Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Life. Don’t miss it!

Unless and until WE (human BEings) fully understand the concept of Time, Life will continue to be something to look forward to. 

The concept of Time applies only to the human species used for practical purposes in order to navigate through and become part of a society. 

The Western world in particular has taken this concept and actually deemed it the equivalent of money. “Time is Money!” Money, another concept that is seen as the way of Life. Two concepts that seem to rule the world.

Truth is, Time is an illusion - made up by ego -  that keeps one from remembering that Life is NOW. You came here knowing this, it just got buried under and covered up by fear, ego’s most effective tool. 

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are really Spirit/LOVE temporarily inhabiting a physical form (body) in order to experience Life, NOW while here on earth. 

Experience doesn’t happen in the Past and it doesn’t exist in the Future. Life is experienced only in the NOW and one must BE Present - fully aware and clear in the mind - in order to get the full benefits from every situation that Life has to offer

When taken from ego’s perspective (of fear,) Life is seen as a race or perhaps not seen at all because the focus is for something attainable which then becomes more valuable than Life missing the entire point of Life! 

Truth is, Life here on earth in physical form is simply for the temporary experience of it ALL. See (and LIVE) Life from the perspective of LOVE for that is where growth and healing happens.

Remove ego from any/all situations - each and every time - and radically change your pathway of Life for the better

Choose to BE your True self, LOVE,  so miracles will continue to happen naturally and so Life can be seen as the priceless gift of Time (guaranteed to no one) that can only be enjoyed through experience NOW. 


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