Saturday, August 13, 2016

Let's focus on the solution. We already know what the problem is!

It is painfully obvious there is ONE (critical) issue that needs attention considering the problem this issue causes will continue, unless and until the light of Truth dispels ALL lies.

Although there are countless individual and collective cases that support the fact that there is an issue that has never not needed immediate attention, progress hasn't been achieved because a solution is not found by focusing and/or studyping the problem. Not only is that counter productive, it is a waste of Time with something that needs crucial care Now

Details are just a distraction because they are meaningless in the grand scheme of things, yet details are what is continuously used to support a senseless argument. Senseless because solutions are never found in what needs support which explains the current state of our "union."

Truth depends on nothing and/or no one because it is Timeless, meaning if anything were made up at some point in Time, it is not True. Only Truth is True. Everything else is made up yet the destruction left in its wake is gruesomely apparent because lies are mistaken for Truth and believed to be True. 

There is only one solution, LOVE, because there is only one problem, Fear. Because Fear is made up in the mind, it makes no sense considering it's merely a negative prediction of the Future about something that happened in the Past. Fear in itself is counterproductive because it's purpose is to keep its victims frozen in Time because it knows Truth is beyond Time.

LOVE is the only solution because only LOVE is limitless and Timeless where The answer to ALL problems are seen for what they really are (nothing) and so laid to rest. This is where Peace will greet You because it was there all along, You just forgot!

Peace is a state of mind that requires your attention in order to maintain its presence. Fear on the other hand requires your absence of mind and it does this by preoccupying you with worry about the Future while keeping you trapped in the Past. 

Wake up from this senseless dream and realize it's ALL made up. Reclaim Your Power (LOVE,) use it in every situation and what was so painful to face will be replaced with what was never lost, just forgotten, Peace. 

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