Sunday, March 13, 2022

Don’t get caught up!

Because WE (Human BEings) are here for a matter of Time, the point of Life is to enjoy the Time and not get caught up in the matter…”This too shall pass”!

Considering the fact that because Death comes after Birth, not Life, the point/purpose of Life is to learn and grow through the process otherwise the point/purpose/bullseye would have been missed. In the term of archery, missing the target is a sin

The target - object of attention, is to experience Life in whatever form it appears. Living Life in Peace (of mind) in spite of its challenges is precisely how to “hit the bullseye”! 

Remember Truth, only LOVE is Real. This alone dispels fear which is always the problem that only comes from ego. Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE, in physical form (body) temporarily here to experience LOVE by simply BEing One’s authentic self. 

Choose to just BE (LOVE) and allow Life to demonstrate what has been forgotten, Peace (of mind) comes from within

It’s a matter of perspective. The Third eye (Truth) cuts through the clouds of chaos and confusion caused by ego. All answers are clear and correct from this state of mind (Pease) where shame and regret do not exist because ego is not involved. 

BE Still and enjoy the ride. Cherish each moment. Make it count because it doesn’t otherwise. Don’t get caught up in what can’t be changed (Past) or what may/may not be (Future). That is a waste of Time of which is guaranteed to no one

You are LOVE. BE YOU, LOVE (action) in each/every situation  and miracles will continue to be what naturally heals. This is where growth comes from. 

Choose to not get caught up what is never personal but simply a Test (of your will to keep and maintain Peace (of mind) however challenging). 

Remember Truth, only LOVE is Real, and the lesson will have been learned. It’s all for the experience of Life or what’s the point of it all? 

Don’t get caught up in what is meant to come and go, it’s never worth One’s Peace (of mind). Choose Peace each and every time and the experience will be the reward that no money could buy! 


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