Sunday, November 28, 2021


Because Time, a man made concept of two periods (Past/Future) does not exist, it is pointless to expect progress and/or evolution at any point in Time, if the mind has not changed. This is why history continues to repeat itself. 

There is a lesson to learn and Life is the teacher. Take matters personally and the point of Life will have been missed. 

The fact that Life is a blessing, challenges/tests are more likely to be seen for the gifts they are as “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” 

Because ego is most successful in the dark quiet shadows of the mind, it is best to keep ego in check otherwise Life has a way of humbling the most egotistical with a Reality check, aka Karma, that often comes with humiliation. That is to be expected whenever ego is on the scene. 

Choose to appreciate the value in the mere breath of Life. No breath. No Life. 

Choose to see, value and respect the Life in every living BEing. Life is priceless and can end (as we know it) at any moment. Death is that constant reminder of what is inevitable. What is born will die however the True essence of our core BEing (LOVE) is Timeless. 

While here, BE Present. BE YOU. BE LOVE. Peace. 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

It’s ALL in the mind.

OUR (human BEings) experience begins in the mind then throughout the body. What is forgotten is the fact that WE (human BEings) are creators and the state of mind during the process will determine the result.  

When in the state of fear - out of alignment with inner Source - the results are guaranteed to be unpleasant at best and catastrophic at worst. 

Because fear is a tactic ego uses to control the mind, One must be Present (aware/alert) and pay attention to  when negative thoughts begin to seep in. 

The body can not operate without the head. One’s Presence is required in order to experience Peace (of mind). Otherwise ego will take over, with fear and continue its mission (cause problems) in order to be/stay relevant.   

Choose to remember both “hell” and “heaven” are a state of mind. When the mind is Still,  Peace is experienced - “I’m in HEAVEN!!” 

So too, when the mind is trapped in fear, there is no Peace - “this is pure HELL!!” 

Fear is made up, by ego in the mind only when the mind is left unattended. Peace (of mind) is experienced in spite of any outside circumstance(s) because LOVE does not require a condition to experience Peace - that is unconditional. Where there is LOVE, there is no fear. 

LOVE is everywhere/everything. WE (human BEings) are LOVE. Fear is not Real.

BE Still. Enjoy the ride! Peace

Monday, November 8, 2021

In the mean Time.

Because WE (human BEings) have been conditioned, by ego - in fear, Life seems to be lost in Time - an illusion.  

Time is nothing but a distraction from the Present moment (NOW) yet ego uses it to control those in  the state of fear. 

Unless/until the Past - a point in Time that no longer  exist - is released through facing and accepting it, NOW,  feelings of anger, shame, regret, will bring on the state of depression. 

The same holds True for the Future - a point in Time that does not exist. Yet anxiety chokes the breath out of anyone trapped in the grip of the need  to know what happens next. The need to be in control is where the problem lies

Truth is because WE (human BEings) are LOVE, control is not part of the equation. It is only until complete surrender and acceptance - of what already is NOW - will the solution (PEACE of mind) be experienced

Experience does not happen in Time (Past/Future). The memory of a past experience is recalled however one can not experience something that is yet to happen - except for in the mind

For the Time BEing (NOW,) choose to remember the True essence of our Oneness - LOVE. This state of awareness is where Peace is experienced particularly because there are no issues, questions, concerns, doubts, worries, etc.  And that is because there is no ego. 

Allow Life to unfold naturally and “miracles” will become a thing of the norm because Life itself is just that, a miracle

Do not be confused  (by ego) into believing circumstances and Life are the same - they are not. Circumstances change. The body expires. Life on the other hand is endless

Understand the difference by BEing grateful and thankful for Life in spite of any circumstance because Life is worth living - in Peace.

Friday, November 5, 2021

It’s not about you. It is for you, a gift. Enjoy it!

