Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Peace. It's not a matter of time but a matter of CHOICE.

Because Truth has been misconstrued/mistaken for something else entirely (made up by ego,) sayings like   "it takes time...", "time heals all wounds", "time will tell", etc., are believed to be True but are the root cause of Suffering. 

Because ego lives in the Past and Truth has been forgotten, WE (human beings) have been tricked, by ego, into believing Time is the answer. What has been forgotten is the fact that Time is guaranteed to no one

Because ego uses Time to distract, divide then defeat, the meaning of forgiveness has been manipulated and appended to "forgive, {but} don't forget". Time is ego's great divider considering the Past is how it causes and maintains conflict. To "don't forget" is to don't forgive

To forgive is to erase the offense. Erasing is done by letting go of the Past. Suffering is the gift ego bestows on those holding on to the Past considering the end result of forgiveness is "as we (offender and offended) were (before the offense)".

Peace is a matter of choice and not a matter of Time so choose to be and stay Present. Choose to remember Truth (what is known and not taught) - only LOVE is Real. Everything else is made up by ego which explains why it makes no sense. Peace is experienced in spite of life circumstances because everything is temporary yet Peace (Now) is everlasting. Peace

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