Saturday, December 2, 2017

Each one of us is greater than the worst thing we’ve ever done.

Because the Truth of who WE (human BEings) are has been forgotten, ego takes over using fear and makes up a false image as a shield of "protection". When Truth is remembered, fear vanishes because what is Real can not be threatened and what is unreal does not exist (except in the mind where ego takes up residence but only when left vacant and unattended). 

Another word for Truth is Reality and for Truth to be accepted, it must first be recognized (previously seen or known) for what it is and not what it should've or could be. One recognizes Truth through Surrender because Surrender is the path to accepting Truth.

Truth, the essence of who WE (human BEings) are, can be denied however Truth is what it is whether it is accepted or not. Contrary to what too many believe, Truth can not be lost because one can not lose who you are. Truth has always been and will always BE and acceptance of what is, is the only way Peace is reestablished. 

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE. Because only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up by ego because of  fear. Yes, WE (human BEings) are greater than the worst thing we’ve ever done which doesn't define who WE are.

We are LOVE in spite of our actions. Actions are a mere reflection of what is happening in the mind. When the mind is returned to its right place by BEing in the moment (Presence), acceptance of Truth (Reality) is what brings Forgiveness for what was done (to you and/or by you) when the mind was left unattended.

Remember Truth. Remember LOVE. BE You. BE LOVE.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

NOW is a good time to retreat.

Because Truth has been forgotten, fear has taken over which explains the confusion and conflict over what makes no sense (politics, religion, racism, sexism, class-ism, judgment of another person's sexual preference and/or orientation, etc.,).
Unless and until Truth is remembered for what it is rather than what it's made up (by ego) to be, further suffering will continue.
Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE expressing itself in human/physical form. Contrary to what too many believe, the physical body is not to be identified with because Life goes on after the physical body has expired in death.

The human/physical experience begins at birth and ends at death, Life itself however is never ending.  And Life can only be experienced NOW because Life is and will always BE only NOW. The Future doesn't exist and the Past is history, gone! Two points in Time that are irrelevant in Life because they do not exist (NOW).

When Truth is remembered, fear disappears into the nothingness it is because fear can not exist in the presence of LOVE and ego needs you to not remember that. Whenever in the state of fear, choose to remember Truth (LOVE) by going within. Because Truth has never and will never change, Truth (LOVE) is the only solution to ALL problems.

Truth is, only LOVE is Real and because nothing Real can be threatened, there is nothing to fear. BE still. BE silent for a moment. BREATHE. NOW is a good time to retreat and replenish in the Healing Power of LOVE. Peace

Monday, November 27, 2017

Nothing will change until the correction is made.

Because Real change begins in the mind, one must BE (Present) for this change to take place. 
Otherwise, not only will history continue to repeat itself until Real change is made, but WE, human BEings, will continue to suffer as a result. 

Because Truth (LOVE) has been forgotten, ego takes over with fear. The moment LOVE is remembered by the "light" of Truth, aka Reality, fear dissipates and ego is left paralyzed - but only for a moment, until the next time LOVE is forgotten.

Truth, aka Reality is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE. Whenever this fact is forgotten - Truth can not be taught, only forgotten - ego gets involved by bringing fear into the picture where wrong decisions are made. Whenever decisions are made in fear, Shame and Regret are sure to follow.

Choose to remember Truth (LOVE) by learning the lesson Life is trying to teach through history. When correction (of the mind) is made by accepting the fact that nothing Real can be threatened and only LOVE is Real, fear will be seen for the nothingness it is. 

Choose to live in your natural state (LOVE) by BEing LOVE and history will be a thing of the Past. Peace

Sunday, November 26, 2017

BE humble so to not be humiliated because of ego.

When Life is lived in a state of BEing (Presence,) challenging circumstances become less challenging  because Acceptance plays a major role in the ability to become and remain Present. 

Because Time is not a factor when it comes to Acceptance, what happened in the Past or didn’t happen but should’ve, becomes just that, a thing of the Past and is irrelevant. Because Future does not exist, in the Present moment, Acceptance of the Present moment is all that matters when it comes to Peace of mind. 

Acceptance of what is, Reality, goes hand in hand with BEing humble. Anything other than Acceptance carries some form of Denial which always ends in Humiliation unless and until Acceptance of what is, takes its place. 

Because Acceptance is humbling, it is a choice made only when in the right mind. Any ego involvement will eventually cause confusion and conflict because ego has a hard time with Accepting Reality for what it is. Ego makes up its own version of Reality and believes it to be True which explains the humiliation felt when faced with Truth (Reality). 

Choose to BE humble and accept what is so to not be humiliated by what is made up by ego. Peace

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Forgiveness is a matter of Choice, not a matter of Time.

Because Truth has been forgotten, Time is believed to be the solution to matters of conflict. Time is what most think "heal all wounds". 

What has been forgotten is the fact that because Time is of this world, meaning, made by man, it is an illusion. This is because anything that is made, is not Real in its True essence because everything made has an expiration date...everything! That includes the physical human form (body).

Because Truth is Truth, has always been and will always BE, only Truth stands the tests of Time. This is precisely because Truth is not of this world. Because Truth is what it is, the key to Peace (of mind) is accepting Truth for what it is and not what it should be.