Because WE (human BEings) are LOVE, manifested temporarily in physical form - body, the only way to experience Peace (of mind) is to remember and accept Truth/Reality for what it is, temporary

ALL Life experiences are temporary. Life itself, here in physical form, is transient. More often than not, this fact is forgotten and confused with fear by ego simply because ego must cause and maintain drama and chaos in order to continue to exist - at the expense of Peace. 

Where there is no ego, there is no problem. 

WE (human BEings) are innately capable of experiencing Peace (of mind) at any moment and in spite of any condition. Deciding to accept and allow what already is, to BE, is the first step toward Peace. 

Denial however is one’s worst enemy yet one of ego’s  most effective tools. Insisting on matters being one way or another as opposed to what they are is not only a waste of precious Time, it is precisely how ego keeps one from BEing in the moment which is only way  Peace is experienced

As transient BEings, choose to receive Time here on earth as the gift it really is. An expiration date is guaranteed, Time on the other hand, is guaranteed to no one.

Remember the essence of your inner BEing - LOVE - and allow what is to BE. Life is here to be experienced and WE (human BEings) are here to learn from and evolve from those experiences. 

Life: “It’s not about you. It is for you. 

Ego: “It’s ALWAYS ALL about ME!” 

Actions determine whether or not Peace is experienced

BE still. Breathe. BE YOU. LOVE. You’ll never regret that decision. Peace

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Ego needs to know. Spirit already does.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) remember Truth, YOU are LOVE, the idea of LOVE will continue to be something that is sought after. 

More often than not, the emotion is confused (with fear,) by ego and thought of as LOVE however because feelings change and LOVE does not, this is clearly where the error lies. 

WE (human BEings) are manifestations of LOVE in physical form however the body is not the core essence of our BEing. 

“GOD is LOVE” and “WE (human BEings) are made is His image” means when WE remember the Truth of who WE are (LOVE,) WE are able to “see” GOD in one another. 

Unpacking all the fear that’s been suffocating the mind is the first required step to experiencing  Peace (of mind). 

Ego would have you thinking it’s a daunting task because we’ve been conditioned by fear when in fact the only place ego does not and can not exist, is in the state and/or Presence of LOVE. 

Fear needs the shadows of darkness and confusion to maintain its illusion of Power. It is rendered powerless in the light of Truth (Reality). 

Choose to remember Truth. There is nothing to fear considering fear is made up  in the mind by ego

Knowing this releases it’s grip once the vail of lies have been dropped “like a ton of bricks” and Truth/Reality can be accepted once fear is no longer in the picture.

It is at this point that Peace (of mind) is experienced specifically because there are no questions,  no worries, no doubts, no concerns, no regrets, etc., which all come from fear - ego’s magical wand of two states that do not exist. Past and Future - except for in the mind. 

The only Time that matters is Now. 1. There is no other time like the Present one. Change happens in the Now, no other time. Peace is experienced in the Now, no other time. 

LOVE on the other hand is Timeless which means it is never ending so when the physical body expires, so does it’s experiences. Get it?? 


Sunday, October 31, 2021

The solution to all problems are found at the root/center, never outside.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) get back to Truth (LOVE,) fear will continue to be the root of all problems. 

Considering everything happens for a reason, it only becomes a problem when ego takes over with fear and makes matters personal.

The moment Life is seen from the clarity of Truth (Reality,)  fear dissipates. Fear maintains its illusion of Power in the painting of an unfavorable future at best or a complete nightmare! Fear uses the Past to prevent growth which comes with healing.

Because Life unfolds naturally, “problems” become an issue when Life is seen as something “wrong” happening. 

Issues are solved only when Time/Space is allowed to provide Clarity. It is there the question “what am I to learn from this?” is not only useful but necessary to return to and/or maintain Peace (of mind). 

Otherwise ego will continue to torture the mind with countless worst case scenarios. Not only will the solution never be found, problems will continue to be an endless issue.

