Monday, March 28, 2022

Don’t be tricked!

Because WE (human BEings) have forgotten the True essence of our BEingness (LOVE,) we believe we are this physical form, body. 

This belief is what ego uses to disguise Truth with its most effective tool, fear. One must be Present/Conscious/Awake/Alert in order to not get tricked by ego, only to end up with shame and regret after the damage has already been done. 

Ego’s one and only purpose is to be and remain relevant - by any means necessary! Because only LOVE is Real, ego makes up shit in order to cause and maintain conflict and confusion

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE, temporarily occupying a physical form/body. The physical form (body) is solely for one purpose - the experience of Life.

Whenever ego is not checked, by choosing to be and remain Present/Conscious/Awake/Alert, the point of Life is mistaken for bad/good luck, and the experience is taken personally when its Life, nothing personal. Ego takes everything personal which explains how/why it’s so easily offended. 

Choose to remember what you Know, but may have forgotten - the end of Birth is Death, not Life. Life is eternal. The physical form (body) is a temporary gift, in the breath of Life, which allows One the experience of Life. 

Do not begin/continue to waste precious Time - that is guaranteed to no One - on what doesn’t matter, particularly because Death is at every corner!

Choose to “die before you Die” by living Consciously in humility and Peace (of mind) will be the experience of Life which is priceless

Nothing is worth One’s Peace (of mind) yet when it comes to ego, the slightest thing is worth enough to stir up problems where there aren’t any. This happens when the mind is left unattended. 

It doesn’t take long for ego to distract One with nonsense in order to entertain and stay relevant…at the owner’s expense for not being and staying  Present/Conscious/Awake/Alert. 

Life here in physical form, is not to be wasted on Time (Past/Future) because the experience of Life is only an always in the NOW - where miracles are witnessed! 

Be grateful for  the experience (good, bad, indifferent) of Life because it is all for One’s benefit/Conscious evolution. 

Remember Truth, only LOVE is Real and nothing unreal exists; except for in the mind, by ego, where the problem begins and remains. Solution - no ego, no problem!

BE easy! BE YOU (LOVE). 


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