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE. Truth is, WE (human BEings) are not the physical human form. That is simply what ego would like us to continue to believe. As with everything else in the world, the body too has an expiration date, we just don't know when that day is.

Because WE (human BEings) are LOVE and not the body, WE are at our closest state of pureness when BEing LOVE. This is because LOVE is Spirit, a state of BEing, that lives (or not) in the body. Now please do not confuse what most believe is an emotion, for LOVE. 

Because only LOVE is Real, has never changed and will never change, only LOVE is the solution to matters of conflict. Only LOVE heals all wounds. This is a matter of fact and is so whether it is believed or not.

Truth is because only LOVE is Real, there is nothing to fear because nothing Real can be threatened. Sit with this for a moment. Ego would have you to continue to believe Forgiveness takes Time because ego depends on Time, not LOVE.

Choose to allow LOVE to be your guide, considering LOVE never imposes itself, and LOVE will show you Forgiveness is simply a matter of Choice. For where there is no threat, there is nothing to fear and where there is nothing to fear, there is nothing to forgive. The unwillingness to forgive comes from fear of getting hurt/offended/betrayed, etc., again. 

LOVE shows the way to Peace which is only through Forgiveness. You can't have one without the other because Forgiveness is a gift of LOVE. Don't depend on Time, it is guaranteed to no one.    

"Forgive them for they know not what they do" simply means when not in the right mind (unconsciousness) wrong decisions are made by ego which always leave Shame and Regret as a result. LOVE is of the right mind because only LOVE is Real. Let it ALL go. Forgive, its a Choice that will save your life. Peace

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Just this moment.

When Time (Past/Future) is seen for what it really is, an illusion, what is overlooked by most, Now, can be seen for what it Really is, Reality. The ability to decipher which is Real (Now) and unreal, Time (Past/Future,) comes from the willingness to see and accept Reality for what it is

Because Truth is what it is, acceptance is the only way to Healing. Anything else is a form of Denial which is the root cause of Suffering. To deny what is, is a form of insanity and Suffering is the result of the unwillingness to accept what is.
Because Truth doesn’t change (ever,) history will continue to repeat the same lesson until Truth is accepted for what it is (LOVE). Because only LOVE is Real, nothing else matters. To believe otherwise is ego precisely because Truth is Truth whether it is believed or not.

Choose to remember Truth - You are LOVE. Truth isn’t taught, it is recognized. And the essence of BEing (LOVE) is too often  forgotten but never lost. Allow Truth to shine its light on ALL of what seems to be real but makes absolutely no sense in Reality. 

Let go of Time (Past/Future). One no longer exists and the other does not yet exist. Embrace Now, just this moment, and be willing to accept Truth for what it is. It is from this point LOVE will remind you there is nothing to worry about. Acceptance, just this moment, is where the key to Peace (of mind) is experienced. 

Acceptance offers the room to grow, which happens once the lesson is learned because Truth is remembered. Once the lesson is learned Truth becomes the guiding force and the experience of Peace is restored. 

BE Still. Just this moment. Peace 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Go ahead and lose your mind!

Other than for practical matters, when the mind is actually useful, it is beyond imaginable what it can conjure up when left unattended.

Because the mind is simply where thoughts are formed - which become ideas then dreams and lastly manifestations, it is crucial to mankind for its continued existence to occupy the mind as much as possible. This is to avoid Shame and Regret upon returning.

The fact that only LOVE is Real is the reason fear enters the picture whenever LOVE has been  forgotten. Anything apart from LOVE is derived from fear at which point, ego takes over. Ego is a clear indication the mind has been hijacked because LOVE and fear can not coexist. Remember, only LOVE is Real - everything else is made up in fear by ego.

Because thoughts become things, the space (positive/negative) in which these things are formed determine whether or not Peace is experienced. Only LOVE serves as the reminder of Truth - nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists - which reestablishes the state of Peace.

Presence (of mind) is required in order to experience Peace. And because Peace is a state of BEing, Time, aka Past and Future, must be relinquished or Peace will continue to be believed it can be fought for or won over. Peace is the gift LOVE brings of which only the acceptance of Reality (Truth) can bring about the experience of Peace that "surpasses all understanding". 

Rather than continue be to controlled by ego which takes over the mind with fear (when left unattended,) remember and accept Truth - You are LOVE. Unless and until this fact is accepted for what it is, Reality, what is made up by ego through fear  will continue to be the root cause of suffering. This is precisely because of its need for protection, not yours. What is Real (LOVE) can not be threatened.

Choose to let go of Time and stay Present for however long by monitoring the thoughts that visit the mind - thoughts only stay when entertained, by ego. LOVE, like Peace, is a state of BEing which explains why action is its natural response. LOVE is, and so there is nothing to think about. When Present, the light of Truth serves as a guide enabling the ability to clearly decipher between what is Real and what is believed to be Real. Empty the mind of useless thoughts. The ones that serve no purpose for good. The way to distinguish between the two is to remember this, ego serves no other purpose but to cause and maintain confusion, chaos and conflict.

Because only LOVE is Real, only LOVE heals the mind full of useless yet harmful thoughts and brings about the experience of Peace. Peace 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Let us not continue to sensationalize matters!

Sensationalize - To present information about something or someone in a way that provokes public interest and excitement at the expense of accuracy

Unless and until WE (human beings) remember Truth - only LOVE is Real, WE will continue to be fooled by sensationalism. Because Truth doesn’t change, ever, any and everything apart from Truth is not reliable considering accuracy has been compromised (by ego). 