Because WE (human BEings) are LOVE - temporarily inhabiting a physical form (body,) the decision to embrace Life as it is, is not only the beginning to the possibility of positive change, it, at the very least eliminates (the incessant voice/fear) in the mind.

Choose to remember Truth, nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. 

Breathe. Trust the process. The Right answer is always and only inside - never outside. To go within is where there are no questions, doubts, concerns, worries, etc., just a Knowing.  

The solution also known as Peace (of mind) is experienced when Truth/Reality is accepted for what is is

BE Still. Let Life happen - for your own good! Peace 


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Life. Don’t miss it!

Unless and until WE (human BEings) fully understand the concept of Time, Life will continue to be something to look forward to. 

The concept of Time applies only to the human species used for practical purposes in order to navigate through and become part of a society. 

The Western world in particular has taken this concept and actually deemed it the equivalent of money. “Time is Money!” Money, another concept that is seen as the way of Life. Two concepts that seem to rule the world.

Truth is, Time is an illusion - made up by ego -  that keeps one from remembering that Life is NOW. You came here knowing this, it just got buried under and covered up by fear, ego’s most effective tool. 

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are really Spirit/LOVE temporarily inhabiting a physical form (body) in order to experience Life, NOW while here on earth. 

Experience doesn’t happen in the Past and it doesn’t exist in the Future. Life is experienced only in the NOW and one must BE Present - fully aware and clear in the mind - in order to get the full benefits from every situation that Life has to offer

When taken from ego’s perspective (of fear,) Life is seen as a race or perhaps not seen at all because the focus is for something attainable which then becomes more valuable than Life missing the entire point of Life! 

Truth is, Life here on earth in physical form is simply for the temporary experience of it ALL. See (and LIVE) Life from the perspective of LOVE for that is where growth and healing happens.

Remove ego from any/all situations - each and every time - and radically change your pathway of Life for the better

Choose to BE your True self, LOVE,  so miracles will continue to happen naturally and so Life can be seen as the priceless gift of Time (guaranteed to no one) that can only be enjoyed through experience NOW. 


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Allow what (already) is to be.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) remember Truth (LOVE,) ego will continue to use fear as its tool to cause and maintain chaos and confusion.  

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE temporarily manifested in physical human form. Truth is only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up - which explains the current state of affairs on a global scale. 

It is in Knowing  “this too shall pass” and allowing what is to BE that, not only does anxiety (fear) dissipate but miracles continue naturally.

Presence is where the gift of awareness is held. Presence is also the only way Peace, of mind and body, is experienced

Breathe (deeply) several times if necessary and remember the essence of your True nature, LOVE, so  when Life’s challenges come, they will be faced with no fear. 

Allowing what (already) is to BE is 1. Where  Surrender, not quitting/giving up, comes from. 2. How the synchronicities of Life continue to flow effortlessly. 3. Where the lesson - to take nothing personally - is learned. And lastly, 4. Where growth happens; “when you know better, you do better”.

Time here is temporary. Don’t waste it on the Past or in fear of what the Future holds. When in the state of gratitude there is always more to be grateful for so choose to BE grateful for the breath of Life by enjoying Life now while you still can and in spite of its circumstances. 


Monday, August 23, 2021

“This too shall pass” but in the mean time…

WE (human BEings) are here to experience Life within the time allotted while in the physical form. 

Once ego steps on the scene however, Life’s purpose becomes obscured by fear. Fear of the unknown, change, the past repeating itself, loss, separation, even death. 

Because Life’s purpose is to just BE in order to experience Life, fear must NOT be part of the equation.

What must be remembered is the fact that everything in Life happens for a reason. The reason, irrespective of the circumstance(s), is to learn from it by asking “what am I to learn from this?” otherwise ego will get involved and make matters worse - it’s forté, by taking things personally and either playing the victim; “why me?” or the bully; “me only“. 

Choose to remember the True essence of your BEingness (LOVE,) and BEing grateful for the “little” things in Life. Where there is LOVE, there is no fear. 

