Sunday, September 3, 2017

There MUST be a better way!

Unless and until Truth is remembered, confusion and chaos will continue to take over and destroy any and everything in their path!  Because Truth has been forgotten, fear, the "extra" posing as the main character, continues to ruin the show by causing confusion and chaos.

What has been forgotten is the fact that NOW, the present moment, is where the (one) answer to ALL conflict lies. This is evident because too many look to and pray the Future will come with solutions however because Future is simply a matter of Time, not substance, disappointment is guaranteed considering the True answer is never found in what does not yet exist. Why not? Because Truth already was, is and will always BE what it is. Truth has never changed and Truth will never change. 

The "Past" can be used as a tool toward enlightenment considering it holds within it thousands of years of pain, regret, resentment, sadness, anger, bitterness, shame, blame, denial, etc. The key however is to LET GO of ALL negativity NOW, in order to experience a moment of Peace. This can only be done by BEing and STAYing in this moment, NOW. Negative emotions can not stay negative for very long, as long as the mind is brought and kept in the present moment. This is primarily because the "light" of Truth cuts through the thick fog and haze of Past and Future - mere distractions of what ever really matters, NOW. 

Remember who YOU are, LOVE, and YOU will begin to recognize Truth for what it Really is and no longer what society tries to convince you it is. Truth doesn't need convincing, lies do! 

Truth is, LOVE is the only way to any and ALL conflict. Peace


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