Because Truth is unknown to ego, other versions of Truth are dressed the part, presented as Truth and believed to be True but only by those that have forgotten Truth. Because Truth doesn’t change, ever, it is what it is whether it is believed or not. 

When Truth is remembered for what it is, LOVE, acceptance becomes an available option because nothing Real can be threatened and only LOVE is Real. It is only at this point, acceptance, that Peace is experienced

Choose to remember Truth - WE (human beings) are LOVE. To BE LOVE is life’s purpose because only LOVE stands the tests of Time, every time. Everything else ends at some point in Time, most likely in disappointment, because everything else is made up by ego. 

Because only LOVE is Real, let us not continue to be fooled by what will not matter in the end. Peace

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Trust can be broken, not LOVE.

TRUST - firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something. 

The issue with Trust is the fact that it depends on the belief of one thing or another. To believe something does not make it so which explains why Disappointment and Dissatisfaction often follow Trust.  

Trust is acquired and so can be lost or taken away by ego which keeps track of all offenses and judges whether or not Trust is deserved. This is because actions from the Past are judged by which Trust is either gained or lost. What must be remembered is Truth. When Truth is remembered Trust is laid to rest because Knowing (Knowledge) replaces it. 

Because Truth is innate, it is not taught. To teach is to impart new information and because Truth has never and will never change, there is nothing new to learn. What has been learned and must be unlearned is what requires Trust in the first place, fear. 

When Truth is remembered, fear dissipates. Why? Because when Truth is accepted for what it is and no longer what is believed to be True, Peace is the gift offered which replaces fear. The only “requirement” is Presence, for one must be awake to receive/accept Truth (Reality).

Truth is, only LOVE is Real - everything else is made up by ego. Because nothing Real can be threatened, there is nothing to fear PERIOD! Remember this, WE (human beings) are LOVE, that is Truth whether it is believed or not. You see, Trust depends on Time which changes over Time. Truth on the other hand stands the tests of Time because Truth is not of this world (thank goodness for that!)

Remember Who YOU are, LOVE, so Truth will remind you there is nothing to fear (ever). When fear in the forms of attack, anxiety, depression, obsession, anger, abuse, etc., occur, its because Truth has simply been forgotten.

Choose to be the Real You, LOVE, and Trust will become irrelevant considering Trust comes and goes over Time from fear of Disappointment and Dissatisfaction. Only LOVE is eternal because only LOVE is Real. Peace

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Expectation and Acceptance

When WE (human beings) remember the True essence of our BEingness, Peace can be experienced - even for just a brief moment - however it is Acceptance of Truth that maintains Peace.

Because WE (mankind) have forgotten Truth, Confusion comes in to play considering what is made up (not True,) makes no sense which is where Confusion comes from. 

Whenever Truth is forgotten, the only "damage" done is to self/ego because nothing and/or no one can stand up to least not for ever!

Remember Truth - WE (human BEings) are LOVE. The wonderful thing about Truth is it has nothing to do with belief. Truth is what it is whether it is believed or not. Acceptance of Truth on the other hand, is where ALL expectations fall away considering ego expects, while LOVE is.

It's time to return to our natural state (LOVE) and enjoy the experience of Peace (mind, body and spirit!) Peace

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Do not be afraid. BE AWAKE!!!

When ego says "Don't worry I'll get you back!!", LOVE says "because only LOVE is Real, there is no threat and therefore nothing to fear."

Unless and until WE (human BEings) remember our True nature - LOVE, fear will continue to be interpreted as justification for anger, attack, betrayal, resentment, dishonesty, etc., instead of for the call for LOVE it Really is. 

Because WE have forgotten LOVE, ego continues to take over and use fear to mask Truth. However because Truth has never and will never change, all it takes is the awareness of fear (in whatever form) for what it Really is - misguided and lost from Reality, to be released from its grip. It is there Peace is experienced which comes from accepting Truth (Reality) for what it is, not what its believed to be True. 

Do not be fooled! ego uses the physical senses to trick the mind into believing what is being reported  is Real. This is because the mind has been confused into believing it is in control when in fact ego is the one running the (shit) show! This explains the need for "protection". 

Understand this vicious and senseless cycle, is because of fear that one needs "protection". Recognize fear for what it is - nothing - and Truth will remind you LOVE can not be threatened because there is no fear in LOVE. 

Remember this, WE are LOVE expressing itself through the body. In order to remember LOVE, WE must wake up NOW and stay AWAKE! Fear is out of control because WE have failed to realize fear is simply a call for LOVE. Respond in LOVE rather than react in fear and Healing will soon take the place of all this suffering. Peace 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Because Truth has been forgotten, illusions are accepted as Truth and that is how Reality is replaced by insanity. Yet, because WE (human BEings) are LOVE, all it takes is the willingness to accept Truth for what it is considering Truth remains the same with or without acceptance. 

Truth must be recognized because although it is Known, it has been forgotten which explains the senseless acts of violence and terrorism that continue to devastate and destroy. Suffering is the result of Denial considering any/everything other than Truth is made up by ego and if believed long enough will eventually bring regret in some form. This is what HELL seems to be like...hopelessness. 