Life is all about challenges; “if it’s not one thing, it’s another”. Just remember, this (Present) moment is where Real change is made. 

Allow Life to remind you that LOVE is the only way to Peace. Otherwise ego will continue to cause Pain and Suffering through fear…of what could never change, YOU (LOVE). 

This too shall pass but in the mean time, BE still and enjoy the ride! Peace

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The “How” is not your business.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) remember the True essence of our BEing (LOVE,) fear will continue to cause problems where there are none. 

For one/all to experience Real change, there must be a shift inward. Real answers/solutions are never found searching outward because what is “found” and/or made up is temporary

Real change comes as a result of the shift inward. To reacquaint with yourself is where the change happens. It is Knowing and understanding the physical body known as “self”, “I”, “me”, is not the True essence of BEing - that is ego.

Fortunately, Life is here to remind those that need reminding. It is always and only in surrendering to Truth/Reality that Peace (of mind) is experienced.

It is in Knowing your True essence (LOVE) - where fear is no longer an issue - that Real change begins. It is there (inside) where Peace is experienced because where there is no fear, there are no questions, no doubts, no worries, no stress, no drama, no negativity.

Choose to just BE You (LOVE). The point/purpose of Life is to live each moment by BEing fully present in it. Otherwise ego will take over, with fear, and continue to cause and maintain confusion and chaos.  

The breath of Life is a priceless gift that has an unknown end date. Live Life in Gratitude for each breath and each action there after will BE the change (miracle). 

The “how” is not of miracles considering there are no questions in what comes naturally. Just know it always works out  - for your benefit - in the end. Remember who YOU are (LOVE,) then sit back and enjoy the ride! Peace

Thursday, August 5, 2021

The decision is yours.

Because WE (human BEings) have been conditioned, from birth, to take what the eyes see and believe that to be True, it causes confusion when Reality hits because it’s too difficult/uncomfortable/painful to accept. 

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are here but for a moment. However the moments (aka days, years) here, in physical form, are too often overlooked or altogether unnoticed because of fear in one form or another. 

What must be remembered, in order to experience Real change is Truth. Truth is, WE (human BEings) are, at the core essence of our BEingsness, LOVENot  the   temporary/physical body which is simply an instrument that expires. 

Because we’ve been so far removed from Truth (and for so long) does not mean Truth and the power of its efficacy is affected in anyway. The beauty of Truth is the fact that it has never and will never change. 

What must change, in order to grow and heal, is the fear of accepting Truth for what it is rather than what it ought to be. 

Acceptance (of what is) is the opening to healing. “The Truth hurts” is a fear tactic ego uses to maintain confusion and drama. Stay Present/conscious of each moment because each one really is a precious priceless gift that is guaranteed to no one. 

Choose to remember Truth. Only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists - except for in the mind made up by ego. 

The choice is yours. Choose wisely (consciously). Peace 

Friday, July 9, 2021

Open your eye. It will open your heart and your mind.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) view Life through the Third eye, confusion, chaos and suffering will continue to be a problem. 

The Third/Spiritual eye provides the ability to see past the fear in one another disguised by ego as “protection” and recognizes the True essence of our core BEing (LOVE), not the human temporary physical form that comes with an unknown yet guaranteed expiration date.  

Considering the fact that WE (human BEings) are One human race, living as opponents is not only senseless, it is pointless. Senseless because no good comes from it and pointless because the purpose of Life is missed. 

Choose to live Life guided by the Third eye or ego will continue to drag you around insisting it’s there for your “protection” all the while causing and maintaining nothing but drama.

Remember who You are (LOVE) so to not get caught up in the nonsense by taking matters personally but to also remind others of who they are, You aka LOVE. 

Stay awake, alert, Present or you’ll end up in a world of illusion where nothing makes sense. 

Breathe. You got this…through the lens of your Third eye where Reality resides and there is no need to worry (ever).

