, from the perspective of the Third eye, is how the game, Life, is played well. Otherwise Life will continue to be taken personally where there is little to no room/opportunity for growth. And growth comes from finding and learning from the lesson that is in everything. 

Shedding layers of what is believed to be one’s identification may seem daunting only because ego uses superficial ways to make connections out of fear of becoming insignificant. 

Truth is because WE (human BEings) are LOVE, temporarily occupying the physical form (body,) there is no need to seek value in a thing or validation from anyone/thing. No thing and/or no one can add or reduce its value because LOVE is priceless

Only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace that surpasses all understanding. 

Breathe. BE Still. BE Present. BE Grateful. 

The answer (LOVE ) is YOU. Peace. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

Take a moment to make it count.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) recognize the True essence of our BEingness, LOVE, the entire point of being here would’ve been missed. That, in the term of archery, is a sin - to have missed the point/mark aka bull’s eye.

WE (human BEings,) particularly in the Western parts of the world, have been conditioned, in fear, to believe success is the equivalent to material wealth. 

Until one realizes, understands and accepts the fact that nothing on this planet can equal the value of one’s Life, Time here will continue to be wasted on what doesn’t matter NOW.

Until the realization of how precious Time here really is, taken into account, the sin will continue to be in the constant pursuit of something

When in fact, because WE (human BEings) are not of this world - we’re here temporarily - there is nothing that could ever bring the Joy and Peace (of mind) like the Present moment, no matter how challenging. 

Choose to take this Time to focus the mind on the breath, the True miracle of Life, to align with the Spirit of your True nature, LOVE. 

From this point, the probability of making Real positive change increases, particularly because ego is not involved to promote fear. 

Breathe. It really is a blessing! Someone just took their last. Peace. 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Before your Time is up.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) accept the fact that Life, here in the physical form, is simply to experience ALL of what Life has to offer, fear will continue to be the cause of problems because ego takes matters personally. 

Because everything in Life happens for a reason, the lesson is to find the blessing in everything! Otherwise ego will judge and find fault in each and every situation by using it’s most effective tool, fear, to control and stagnant the mere attempt of progress/evolution. 

Fortunately, because the Truth  of  who WE (human BEings) Really are, LOVE, it is simply a matter of  realizing and accepting this fact to invoke Real change - which first takes place within.

Choose to live Life from the perspective of the Third eye where the light of Clarity offers Peace (of mind). Clarity keeps ego in check considering ego needs chaos and confusion to maintain its senseless path toward destruction leaving nothing but Shame and Regret in its wake. 

We know better. Let us do better (within). Peace. 

Monday, January 3, 2022

It’s just a nightmare. It’s not Real!

Awakening happens when the illusion of what Life is meant to be becomes so intolerable whatever circumstance cracks/shatters what was once lived as a dream that turned into a nightmare.

It is at this point of seeing things clearly for what they are (Reality) that positive change is not only possible but likely. 

It is the decision to accept Reality for what it is, that opens the doors for “miracles” to occur. Miracles happen naturally however WE (human BEings) too often get in the way because of fear.  Fear of the unknown. 

Unless/until WE (human BEings) remember the True nature of our core BEingness - LOVE - ego will continue to use fear as it’s only yet most effective  form of “control”. 

Choose to remember because only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up which explains why it makes no sense. Rather than question what doesn’t seem right, WE (human BEings) tend to “go with the flow” because that’s the way it’s always been. 

Truth is what is True isn’t taught because Truth doesn’t change. WE (human BEings) are told lies from birth and taught to believe it to be True. 

Choose to wake up to the fact that Life in this physical form is simply a moment in “Time” where we get to experience Life and all of what it entails. 

The “golden nugget” is to: 

1. Not take Life personally. It’s a game but not a joke!

2. BE  and stay in a state of gratitude for everything because there is a lesson in it. 

3. When being “tested”, remember it’s a test and you’re less likely to take it personally which is precisely how the test is failed

4. Trust Life’s process and Know by taking a moment to reflect and respond rather than react is how lessons are learned. 

5. Lastly, choose to not let Death be the reminder of how precious the breath of Life really is. 

Stay awake. BE Grateful. BE still and you will experience the Peace that surpasses all understanding. Peace