Reality is too often associated with pain and suffering because Truth has been brushed aside, passed over and flat out denied. However because Truth is, was and will always BE, it is Truth that offers the possibility of Hope and Healing which is the solution to pain and suffering. Hope and Healing is possible with the acceptance of what is, Truth. 

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE. Accept this Truth in the face of fear and experience the Peace that surpasses all understanding. This is what HEAVEN seems to be like...LOVE, where ALL are Welcome! Peace

Monday, October 2, 2017


The mind, when left unattended long enough, is capable of causing unimaginable and senseless  horrors because its purpose is to serve.  It serves one of two masters - LOVE or fear, never both simultaneously considering two basic facts; 1. There is no fear in LOVE and 2. Because only LOVE is Real, and nothing Real can be threatened, there is nothing to fear.
The fact that WE (human BEings) have forgotten the True essence of our natural state, LOVE, fear continues to slip in and taken over the mind. Unless and until WE remember WE are LOVE expressed (temporarily)  through physical form, ego will continue to take control of the mind using its number one trick, fear. 
Although it's been established that fear is nothing (not Real,) just a trick made up by ego, its effects seem Real simply because Truth has been forgotten. What has been taught to believe is True is not True considering what has always been, is now and will always BE, can not be taught. Truth is Known which explains the Peace experienced, however brief, the moment it is first recognized then accepted. Denial is another trick ego uses to drape its heavy cloak of fear as its barrier to LOVE.
Remember Truth - WE (the entire human race) are LOVE and ALL of what was once feared will be exposed for the nothingness they really are. Because only LOVE is Real, and nothing Real can be threatened, choose to not continue to let what is reported on the news, posted on social media, printed in the newspapers, broadcasted on the radio, etc., allow fear to distract the mind away from Truth. We have seen more than enough of what the end result look like!
NOW is when to WAKE UP!!! There has been far too many wake up calls ignored by humanity which will continue to cause suffering unnecessarily - and all for nothing, fear. LOVE is the only answer, because there is nothing else. Only LOVE heals because only LOVE asks for nothing in return. Peace comes only from LOVE because where there is no fear, there is Peace.
Don't believe what the eyes report or what the ears hear, they are mere distractions. Instead, WAKE UP, stay focused and remember what is Known but just forgotten - LOVE is the One and only answer to ALL chaos, conflict and confusion. BE LOVE in the face of fear. Peace

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Life after Death

Because WE (human BEings) have forgotten who we are, we were taught to believe Life ends after Death. Belief can be dangerous because it makes matters true for you yet it may not be True in deed which explains the fear of Death.

Unless and until Truth is remembered then recognized for what it Really is rather than what it should've, could've or would've been, Suffering will appear in endless forms as a result of Denial. Denial, is the main cause of Suffering because it turns a "blind eye" to Truth and whenever Truth is forgotten, Suffering is not far behind. 

Because Truth is what it is - always was and will always BE - there is nothing to teach considering Truth does not change, ever! Because Truth is not of this world, everything known as Truth is not Truth but just a cheap version of it made up by ego which explains the fear of Truth. We've been led to believe, by ego, that Truth hurts, when in fact the complete opposite it True - lies hurt, Truth heals

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE, we simply forgot. Because WE (human BEings) are not of this world, Life does not end, PERIOD. Death is the end of birth, Life has no end because LOVE has no beginning and no end. As long as there is LOVE, there is Life and considering only LOVE is Real, there is nothing to fear. 

Remember this, LOVE is fearless and Whole, needing or wanting nothing but to expand itself through the expression of the human experience. Time is never an issue when it comes to LOVE, because LOVE doesn't depend on Time. Because Time is of this world, it is guaranteed to no one. In spite of this fact, unless and until WE (human BEings) are ready and willing to "die" to self aka ego, Life after Death will continue to a topic of discussion rather than the "BEST experience to be had!"

Die to self/ego and BE Life/LOVE. Peace

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Harmony and Peace

Because Peace is a state of BEing, is doesn't require anything from anyone. Peace is, in spite of everything and everyone. In order to Know Peace, One has to experience Peace, otherwise it will continue to be "something," a cause to fight and/or kill for. 

The misconception of Peace must first be clarified in order to embody its state which is impossible without Truth. This explains why fighting and/or killing never worked and will never work. Unless and until Truth is accepted, denial will continue to delay the experience of Peace. Because Truth is Known, yet forgotten by too many, whatever is "taught" about what Truth is, is yet another misconception,  made up by ego.

When Truth is accepted for what it is rather than what it ought to be, Peace is experienced because the misconception has been brought to light and made clear for what it really is, nonsense! Anything other than Truth is nonsense considering all sense (Knowing) comes from Truth. Because Truth doesn't change, ever, there is nothing to teach which explains why it can't be taught however it  must be accepted in order to experience its gift.

Harmony, being an agreement, takes at least two and whenever there are two (or more), there is a chance of ego getting involved. This explains the difference between the two. One is temporary because it requires another while the other is eternal because it comes from within and requires nothing - so much so that it is in spite of everything.

Peace is reestablished and experienced only when ego is absent because Peace is a state of BEing and awareness is required for its reestablishment. Ego can not exist in the presence of Peace, at least not for long because its sole purpose is to cause and maintain chaos and conflict which secures its existence.

