Thursday, August 5, 2021

The decision is yours.

Because WE (human BEings) have been conditioned, from birth, to take what the eyes see and believe that to be True, it causes confusion when Reality hits because it’s too difficult/uncomfortable/painful to accept. 

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are here but for a moment. However the moments (aka days, years) here, in physical form, are too often overlooked or altogether unnoticed because of fear in one form or another. 

What must be remembered, in order to experience Real change is Truth. Truth is, WE (human BEings) are, at the core essence of our BEingsness, LOVENot  the   temporary/physical body which is simply an instrument that expires. 

Because we’ve been so far removed from Truth (and for so long) does not mean Truth and the power of its efficacy is affected in anyway. The beauty of Truth is the fact that it has never and will never change. 

What must change, in order to grow and heal, is the fear of accepting Truth for what it is rather than what it ought to be. 

Acceptance (of what is) is the opening to healing. “The Truth hurts” is a fear tactic ego uses to maintain confusion and drama. Stay Present/conscious of each moment because each one really is a precious priceless gift that is guaranteed to no one. 

Choose to remember Truth. Only LOVE is Real. Nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists - except for in the mind made up by ego. 

The choice is yours. Choose wisely (consciously). Peace 

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