Sunday, October 31, 2021

The solution to all problems are found at the root/center, never outside.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) get back to Truth (LOVE,) fear will continue to be the root of all problems. 

Considering everything happens for a reason, it only becomes a problem when ego takes over with fear and makes matters personal.

The moment Life is seen from the clarity of Truth (Reality,)  fear dissipates. Fear maintains its illusion of Power in the painting of an unfavorable future at best or a complete nightmare! Fear uses the Past to prevent growth which comes with healing.

Because Life unfolds naturally, “problems” become an issue when Life is seen as something “wrong” happening. 

Issues are solved only when Time/Space is allowed to provide Clarity. It is there the question “what am I to learn from this?” is not only useful but necessary to return to and/or maintain Peace (of mind). 

Otherwise ego will continue to torture the mind with countless worst case scenarios. Not only will the solution never be found, problems will continue to be an endless issue.

Because WE (human BEings) are LOVE - temporarily inhabiting a physical form (body,) the decision to embrace Life as it is, is not only the beginning to the possibility of positive change, it, at the very least eliminates (the incessant voice/fear) in the mind.

Choose to remember Truth, nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. 

Breathe. Trust the process. The Right answer is always and only inside - never outside. To go within is where there are no questions, doubts, concerns, worries, etc., just a Knowing.  

The solution also known as Peace (of mind) is experienced when Truth/Reality is accepted for what is is

BE Still. Let Life happen - for your own good! Peace 


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