Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Come back!

Because the mind is often lost in thought, even when concentration (Presence) is required for safety reasons, decisions made in the absence of Presence is usually met with Regret afterward. Because ego lives in the Past, clever and irresistible scenarios are tricks used by ego to entice and be lured away from Truth. Because ego can not tolerate Truth, it makes up its version of Truth to better suit its needs considering its one and only purpose is to cause and maintain conflict and drama

Choose to remember Truth. Because only Truth is Real and never changes, Truth can not be taught, just forgotten. There is nothing about Truth WE (human beings) do not already Know. This explains the stillness that is experienced, even if for brief moment when Truth is recognized. That stillness is called Peace and Peace can only be experienced in the Present moment and in the absence of fear. 

Because ego lives in the Past, the Future is always something to worry about which explains why fear stays on the scene. Ego's version of Peace is separation. There is Power in the whole (One) and ego knows this so it preys on anyone that has forgotten Truth and quickly drags its victims further and further away from Truth.  

Truth is, WE (human beings) are LOVE. The core of OUR natural state is LOVE because only LOVE is Real. Ego does any and everything to keep Truth hidden and disguised because ego can not exist in the presence of Truth. Denial offers "protection" from Truth however nothing is more damaging than refusing to accept Truth for what it is

Only Truth brings Peace. Because Peace is a gift of LOVE, it can only be experienced in the Present moment where fear does not exist. Fear exists only in the mind when lost in thought. Choose to BE Present now. Now is all that matters and when decisions are made in Truth, the Power of  LOVE, aka "miracles" happen! Miracles are actions of LOVE in its natural state. So remember Who YOU are, LOVE. To do that, come back and stay Present. BE LOVE and LOVE will respond in LOVE.

Ego reacts in fear because it's time is limited and must have conflict and drama to stay relevant. It's greatest success is convincing anyone that has forgotten Truth that war is how to get Peace. Nothing could be further from the Truth.

Come back! Stay Present. Be still. Remember Truth. Only LOVE is Real.  Nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists. Peace

  • 595 Chestnut Ridge Road, because it lives in a state of fear of being exposed. 

Saturday, May 27, 2017


Truth stands on its own because nothing Real can be threatened. Remember Who You are to experience the Peace that comes from Knowing this. What is Real can not be taught but has certainly been  forgotten. To teach is to share what is not already known, everything else is made up which explains why it makes no sense

Truth is, WE (human beings) are LOVE. This has been forgotten yet when reminded, Truth brings  Peace because Truth cuts through all of what never matters, details. Truth comes with Understanding because only what involves ego causes confusion first, then conflict. Conflict over what makes no sense to begin with.

Choose to remember Truth specifically because Truth offers Peace where ego demands only drama, never Peace. Truth must be accepted for what it is rather than what ego believes to be True. The experience of Peace comes only in the absence of fear and Knowing there is no fear in LOVE. 

The choice to experience Peace comes from Knowing (and remembering) Truth by BEing LOVE. Peace

Thursday, May 25, 2017

WE have to BE it to see it.

Because WE (human beings,) are LOVE, when still/in alignment with the True self, LOVE, the response will always BE LOVE. This is done only by demonstration considering its effectiveness is understood and accepted through experience/action and not mere words.

Because ego lives in the Past, its in a constant state of fear considering the moment the Past is let go/dropped, Healing begins to take its place. Healing is a gift of LOVE and in order to offer this gift, the Past must be released. This is called Forgiveness. Contrary to what too many believe, Forgiveness comes the moment LOVE is the guiding force. One must be conscious to make this choice and ego can not be involved since ego demands control, LOVE does not

Choose to BE LOVE through demonstrating acts of LOVE. The difference between ego and LOVE is one lives in fear because the threat of being exposed is constant while the other lives in Peace because nothing Real can be threatened.

