Monday, September 19, 2022

It’s about the journey, not the destination!

It’s not about the destination but the journey through Life that makes all the difference in the world. Because WE (human BEings) are not of this world, this (earth) is not our destination but merely a temporary experience of Life in human (physical) form. 

WE (human BEings) are, at the core essence of our BEingness, the Spirit of Love. Not to be confused the emotion but to be clear, Agape; selfless

The fact that Truth has been forgotten does not in any way, shape or form change the fact that Truth is what it is, Reality. 

Here is the Truth, only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists; except for in the mind, made up by ego out of fear. 

Fear of the unknown because ego must be in control and so makes up worst case scenarios because it can’t imagine things being and/or getting better. That would mean the elimination of its existence and ego won’t have that! 

Ego continues to cause confusion, chaos and drama out of fear in order to stay relevant. However Peace (of mind) is experienced in remembering what is already Known, simply forgotten (Truth/LOVE).

Peace (of mind) is experienced in the Silence/Stillness of Truth. One must be willing to first, accept Truth (Reality) for what it is, in order to see (Clearly) it is the response and not a reaction, is how Peace is experienced.   

Because Life here in physical form is temporary only Truth has value because everything else is made up by ego and its insecurities. 

Truth stands the tests of Time where Life’s situations don’t last always. This means in spite of the circumstance, “I will remain Still” because Peace comes from within

Enjoy the journey in spite of the situations presented by Life. It’s never personal but always and only for One’s growth/evolution back to Truth. Only LOVE is Real. BE Still. 