BE Still. BE LOVE. BE You. Peace.  

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Grow as you go.

WE (human BEings) are all on a journey in this game called Life. Everything that happens is destined or it would not be

What must be remembered is the fact that because WE (human BEings) are not of this world, our time here is temporary/limited and guaranteed to no one. WE are all voyagers. 

Truth is, the essence of our core Being (LOVE) experiences Life in human form/body. Considering all forms are temporary this includes the physical body. 

When the form/body expires, Life does not end. Life is eternal. Birth is the beginning of experiences here on earth and death is the end of experiencing. 

The human body is an instrument that houses the Spirit of LOVE - our True nature. Live everyday in this Truth and outside circumstances will becomes less likely to matter when it comes to keeping and maintaining Peace (of mind). 

Know this, WE (Human BEings) are LOVE disguised in physical form. It is only in this Reality that miracles happen. 

Choose to learn from each and every experience by taking nothing personally but asking “what am I to learn from this?” rather than “why is this happening to me?”. Nothing is personal, it is taken that way (by ego). 

Seeing things from a clear  perspective (Reality) is simple but not easy yet this alone is how growth (maturity) keeps history from repeating itself. 

Remember Who YOU are, LOVE, and just BE (LOVE) in every action. BE your authentic self, no ego, no fear. “Life is short” translates to Time here is precious so don’t waste it on what can’t be undone and/or what what isn’t yet. 

Give LOVE a chance. Peace

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Allow LOVE to EXPERIENCE Life through YOU.

The point of Life is to experience it. To live it. To accept the “good/bad and the ugly” aka Reality, for what it is.   

Because WE (human BEings) are LOVE, temporarily occupying this physical form while here on earth, when life is lived in it’s purest state (Truth)  there is nothing to fear. 

In spite of what society deems appropriate/inappropriate, lawful/unlawful acceptable/unacceptable, etc., Truth is whatever system was put in place was and is to control and/or “organize.”

Systems are feared based because its believed a society “out of control” is a danger to itself and as a whole when in fact unless and until WE (human BEings) remember the essence of our True BEingness, LOVE, fear will continue to be the reason history continues to repeat itself. 

The point/lesson of Life is to allow LOVE the experience of Life through each and every physical form it occupies, period! This is done by BEing LOVE in action, not words...on a consistent basis. 

Because only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up. For clarification, the emotion is not what is being referenced here. Emotions change, LOVE does not, specifically because LOVE is not of this world. And neither are WE (human BEings) which is why the form/body expires and the True “self,” LOVE, continues living. LOVE never dies.

Choose to remember who YOU are (LOVE) and fear will become a thing of the Past. Begin or continue to live life from this point; authentically, expecting nothing, but open and willing to accept all of what Life has to offer, offering yourself totally as the instrument that YOU are and “miracles” will begin or continue to happen naturally. 

Choose LOVE. BE LOVE. You’ll never regret it. Peace

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Worrying doesn’t help, it hinders. So don’t do it!

Because WE (human BEings) are, by nature creative beings, whatever is focused on becomes

The mind is a wonderfully useful tool however when left unattended the aftermath can be devastating. The irony is Presence (of the mind) is imperative to not only bring about Real change but to also avoid unnecessary pain and suffering. 

Considering “Life is what you make it” ones perspective must be aligned with Reality in order to “make it.” Otherwise life will continue to seem like a an uncontrollable reoccurring in nightmare! Check out the movie Groundhog’s day for some visual content. 

Real change happens when Truth is remembered and accepted for what it is, Reality. Decisions made in Truth/Reality are never left with shame and/or regret because Clarity is the gift that’s comes with Truth. Any other time, fear sets in which is the main ingredient for pain, suffering and always ends in shame and regret. 

Choose to remember Truth; YOU are LOVE. Decisions made from/in LOVE not only heal, they bring Real permanent change because fear is not in the picture. 