Ego arrives on the scene the moment Truth is forgotten. Remember Who you Really are, LOVE.  Respond to ALL in LOVE rather than react in fear of what makes no sense. Because only LOVE is Real and nothing Real can be threatened, choose to BE YOU, LOVE, and you'll begin to experience naturally what most call miracles. Peace

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Do not accept the invitation.

Unless and until Truth is first recognized then remembered, conflict will continue to be the problem all the while believing and behaving as if fighting/war is how to get Peace. Peace comes when Truth is the guiding force not ego.

Ego's sole purpose is to cause and maintain conflict. Ego begins to build its case/story the moment Truth is forgotten. Choose to not answer the call for war. Strength comes from standing in Truth not falling for ego's tricks. Because ego is loyal to no one, what is believed to be protection, is really ego to divide and conquer.

What is Known can never be unknown just forgotten. When in that state (of sleep/unconsciousness) Truth is unrecognized because ego makes up its own version of truth which changes when necessary. Because Truth does not change (ever) nothing else matters. Truth is only LOVE is Real. Truth is WE (human beings) are LOVE. Truth is nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists.

Choose to allow LOVE to be the guiding force. LOVE is our natural state. It is only in this state are WE (human beings) at our best. It is LOVE that brings Peace. It is Truth that heals. Lies hurt because they cause damage, not Truth.

Do not accept ego's invitation - no matter how tempting, it will always lead to disaster. Remember LOVE is will always lead to Peace. Peace

Friday, May 19, 2017

Why fantasies end in nightmares.

Fantasy - imagination unrestricted by Reality.

Whenever WE (human beings) are not in alignment with who we really are, LOVE, ego takes over  causing problems where there are none. This is because ego's sole purpose is to be and remain the center of attention and will do so at all costs. 

Considering ego lives in the Past it keeps offenses close and personal so to not forget. For ego, revenge serves as the appropriate payment and severing communication is part of the deal although it hasn't solved one problem to date. This is because ego is the problem.

Ego, being selfish and partial to no one, is loyal to no one. It makes up its own version of reality and believes it to be True. Because imagination will go as far as ego is willing take it in order to maintain its fantasy, it becomes a nightmare when faced with Reality (Truth). 

Contrary to what many believe Truth is not what hurts, the absence of Truth is what hurts. At this point, Denial is what brings Suffering yet it's through Suffering comes the choice to Surrender. Please do not confuse the choice to Surrender for weakness. It takes a clear mind to see and understand the difference between what is Real and what is made up. 

Choose to BE and STAY Present rather than continue to live in a fantasy...they never end well. Peace is experienced when lived in Truth and that is done by staying awake. Peace

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

You are LOVE.

Contrary to what many are led to believe, i.e., "WE (mankind) are born sinners", "human beings are flawed by nature", "humans are inherently evil", etc., Truth is the complete opposite particularly because it's position does not depend nor is affected by belief or its lack thereof.

Because belief is a matter of choice, Truth is not the main focus. Preference on the other hand, is. The wrong choice is made when Regret is the result however because everything happens for a reason - to learn from it - Regret can be seen as an effective Teacher.

The best way to learn from mistakes/poor decisions is to remember Truth. Because Truth is known not taught, it is recognized when the will to see Truth for what it is, is greater than Denial. At this point Regret is released, Peace is restored and Hope is reestablished. There is no point in reliving what serves no good, that's ego's job. Choose instead to remember Truth - You are LOVE - then experience the Joy that comes from knowing that. Peace

Sunday, May 14, 2017

BE Peace.

Because WE (human beings) have forgotten Truth, ego continues to make up its version of Reality. Because ego lives in the Past, it puts negative experiences on repeat so it is seared in the brain. This  supports ego's version of forgiveness which is "forgive but do not forget, ever!"

Ego's version of forgiveness is believed to be the "protection" needed to prevent further pain yet unless and until the Past is LET GO, healing will not be available as an option and Peace will continue to be sought through war.

