Thursday, March 24, 2022

Presence is where magic/miracles happen!

Because WE (human BEings) are LOVE expressed through energy, the form (body) is how energy/LOVE is transferred from one to another and recognized in  action

This explains why words are not necessary when it comes to LOVE. Action on the other hand, speaks louder than words because LOVE has nothing to prove considering, LOVE says it all

LOVE/energy is recognized when ego is not on the scene because it comes with fear. And that is its most effective tool used to distract one from Truth (LOVE). 

Because WE (human BEings) have forgotten the essence of our core BEingness (LOVE,) ego has made up its version of what it calls LOVE which requires an even exchange at the very least…for its own protection - never yours! 

Choose to remember, only LOVE is Real and nothing Real can be threatened. In spite of how challenging Life may appear, the Reality of it all - good, bad, indifferent, is the experience of it all

This is where growth/evolvement happens. It is in recognizing Truth - there is nothing to fear but something to learn from each and every life situation by 1. not taking matters personally, no matter how personal it may seem and 2. remembering “this too, shall pass!” that fosters Peace (of mind).

It is in becoming still and alert with the Present moment that creates the possibility of accepting and allowing what already is, to be. And if Peace (of mind) is the desired result, there will be no resisting and/or denial which imprisons when acceptance and allowance liberates!

Remember Truth, WE (human BEings) are LOVE temporarily in form (body) which comes with an unknown expiration date. 

In the mean time,  choose to BE YOU (LOVE) while taking every opportunity that presents itself to learn from each experience Life has for you! 


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