Choose to not worry, that’s a recipe for disaster! BE still. Trust the process (which requires focus for mental clarity). The end result is always a  growth/improvement in character and integrity no matter how small. Start where you are, here, NOW, today. 

Allow Life to happen for you by choosing to remember; 1. WE (human BEings) are not in control of outside circumstances but are most certainly in control of how WE respond to them. 2. Who you are - at the core essence of your BEingness (LOVE) and 3. Nothing Real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace beyond all understanding.

Know this, worrying is the subconscious decision to not trust Life. How absurd! Life doesn’t need our trust for Life is eternal and depends on nothing and no one. So get on board and either begin to enjoy Life in spite of the difficulties or continue to enjoying it because before you know it, life here (on earth, in your physical body) will be over. 

Don’t waste it worrying. Take a moment - then a few and Be here, NOW and just BE. Peace 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Don’t panic! There is nothing to fear.

The moment WE (human BEings) forget our True nature, LOVE, ego creeps in as fear and any decision made in that state ends in certain regret. 

The point/lesson of each and every “mishap” is to learn from it so it doesn’t reappear in a different form. Unless and until WE (human BEings) begin to see things for what they are, Tests, failure and regret will be a constant result. 

To evolve, ones perspective must change otherwise things will continue to be seen through ego’s point of view which is always taken personally!

Choose to remember because only LOVE is Real, there is nothing to fear. It is always made up in the mind - ego creating a false narrative by going into the Past to create problems in the Future. Of which neither exists - except for in the mind - where the problems begin! 

Know this pattern ends when the decision to learn from each and every situation is put into action. This is done by not reacting - particularly when being Tested. 

Making this decision and following through  on a consistent basis is where maturity comes in, which by the way has little/nothing to do with age and everything to do with learning from experience.

When in flight/fight mode, choose to take a moment to breathe deeply (3 times is best) to regain Clarity in order to respond. This way a problem isn’t made worse but a solution may very well appear!

BE Still. BE YOU (LOVE) and you’ll never regret that. Peace.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Perspective determines Perception.

Because perspective comes from ones view point, what is reported back establishes what is perceived. 

Unless and until WE (human BEings) remember our True nature (LOVE,) ego will continue to use its most effective tool - fear - to cloud, distort, confuse and destroy anything in its path. 

Choose to remember because only LOVE is Real, there is nothing - no thing - to fear. And because WE (human BEings) are LOVE, manifested in physical form temporarily while on earth, the point of it ALL is to accept the fact that;

1. Life is challenging. 

2. The point/lesson of challenges is to learn from them - because they will repeat themselves until so.

3. Challenges/crisis creates growth. 

4. WE (human BEings) are here temporarily for the  experience - good/bad/indifferent. 

Remember your True nature, LOVE, by BEing and staying in the Present moment long enough to be grateful for the gift of Life (breathing). 

WE (human BEings) are individually here but for a moment considering all forms have an expiration date. The law on this physical plain is death after birth no death after Life. 

Perception changes the moment fear is no longer in the picture. Choose to remember Truth. You are LOVE temporarily here on earth to experience Life through physical form. 

Allow yourself the freedom of letting go (of fear -which clouds judgment) so miracles will happen naturally

Yes. Life is challenging and depending on ones perspective will determine whether or not suffering or liberation is the end result. It’s a choice so choose wisely. Peace 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

BE grateful not greedy.

It takes Presence (consciousness) to practice the art of Gratefulness. And actions of Gratitude is how one lives a life BEing Grateful. 

Because of our True nature (LOVE,) WE (human BEings) are blessed specifically for the miracle known as the “breath of Life”. Without that, there is no on earth. 

BEing Grateful for having the ability to breath (effortlessly) is too often taken for granted perhaps because breathing is done instinctively. 

The moment however breathing becomes labored due to respiratory illnesses or otherwise, any amount of relief brings a sense of Gratefulness for the improvement in the most essential thing to on earth. 

