Saturday, October 14, 2017

Expectation and Acceptance

When WE (human beings) remember the True essence of our BEingness, Peace can be experienced - even for just a brief moment - however it is Acceptance of Truth that maintains Peace.

Because WE (mankind) have forgotten Truth, Confusion comes in to play considering what is made up (not True,) makes no sense which is where Confusion comes from. 

Whenever Truth is forgotten, the only "damage" done is to self/ego because nothing and/or no one can stand up to least not for ever!

Remember Truth - WE (human BEings) are LOVE. The wonderful thing about Truth is it has nothing to do with belief. Truth is what it is whether it is believed or not. Acceptance of Truth on the other hand, is where ALL expectations fall away considering ego expects, while LOVE is.

It's time to return to our natural state (LOVE) and enjoy the experience of Peace (mind, body and spirit!) Peace

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