Friday, August 12, 2016


Because Ego does whatever it takes to maintain its existence,  through conflict and drama, labels are one of its tricks to ensure seperation; the first ingredient of Fear. Because Ego knows only scarcity and lack, nothing is for free and no one is to be trusted. This explains the "dog eat dog" world mentality in that you either take or get taken! This explains the state of depression clearly displayed on the local and international nightly News considering the amount of stress one carries around daily for years on end. 

What must first be understood is the fact that labels are just that, labelsNothing more, nothing less
Labels are made up (by Ego) through society, using TV, movies, media, etc., to convince you of something that is not True. Truth does not need convincing because it never changes which explains why 1. It will always be revealed in the end. 2. It is the only thing worth what can't be bought at a price, (Peace) because you can't have one (Peace) without the other (Truth.) 3. Truth does not depend on your belief in it because it is what it is. Truth can be disguised but it can never be replaced.

Remember Who You are, a PERFECT creation of LOVE, and you will understand labels have meaning only if you give them meaning. See them for what they are, meaningless ways to maintain unnecessary conflict and drama for only Ego because they make no sense otherwise. Belief is a choice so the same way you can decide to believe something, which in itself is questionable if your belief is required, is the same say you can choose to change your mind. That which is Real/True requires nothing because nothing and/or no one can change it from what it is

This also goes for You, You just forgot! Because You are not of this world, nothing and/or no one can change the True nature of your being (LOVE.) Nothing Real can be threatened which is precisely what Ego wants to keep hidden from You considering this very thought is the beginning of its demise. 

Don't continue to fall into Ego's traps and get caught in its silly web of lies that are made up and make no sense yet belief in them may have catastrophic results. History has already proven this and will continue to do so until Truth is recognized for what it is and no longer what it should be or should've been. If it's not Now, then it wasn't True then because Truth does not change, evernever. This means do not spend another minute on what doesn't matter hence You find yourself caught up in the web of lies again!

Know Your Power (LOVE,) and use it in ALL situations. Because LOVE is the only answer and is limitlessNo one is undeserving of LOVE and no one is rejected by LOVE. Remember the essence of Who You are in your natural state, believed by most is Fear - again Ego's trick, and the Peace that surpasses all understanding will return to You because LOVE is Real and what can threaten Love? Certainly not labels! Peace

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