Because Gratitude can only be done in the Present moment (NOW,) Presence/Consciousness is required. One can not accomplish an action(s) in the Past, it is gone/done nor can one execute an action(s) in the Future - it doesn’t exist (NOW).

Otherwise ego will take over and not only disregard any/all miracle(s), it will use its most effective tool, fear, to distract and demand either when/how the next challenge/problem will be solved (Future) or  why something didn’t happen that should’ve (Past). Not only are these pointless, they’re extremely damaging considering the lesson was overlooked and not learned. Meaning similar situations will continue until the point of learning from it is understood. 

Because only LOVE is Real, it’s healing powers is the only thing that is effective no matter how grave the situation. 

It’s efficacy is not dependent upon anything yet because ego/fear is not real, everything depends on how grave the situation is. 

And because ego is always and only about drama, it is always willing and ready to create a situation and make it worse by seeking for the next thrill - at the expense of another and that means anybody!

Choose to BE and remain Grateful for Life - in spite of its challenges by accepting the fact that challenges are a part of Life... here on earth. 

Remember, once your expiration date arrives, it’s over on earth so BE you (LOVE) and accept each and every experience as a lesson to learn from and move on. 

Begin/Continue to live in Gratitude - while you can. It makes all the difference in the world. Peace

Thursday, February 25, 2021

The whole point of Life is to enjoy the experience of BEing here.

Because WE (human BEings) have lost sight, Clarity, of Truth aka Reality, another painful, judgmental, fear based way of living has been normalized and adopted as “the way Life is”. 

The Truth of the matter is because WE (human BEings) are not of this world, there is nothing to fear. Unless and until there is a Knowing - mostly through experience - Life will continue to test the understanding of this lesson through (constant) challenges. 

Challenges are a part of Life. Fear on the other hand is a decision made by ego when Truth has been forgotten. And what the eyes report to the brain becomes what is now believed to be True. 

Truth is what it is whether believed and/or accepted or not. Truth alone is what stands the tests/challenges of Time solely because  Truth comes from LOVE. 

Because LOVE needs/wants nothing for it to BE, same goes for Truth. Truth needs nothing for it to be what it is - a reflection of LOVE. 

Remember Truth, WE (human BEings) are the living, breathing spirit of LOVE, temporarily manifested in physical form here on this planet, earth. 

When the form (body) expires - everything in Life has an expiration date - the spirit of LOVE continues. Perhaps in another BEing however the point is LOVE never dies, everything else does. 

So enjoy the experience Life NOW, in spite of its challenges which requires acceptance in order to make progress. 

This progression is not towards achieving some goal or point of wealth, success, fame, status, etc., but rather to gain the sense of Peace that surpasses all understanding.  

Miracles are believed to happen randomly and typically for the lucky few, wealthy, beautiful, privileged, etc., which is why so many pray for them.

 Truth is because of the nature of our core BEing (LOVE) there is nothing WE (human BEings) need and have to pray for. 

WE (human BEings) are perfect and,, wonderful images of GOD aka LOVE. Take your place in the miracle of Life, this Life and just BE (action) - grateful, thankful, humble, kind, considerate, compassionate, understanding, forgiving, attentive, respectful, appreciative, empathetic, Present.

Why? Because one day you’re here and the next day you’re not so enjoy it (safely and wisely) while you can! Peace

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Pressure. You can either grow from it or fold under it. It’s always your choice so choose wisely!

Unless and until WE (human BEings) reconnect with the True essence of who WE are - LOVE, temporarily experiencing Life in physical form - the pressures of Life will continue to seem unbearable. 

One’s perspective plays a huge role in the amount of Time spent in either denial or acceptance. Clarity is what allows those under pressure to remember 1. Life comes with challenges that appear in all forms. 2. Because WE are not in control of what happens, the key to the best solution is acceptance of what is in order to respond and not react. And 3. When Present (minded) you will know - from experience - the meaning of “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. 

