Wednesday, March 16, 2022

LOVE never dies.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) remember the True essence of our BEingness (LOVE,) the point of living will continue to be missed. In the term of archery, to sin is to have missed the point/bullseye/target.

Because WE (human BEings) are here, physically, for a matter of Time, the point is to “see/take” things for what they are, a Test - nothing personal, so no matter what happens, Peace (of mind) is maintained.  

Because challenges/difficult times are a part of Life, they are more likely to go just as quickly as they came if/when they’re not being held onto. 

Circumstances happen, in the moment, however it tends to be replayed over and over again in the mind afterwards because it hasn’t been let go (mentally). The  physical body is what relives the experience which continues the cycle, often times long after the situation occurred. 

To BE (LOVE) is to remember there is nothing to fear. Fear is not Real. It is made up in the mind, by ego. 

Choose to remember only LOVE is Real and what is True/Real is the fact that WE (human BEings) are LOVE, temporarily inhabiting the physical form. And when the form (body) expires, LOVE/Energy, remains.  LOVE/Energy never dies it is simply transferred from one form to another. 

Emotions change. LOVE does not. Physical form begins with Birth and ends with Death. Life, on the other hand, continues. While here, in physical form, choose to enjoy life by BEing YOU (LOVE) and the experience of life will be worth living! 


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