Monday, October 17, 2022

Death…the ultimate reminder of Truth.

Death is not to be feared, it is to be respected because it reminds US (human BEings) of Truth - our time here is temporary

Death is a part of Life, it’s not the end of Life. Death is the end of birth. We’ve been conditioned to celebrate birth and do so every year yet death is not to be discussed until it approaches and/or poses a “threat”. 

Suffering comes from the inability to accept what is, Reality. Reality is what is, in spite of everything else. made up by ego. This explains why when Reality “hits”, ego is no where to be found. 

Nothing “hits” like a Reality check from Death! Accepting the fact that WE (Human BEings) ALL have an unknown expiration date is one way to focus   energy on what matters; your time here, NOW. 

The NOW is what matters considering it’s the only “Time” Real change/growth/evolution happens…within. One must BE Still/Silent to remember what is Known, just forgotten; there is nothing to fear…not even Death. 

Death is a part of Life and Life will begin to seem a bit more valuable…particularly to those dealing with a terminal illness. It doesn’t have to take a near Death experience to respect and value Life yet it does the trick every time. 

Know this, the point of Life is for the experience of it! Nothing more, nothing less, which is why “you can’t take it with you!” 

The True value/worth is what can’t be bought or sold…Life. Choose to see the value in it NOW…tomorrow is not guaranteed because it’s not Real. Only LOVE is Real. 