Remember Truth, only LOVE is Real and You are LOVE. Everything else is made up by ego which is why it makes no sense. You don't have to believe it to be True because Truth doesn't require your belief - it requires nothing.  Peace

Sunday, September 3, 2017

There MUST be a better way!

Unless and until Truth is remembered, confusion and chaos will continue to take over and destroy any and everything in their path!  Because Truth has been forgotten, fear, the "extra" posing as the main character, continues to ruin the show by causing confusion and chaos.

What has been forgotten is the fact that NOW, the present moment, is where the (one) answer to ALL conflict lies. This is evident because too many look to and pray the Future will come with solutions however because Future is simply a matter of Time, not substance, disappointment is guaranteed considering the True answer is never found in what does not yet exist. Why not? Because Truth already was, is and will always BE what it is. Truth has never changed and Truth will never change. 

The "Past" can be used as a tool toward enlightenment considering it holds within it thousands of years of pain, regret, resentment, sadness, anger, bitterness, shame, blame, denial, etc. The key however is to LET GO of ALL negativity NOW, in order to experience a moment of Peace. This can only be done by BEing and STAYing in this moment, NOW. Negative emotions can not stay negative for very long, as long as the mind is brought and kept in the present moment. This is primarily because the "light" of Truth cuts through the thick fog and haze of Past and Future - mere distractions of what ever really matters, NOW. 

Remember who YOU are, LOVE, and YOU will begin to recognize Truth for what it Really is and no longer what society tries to convince you it is. Truth doesn't need convincing, lies do! 

Truth is, LOVE is the only way to any and ALL conflict. Peace


Thursday, August 17, 2017

To "live by example" means there are no exceptions.

To BE an example, one must be consistent at ALL times. Otherwise confusion enters the picture, leaving room for conflict and chaos. When guided by Truth (aka LOVE,)  the message is clear because Truth does not change, only the perception of it and therefore the interpretation of it does. This happens whenever Truth has been forgotten

Truth is, only LOVE is Real. Everything else is made up by ego as a distraction from Truth which is then used as protection from what is not Real to begin with. It's illogical because logic comes from what makes sense, of which ego has none. There are no exceptions in Truth because it applies to One and ALL. Because ego is loyal to nothing and no one, it rules by exceptions with no rhyme or reason (illogical). 

Choose to remember Who You are, LOVE. LOVE in the form of a physical body. Contrary to what ego wants You to continue to believe, Truth is, You are not the body. When it comes to Truth, it is what it is whether it is believed or not. Because Truth stands on its own, it depends on nothing and/or no one yet in order to have and maintain Peace, it ALL depends on Truth. Without Truth/LOVE Peace will not last because Peace comes from Truth. Conflict and chaos come from lies and ego believes and tells lies.

The example WE (the entire human race, not just a select few) live by is either of LOVE or of the ego. One is exemplary because it Heals while the other is reproachable because it divides. LOVE Heals because only LOVE is consistent where ego makes it up as it goes along causing further pain and suffering. Because LOVE is not of this world, LOVE needs/wants nothing therefore LOVE asks and/or expects nothing in return. Because ego has no substance, it uses Time (Past/Future) to cause and maintain conflict and drama which guarantees division - ego's one and only purpose.

Remember, You are LOVE then BE LOVE. Choose to LIVE an exemplary life by just BEing Truth/LOVE. The True essence of Your natural state is LOVE so just BE. Peace

Monday, August 7, 2017

Feelings change depending on the circumstance, LOVE remains the same in spite of the circumstance.

When the Truth about of who WE (human BEings) are is realized, fear will no longer have a place to hide. Truth remains the same when it is forgotten, unrecognized and even denied. 

Truth does not depend on anything or anyone to "defend" it because Truth stands on its own. Truth is True when it applies to ALL at ALL times. Because Truth is not of this world, it can not be taught. Truth is intrinsically within us ALL. We just forget that when challenged which difficult situations and fear takes over. 

The essence of OUR BEing (LOVE) remains forever intact and is accessed only when Truth is accepted for what it is and no longer what it ought to be. Feelings change depending on circumstances, LOVE does not. 

Remember Who you are, LOVE, and allow LOVE to guide you through this game called LIFE. Remember, because LOVE is not of this world, LOVE is not contingent upon matters of this world  (ex., race, gender, sexual identity, sexual preference, age, cultural, criminal, political and/or religious background, belief, class, education, abilities/disabilities, etc.) because they do not matter!

Remember this and WE ALL WIN! Peace

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Because the Universe is always responding to energy, it is imperative that WE (the entire human race,) remember to be aware of our thoughts. Our thoughts are what affect our energy/mood and when the subconscious mind takes over the conscious mind - because WE are lost in thought - negative energetic emerges. 

For one to BE conscious, Presence is required. It is in Presence that Truth is recognized. Because WE've lost our way by believing what we see and hear with our physical senses, fear has taken over and continues to control the mind. Unless and until this fundamental change is made, which by the way can only be made by BEing conscious, decisions made in fear will continue to bring shame and regret. This is specifically because fear has no logic but only chaos which causes desperation/recklessness, hence the shame and regret

When Present in the moment (NOW) fear begins to subside. And the longer one is able to stay Present, by simply BEing aware of each in and out breath, fear will eventually disappear. This is because fear and total Presence can not coexist. Presence requires total awareness of the Present moment by accepting what is where fear appears when lost in thought - reliving the Past and/or stressed out about the Future, of which neither really exists.  

