Sunday, May 14, 2017

BE Peace.

Because WE (human beings) have forgotten Truth, ego continues to make up its version of Reality. Because ego lives in the Past, it puts negative experiences on repeat so it is seared in the brain. This  supports ego's version of forgiveness which is "forgive but do not forget, ever!"

Ego's version of forgiveness is believed to be the "protection" needed to prevent further pain yet unless and until the Past is LET GO, healing will not be available as an option and Peace will continue to be sought through war.

In spite of what the eyes report and regardless of what message is heard, choose to keep space for what you already Know but just forgot. BEing Present is how "miracles" happen and because miracles are experienced, they require Presence. Ego doesn't believe in miracles because ego lives in the Past and worries about the Future but prays for a not be exposed!

Remember Who you are, LOVE. Remember life circumstances are temporary, LOVE is eternal. Because LOVE is not of this world, only LOVE does not change, ever. Everything else does because its made up by ego which is bound to change because its not Real. 

Be Still. There is no fear in LOVE. Nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists - it's all made up (by ego). Remember that and you won't get sucked in to what makes no sense yet causes drama and conflict which eventually leads to war. 

BE Still. BE Peace. Peace

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