Otherwise the pressures of Life will continue to cloud judgment because of fear. It’s important to remember the fact that fear is nothing more than a figment of the imagination. Yet when left under no supervision (Presence of the mind) that figment will run circles around all of what hasn’t gone right, isn’t going right now and as a result will most likely not be right in the future. Which by the way only exists in the imagination considering Time (Past/Future) is an illusion. 

Choose to see Life’s challenges as lessons by asking “What am I to learn from this - fill in the blank?. Your intent will determine your outcome.

If it is Peace (of mind) you want, acceptance of what (already) is is mandatory. There is no way around it. Peace is experienced through allowing  what is to BE.

This is the formula to keep from folding under the pressures of Life. BE Still no matter how difficult and/or painful the situation is. Everything in Life is temporary and so “This too shall pass”. Breathe deeply, consciously and stay encouraged!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

BE YOU (there is only one of you on this entire planet).

When WE (human beings) remember our True nature, LOVE, fear is clearly seen for what it is, nothing

Fear is made up in the mind, by ego, on the pretense it’s there for your protection when in fact because nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unReal exists - except for in the mind - which is why there is nothing to fear.  

The only source of True wealth, health, success, etc., rests within. This source is innate (born with). There is no amount of money that could ever buy it considering these few reasons; 1. It is priceless. 2. It is not of this world. 3. It is privy to no one individual, group, race, gender, religion, faith, belief or otherwise.  

The Truth of the matter is fear is simply a distraction tactic used by ego to delay, mask and even  deny Truth (aka Reality)! 

The moment Reality is accepted for what it is - in spite of your current circumstance(s), Truth heals by repairing the damage done while in the state of denial. 

Truth comes with humility which ego knows nothing about and wants nothing to do with yet humility is how wounds are healed, trust is rebuilt, respect is regained, character is formed and integrity is maintained.  

Choose to remember your True nature (LOVE). Begin to spend more Time BEing Still, Present and in a state of Gratitude for the breath of Life - again, in spite of your current situation. 

Know this: Everything in Life is temporary yet happens for a reason. Stay open (minded) to all of what Life has for you and the reason will always be none other than to learn from it or it will continue to repeat itself. This is called history. 

Take nothing personally,  that’s ego’s job! 

Our job is to do the following: Walk easy. Breathe consciously. First listen with an open heart/mind. Speak gently. Respond don’t react. 

NOW is the Time to evolve. This doesn’t take Time, it takes a decision to BE the BEST YOU going forward in every encounter specifically when your worst is dying to show up (ego). 

Challenges are simply Life’s opportunities to grow. Accept each and every one of them with Grace and Humility considering the best out comes do not come from strength, intelligence, wealth, fame, etc., but from allowing Life to show you how it is meant to BE when each moment is surrendered in LOVE - you’re inner self. 

These we call miracles that only happen to the lucky, few, rich, etc. 

BE YOU, LOVE, and miracles will happen naturally! Enjoy (LIFE). Peace 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Fear is simply the absence of LOVE.

What is being witnessed is fear on display. When the mind has lost control, whatever actions take place will make no sense. When left in this state long enough chaos and confusion take over. 

Decisions made in fear, promote hostility and often lead to violence. This is ego’s form of communication which explains why there is never a solution!

It takes a sound mind to see matters for what they are which then makes room for being able to accept Reality for what it is. Denial is what imprisons the mind and causes suffering. 

Remember, nothing Real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists. 

Choose to remember the nature of your True spirit (LOVE) and fear will dissipate. Fear only exists in the mind and in the absence of LOVE. 

Courage comes from LOVE and because cowardliness comes from ego, it could never stand in LOVE’s presence and not cower!  

BE still. There is nothing to fear. Time here is temporary so spend it wisely, only on what it’s worth - this moment right now! 

Start by being grateful for the breath of Life - that too is temporary. Peace.