Friday, August 26, 2016

Don't confuse what points to Truth for Truth itself!

For centuries, many have mistakenly confused what points to Truth and subconsciously replaced it for Truth. This explains the mess we (human beings) are in today. This is also the one and only reason for the Pain and Suffering we inflict upon our self and others. 

Do not be dismayed however because the instant Truth is revealed and recognized for what it is and nothing else, Pain and Suffering will soon diminish in both intensity as well as longevity. You see because there is a reason/purpose for everything, including You, the moment that purpose has been satisfied, it's purpose is complete. Only when you remember Who's You are, will You know You are already complete and in need of nothing

Pain and Suffering are a result of "seeing" and believing what is made up, by non other than Ego, yet couldn't be further from Truth which is precisely where error takes form. This is because Truth is not of this world also known as the land of make believe. Sure it's considered harmless because what goes undetected must be harmless, right?? Wrong

Ego is very cunning and will wait for however long it takes for you to get distracted (for even a split second about what never matters in the end,) so it can quickly and quietly slide right on in and take up residence! The longer it takes to return to the state of right mindedness (which by the way comes only from Truth,) the better Ego camouflages and carries on undetected. 

Because Ego lives in the Past, every decision made (influenced by Ego) will be based on the Past.  Because Ego is selfish at best and savage at worst, it alone comes before everything and everyone and the reason its results never end well. Because Ego knows its time is limited to when the mind is returned to its natural state, Peace, by way of living in Truth, its goal is to cause as much damage in as little time as possible. This ensures the one and only reaction (Fear) that keeps it close by for your "protection"; cunning!

Ego is cunning for only as long as you are confused and lost and unable or unwilling to recognize and accept Truth only for what it is. Remember Who You are, a PERFECT creation of LOVE, and ALL of what is made up, i.e., fame, beauty, status, fortune, race, religion, political views, sexuality, accolades, etc., will be clearly visible for what they really are, meaningless nothingness.

It's time to put aside what makes no sense yet causes so much damage, and return to our natural state of LOVE, for no other reason than this; nothing Real can be threatened. Remember that and Fear, like Ego, becomes a thing of Your Past. Go in your greatness and be GREAT! The Power of LOVE is within. It always was and is Now so be You. Be Fearless. Be LOVE. Peace

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