In spite of what the eyes report and regardless of what message is heard, choose to keep space for what you already Know but just forgot. BEing Present is how "miracles" happen and because miracles are experienced, they require Presence. Ego doesn't believe in miracles because ego lives in the Past and worries about the Future but prays for a not be exposed!

Remember Who you are, LOVE. Remember life circumstances are temporary, LOVE is eternal. Because LOVE is not of this world, only LOVE does not change, ever. Everything else does because its made up by ego which is bound to change because its not Real. 

Be Still. There is no fear in LOVE. Nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists - it's all made up (by ego). Remember that and you won't get sucked in to what makes no sense yet causes drama and conflict which eventually leads to war. 

BE Still. BE Peace. Peace

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Yes, even this too!

When WE (human beings) remember Who we really are, LOVE, what was once considered a threat and therefore something or someone to fight against becomes clearly seen as no threat at all. This realization however is experienced when Truth is remembered.

Truth is forgotten when life circumstances are taken for punishment when times are considered challenging at best and godforsaken at worst. The same goes for when life circumstances are  fortunate because times are stress free and blessings are in abundance.

Truth is WE (human beings) are LOVE. And because LOVE does not change, ever, its efficacy is not affected by life circumstances. On the contrary, LOVE remains the same in spite of life circumstances - what's considered both good and bad.

Because LOVE doesn't go by a measuring system, there are no limits to its capabilities. Because LOVE is not of this world, there is nothing to compare it to. Because only LOVE is Real, only LOVE can stand the test of Time. Because ego is on borrowed time, it doesn't even stand a chance.

Remember Who you are and accept LOVE as your guide. On this journey, you will recognize Humility, Compassion, Understanding, etc. On this journey, you will have life circumstances but experience Peace through it all. Peace is the gift of LOVE. Peace

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Do not give up, just LET GO.

Because Truth has been forgotten, ego uses every opportunity to slip in, disguised as protection, to take over with fear. Once fear enters the picture, one becomes susceptible to all of ego's tricks. It uses fear to distract and confuse in order to cause and maintain conflict

This can only be done whenever Truth is forgotten considering there is no fear in Truth. The fact that Truth is known, not taught, it can never be unknown, only forgotten. This explains why Truth  resonates when recognized. Truth doesn't need explanation for that is only for what is not already known. 

Rather than give up, choose to remember, Truth is realized when fear is seen for what it Really is, nothing. Nothing is the appropriate word here because when Truth is remembered, Peace is restored (for even just a moment) because there is nothing to fear. Fear is simply ego's tool used solely for the purpose of causing a problem where there isn't one.

BE still. BE present. Let go then experience Peace (for even just a moment). Peace

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Peace. It's not a matter of time but a matter of CHOICE.

Because Truth has been misconstrued/mistaken for something else entirely (made up by ego,) sayings like   "it takes time...", "time heals all wounds", "time will tell", etc., are believed to be True but are the root cause of Suffering. 

Because ego lives in the Past and Truth has been forgotten, WE (human beings) have been tricked, by ego, into believing Time is the answer. What has been forgotten is the fact that Time is guaranteed to no one

Because ego uses Time to distract, divide then defeat, the meaning of forgiveness has been manipulated and appended to "forgive, {but} don't forget". Time is ego's great divider considering the Past is how it causes and maintains conflict. To "don't forget" is to don't forgive

To forgive is to erase the offense. Erasing is done by letting go of the Past. Suffering is the gift ego bestows on those holding on to the Past considering the end result of forgiveness is "as we (offender and offended) were (before the offense)".

Peace is a matter of choice and not a matter of Time so choose to be and stay Present. Choose to remember Truth (what is known and not taught) - only LOVE is Real. Everything else is made up by ego which explains why it makes no sense. Peace is experienced in spite of life circumstances because everything is temporary yet Peace (Now) is everlasting. Peace