Choose to remember Truth, WE (human beings) are LOVE. Because LOVE is the answer to ALL, take a DEEP breath, then two or three more and Know because You are LOVE, there is nothing to fear. 

BE still. BE Present. STAY Present. BREATHE. The universe responds to energy. KEEP IT POSITIVE and it will be reciprocated. Peace

Monday, July 3, 2017

Forgiveness takes Time, LOVE does not.

Forgiveness takes Time because Truth has been forgotten. What is believed is that WE (human beings) have Time. What WE Know, but forgot, is the fact that Time is guaranteed to no one. And for this reason alone, Time is not to be relied on because Time is not on OUR side. 

In Reality, Forgiveness is a matter of choice and not a matter of Time however as long as ego continues to control the mind with fear, decisions made in fear will end in nothing but Regret. Why? Because in Reality there is nothing to fear. 

Choose to remember Truth. WE (human BEings) are LOVE. Unless and until Truth is remembered, WE will continue to be fooled (by ego) into believing Time is what it takes to "fix" what's been broken. Because ego is on borrowed Time, conflict is what buys ego more Time.

Because WE (human BEings) are LOVE and LOVE is eternal, choose to remember only LOVE heals, ego destroys! Whenever ego is involved, communication is broken because ego's main purpose is to divide and conquer

Because LOVE is not of this world, LOVE does not depend on Time. Because only LOVE is Real, there is nothing to fear for nothing Real can be threatened.

Remember, Forgiveness means as WE were. Remember, Forgiveness comes from LOVE and Time has nothing to do with it because LOVE is accessed and experienced NOW.

BE Still. BE LOVE. Peace

Sunday, July 2, 2017

If fear masters the mind, who or what is the master of fear?

Because Truth doesn't change, ever, what is required to recognize Truth is the willingness to remember what is Known but has been forgotten.

Fear, in the forms of anger, resentment, jealousy, complacency, intimidation, superiority/inferiority, greed, intolerance, bullying, etc., are precisely what prevents the mind from recognizing and accepting Truth. Fear controls every situation with the help of its buddy, Denial.

Denial entertains all of what doesn't matter, i.e., details, in order to confuse, distract, and even defend its poor state. The sole purpose of Denial is to prevent the recognition of Truth.

Truth is, LOVE doesn't change, ever, which explains why details never matter. When the "dust," aka  BS settles, LOVE is always there. Details may delay the inevitable however because LOVE is not of this world, acceptance of Truth, aka LOVE, is simply a matter of Time.

Because ego lives in the Past, which doesn't exists, it depends on what never matters (details) to buy more Time. What WE, (human beings) have forgotten is the fact that NOW is all there really is. The Past is gone and the Future doesn't exist yet the Present is lost in reliving the Past while worrying about the Future.

Choose to regain control of your mind by staying aware of the thoughts ego entertains. At the end of the day and even at the end of Time, only LOVE is Real. Remember,  LOVE is fearless because nothing Real can be threatened.

Allow LOVE to guide the way because YOU ARE LOVE. Peace

Friday, June 30, 2017

Ego talks. LOVE demonstrates through ACTION.

Too many are led to believe that LOVE is "give and take". The pain felt is said to be the result of giving (too much) and not getting (enough) in return. 

The Truth is, because only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up (by ego). Because LOVE is not of this world, LOVE does not depend on anything or anyone

Too many believe "Time will tell" when in comes to LOVE however Truth is, because Time is guaranteed to no one, Time is waisted by too many, waiting for the "right time". Because only LOVE Real, NOW is always the only right Time. For this reason, LOVE needs nothing and LOVE takes nothing, LOVE costs nothing because LOVE is priceless. WE (human beings) Know this, WE just forgot this. 

Actions done in LOVE do not need recognition, that's ALL ego because ego does nothing for free. Ego's version of LOVE is "50/50, give and take". Remember Truth. WE (the entire human race) are LOVE. WE are One whole, not half of anything. When WE remember the Truth about Who WE are (LOVE,) ego's little trick (fear) will no longer control the mind.

Choose LOVE, NOW (every time) and You won't regret it. Ego leaves because ego talks first and loudest all the while making no sense because it makes it up as it goes along.

NOW is always the right time because there is no fear/hesitation in LOVE. Nothing and no one can threaten LOVE. It is ego that feels threatened and so shuns LOVE. This is because when LOVE is Present, ego dissipates into the nothingness it Really is. 

 BE Still. BE here NOW. BE YOU. BE LOVE. Peace

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Worry vs HOPE

Because worry comes from fear (of not being in control,) worry is what far too many do - often times without even realizing it. This is because the Truth of Who WE (human beings) are, has been forgotten. At this point ego has already slid in and took over (the mind). 

Because ego is on borrowed Time, worrying is what makes the most sense. Because ego lives in the Past and will never let go of the Past, the Future doesn't ever look promising. Because ego makes up "Truth"  as it goes along, fear of being exposed is where the worrying comes from.  

Worry is not only useless - it hasn't solved one problem to date -  worry is also harmful as well as a complete waste of Time. 

Choose rather to remember the Truth about Who WE (the entire human race) are, LOVE. Because only LOVE is Real, there is HOPE. Because LOVE is not of this world, LOVE doesn't depend on Time. LOVE is Timeless and only LOVE can offer HOPE for the Future because only LOVE can let go of the Past by BEing LOVE. 

