Sunday, January 9, 2022

Before your Time is up.

Unless/until WE (human BEings) accept the fact that Life, here in the physical form, is simply to experience ALL of what Life has to offer, fear will continue to be the cause of problems because ego takes matters personally. 

Because everything in Life happens for a reason, the lesson is to find the blessing in everything! Otherwise ego will judge and find fault in each and every situation by using it’s most effective tool, fear, to control and stagnant the mere attempt of progress/evolution. 

Fortunately, because the Truth  of  who WE (human BEings) Really are, LOVE, it is simply a matter of  realizing and accepting this fact to invoke Real change - which first takes place within.

Choose to live Life from the perspective of the Third eye where the light of Clarity offers Peace (of mind). Clarity keeps ego in check considering ego needs chaos and confusion to maintain its senseless path toward destruction leaving nothing but Shame and Regret in its wake. 

We know better. Let us do better (within). Peace. 

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