Monday, November 8, 2021

In the mean Time.

Because WE (human BEings) have been conditioned, by ego - in fear, Life seems to be lost in Time - an illusion.  

Time is nothing but a distraction from the Present moment (NOW) yet ego uses it to control those in  the state of fear. 

Unless/until the Past - a point in Time that no longer  exist - is released through facing and accepting it, NOW,  feelings of anger, shame, regret, will bring on the state of depression. 

The same holds True for the Future - a point in Time that does not exist. Yet anxiety chokes the breath out of anyone trapped in the grip of the need  to know what happens next. The need to be in control is where the problem lies

Truth is because WE (human BEings) are LOVE, control is not part of the equation. It is only until complete surrender and acceptance - of what already is NOW - will the solution (PEACE of mind) be experienced

Experience does not happen in Time (Past/Future). The memory of a past experience is recalled however one can not experience something that is yet to happen - except for in the mind

For the Time BEing (NOW,) choose to remember the True essence of our Oneness - LOVE. This state of awareness is where Peace is experienced particularly because there are no issues, questions, concerns, doubts, worries, etc.  And that is because there is no ego. 

Allow Life to unfold naturally and “miracles” will become a thing of the norm because Life itself is just that, a miracle

Do not be confused  (by ego) into believing circumstances and Life are the same - they are not. Circumstances change. The body expires. Life on the other hand is endless

Understand the difference by BEing grateful and thankful for Life in spite of any circumstance because Life is worth living - in Peace.

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