It is LOVE that offers HOPE which brings the experience of Peace. First Peace of mind, then of the body which is merely a reflection of the mind. And the final stage is spiritual Peace and no longer spiritual warfare. Alignment of ALL three (mind, body, spirit) is where HOPE rests and worry dissipates into the nothingness it Really is.

Stop worrying! BE LOVE and choose HOPE. Peace

Just BE.

Because Truth is what it is, irrespective of how things may seem, Acceptance of what is, is first required for positive change to come about. Acceptance offers the possibility of positive change while Denial not only prevents any chance of improvement but causes further damage in delaying what is inevitable; Truth.  

Because Truth is beyond Time and therefore not of this world, Truth alone is the only Real defense. Because nothing Real can be threatened, Truth needs no defense. Because Truth is what it is, Truth needs nothing. Contrary to what too many believe, Truth is not a matter of Time however Truth is always revealed in Time.

Because ego lives in Time, reliving the Past while worrying about the Future, ego will do anything  to "buy" more Time and delay Truth by using its faithful tool, fear. What has been forgotten is the fact that because Time is not of this world, it can not be bought. Time is a gift that is priceless yet guaranteed to no one.  Now that's some Truth for that ass!! 

Remember, there is only One Truth. This you already Know but just forgot. Truth is, because only LOVE is Real, there is nothing to fear.

Remember, WE, (human beings) are LOVE, WE just forgot. BREATHE. LET GO. JUST BE...LOVE. Peace

Friday, June 23, 2017

Truth...its Timeless!

Truth is Timeless because Truth is not of this world. Everything else is. It's ALL made up, by ego, and will be exposed (by the Light of Truth)'s just a matter of Time. Truth on the other hand stands the tests of Time precisely because Truth is what it is, in spite of Life circumstances. 

What has been forgotten is the fact that LOVE is all there is. What has been forgotten is the fact that WE (the entire human race) are LOVE. It's difficult to accept this Truth because our eyes report the complete opposite - fear! This explains "Live by Faith not by sight". Fear comes from ego considering nothing Real can be threatened. Because there is no fear in LOVE, there is nothing to fear. (PERIOD)

Choose to remember Who You are, LOVE, so that Life will continue to reflect back to you what it is you are rather than what it is you fear! Peace

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

LOVE heals while Time goes by!

Because Truth, who WE (human beings) are have been forgotten, chaos and confusion continues to be the problem we ALL face. Contrary to what too many believe, Time is not the answer because Time is guaranteed to no one.

Because Truth has been forgotten, ego continues to step in as the "protector" however because nothing Real can be threatened, there is nothing to fear therefore no need for "protection".

Because ego lives in the Past, ego depends on Time to remain relevant yet constantly worries about the Future (of being exposed). Because Truth has been forgotten, ego tricks too many into believing "it's gonna take Time" to be Truth...the same Time that is guaranteed to no one.

Believing "it's gonna take Time" not only maintains conflict, it maintains division too - exactly what ego needs to remain relevant! Meanwhile Time goes by with no improvements. "Just a little more  Time!!" says ego...the same Time that is guaranteed to no one.

Choose to remember Who You are, LOVE. Choose to remember ego depends on Time to remain relevant. LOVE doesn't operate on Time because LOVE is not of this world, Time is which explains its irrelevance to LOVE.

Because only LOVE is Real, LOVE, not Time is what heals. Always choose LOVE because that is who WE are, WE simply forgot. Peace.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Mercy is shown when there is no trace of ego considering one must ask for pardon to be shown Mercy and ego never asks for anything, ego demands! Because ego needs Conflict and Drama to maintain its existence, Blame and Denial are the tricks used to meet its goal. 

Because only LOVE is Real, Mercy leads to Forgiveness which ends in Peace. Because ego lives in fear, the Past is to never be forgotten which not only prevents Forgiveness but maintains Conflict and Drama by way of Resentment and Unforgiveness which ends in war.

Mercy is given when reminded of Truth - nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists.  Because WE (human beings) are LOVE choose to show Mercy, it's a gift of LOVE. Peace

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Come back!

Because the mind is often lost in thought, even when concentration (Presence) is required for safety reasons, decisions made in the absence of Presence is usually met with Regret afterward. Because ego lives in the Past, clever and irresistible scenarios are tricks used by ego to entice and be lured away from Truth. Because ego can not tolerate Truth, it makes up its version of Truth to better suit its needs considering its one and only purpose is to cause and maintain conflict and drama

Choose to remember Truth. Because only Truth is Real and never changes, Truth can not be taught, just forgotten. There is nothing about Truth WE (human beings) do not already Know. This explains the stillness that is experienced, even if for brief moment when Truth is recognized. That stillness is called Peace and Peace can only be experienced in the Present moment and in the absence of fear. 

Because ego lives in the Past, the Future is always something to worry about which explains why fear stays on the scene. Ego's version of Peace is separation. There is Power in the whole (One) and ego knows this so it preys on anyone that has forgotten Truth and quickly drags its victims further and further away from Truth.  

Truth is, WE (human beings) are LOVE. The core of OUR natural state is LOVE because only LOVE is Real. Ego does any and everything to keep Truth hidden and disguised because ego can not exist in the presence of Truth. Denial offers "protection" from Truth however nothing is more damaging than refusing to accept Truth for what it is

Only Truth brings Peace. Because Peace is a gift of LOVE, it can only be experienced in the Present moment where fear does not exist. Fear exists only in the mind when lost in thought. Choose to BE Present now. Now is all that matters and when decisions are made in Truth, the Power of  LOVE, aka "miracles" happen! Miracles are actions of LOVE in its natural state. So remember Who YOU are, LOVE. To do that, come back and stay Present. BE LOVE and LOVE will respond in LOVE.

Ego reacts in fear because it's time is limited and must have conflict and drama to stay relevant. It's greatest success is convincing anyone that has forgotten Truth that war is how to get Peace. Nothing could be further from the Truth.

Come back! Stay Present. Be still. Remember Truth. Only LOVE is Real.  Nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists. Peace

  • 595 Chestnut Ridge Road, because it lives in a state of fear of being exposed. 

Saturday, May 27, 2017


Truth stands on its own because nothing Real can be threatened. Remember Who You are to experience the Peace that comes from Knowing this. What is Real can not be taught but has certainly been  forgotten. To teach is to share what is not already known, everything else is made up which explains why it makes no sense

Truth is, WE (human beings) are LOVE. This has been forgotten yet when reminded, Truth brings  Peace because Truth cuts through all of what never matters, details. Truth comes with Understanding because only what involves ego causes confusion first, then conflict. Conflict over what makes no sense to begin with.

Choose to remember Truth specifically because Truth offers Peace where ego demands only drama, never Peace. Truth must be accepted for what it is rather than what ego believes to be True. The experience of Peace comes only in the absence of fear and Knowing there is no fear in LOVE. 

The choice to experience Peace comes from Knowing (and remembering) Truth by BEing LOVE. Peace

Thursday, May 25, 2017

WE have to BE it to see it.

Because WE (human beings,) are LOVE, when still/in alignment with the True self, LOVE, the response will always BE LOVE. This is done only by demonstration considering its effectiveness is understood and accepted through experience/action and not mere words.

Because ego lives in the Past, its in a constant state of fear considering the moment the Past is let go/dropped, Healing begins to take its place. Healing is a gift of LOVE and in order to offer this gift, the Past must be released. This is called Forgiveness. Contrary to what too many believe, Forgiveness comes the moment LOVE is the guiding force. One must be conscious to make this choice and ego can not be involved since ego demands control, LOVE does not

Choose to BE LOVE through demonstrating acts of LOVE. The difference between ego and LOVE is one lives in fear because the threat of being exposed is constant while the other lives in Peace because nothing Real can be threatened.

Ego arrives on the scene the moment Truth is forgotten. Remember Who you Really are, LOVE.  Respond to ALL in LOVE rather than react in fear of what makes no sense. Because only LOVE is Real and nothing Real can be threatened, choose to BE YOU, LOVE, and you'll begin to experience naturally what most call miracles. Peace

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Do not accept the invitation.

Unless and until Truth is first recognized then remembered, conflict will continue to be the problem all the while believing and behaving as if fighting/war is how to get Peace. Peace comes when Truth is the guiding force not ego.

Ego's sole purpose is to cause and maintain conflict. Ego begins to build its case/story the moment Truth is forgotten. Choose to not answer the call for war. Strength comes from standing in Truth not falling for ego's tricks. Because ego is loyal to no one, what is believed to be protection, is really ego to divide and conquer.

What is Known can never be unknown just forgotten. When in that state (of sleep/unconsciousness) Truth is unrecognized because ego makes up its own version of truth which changes when necessary. Because Truth does not change (ever) nothing else matters. Truth is only LOVE is Real. Truth is WE (human beings) are LOVE. Truth is nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists.

Choose to allow LOVE to be the guiding force. LOVE is our natural state. It is only in this state are WE (human beings) at our best. It is LOVE that brings Peace. It is Truth that heals. Lies hurt because they cause damage, not Truth.

Do not accept ego's invitation - no matter how tempting, it will always lead to disaster. Remember LOVE is will always lead to Peace. Peace

Friday, May 19, 2017

Why fantasies end in nightmares.

Fantasy - imagination unrestricted by Reality.

Whenever WE (human beings) are not in alignment with who we really are, LOVE, ego takes over  causing problems where there are none. This is because ego's sole purpose is to be and remain the center of attention and will do so at all costs. 

Considering ego lives in the Past it keeps offenses close and personal so to not forget. For ego, revenge serves as the appropriate payment and severing communication is part of the deal although it hasn't solved one problem to date. This is because ego is the problem.

Ego, being selfish and partial to no one, is loyal to no one. It makes up its own version of reality and believes it to be True. Because imagination will go as far as ego is willing take it in order to maintain its fantasy, it becomes a nightmare when faced with Reality (Truth). 

Contrary to what many believe Truth is not what hurts, the absence of Truth is what hurts. At this point, Denial is what brings Suffering yet it's through Suffering comes the choice to Surrender. Please do not confuse the choice to Surrender for weakness. It takes a clear mind to see and understand the difference between what is Real and what is made up. 

Choose to BE and STAY Present rather than continue to live in a fantasy...they never end well. Peace is experienced when lived in Truth and that is done by staying awake. Peace