Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Life is worth living only when experienced.

Because LIFE is always Now, it's meaning, worth, purpose, etc., is lost when this is forgotten. Because Ego lives in the Past, its one and only goal is to keep the Now covered up and hidden with what happened then. Because what happened in the Past is done, gone and will never change, solutions to problems, healing, forgiveness, understanding, positive change, etc., are not found there
Ego knows this and must keep it from you considering its existence depends on your absence (of mind.) 

In order to secure its position, Ego traps you in Fear convincing you the Past is what you ought to go by to determine what the Future will look like. This is where history begins to repeat itself  making allowance for the fact that everything happens for a reason, yet unless and until that reason is clearly understood and fully accepted, history will continue to repeat itself because the lesson will be learned; the time in which it takes for that to happen is totally up to you (and you alone.) 

Because Peace (of mind) is a state of BEing, it can only be established when Truth is revealed for what is Really is and no longer what Ego made up and replaced with lies. Truth is revealed only in the Present moment because that is where clarity is experienced which explains the term "hindsight is 20/20/." It's not a matter of "if I only knew then what I know Now" for the simple fact that you knew, you just forgot!

Because Truth (like You) is not of this world, it is not learned, it is recognized. What is learned is made up and that's the reason it makes no sense! However Ego has deceived you and convinced you otherwise and will continue to use what you see with your physical eyes to trick you into believing the Past is what determines the Future. This is where Anxiety is introduced into the mix which in essence is an intense feeling of Fear about either a worse case scenario or at the very least, a future situation that has disappointing results. This is how Hope is lost. 

Choose to remember the Truth in You because it is You. When you remember Who You are, a perfect creation of LOVE, you will begin to experience a sense of calm because nothing Real can be threatened. What is there to Fear if there is no threat? What can pose a threat to the most Powerful? This is the reason LOVE heals. LOVE unifies. LOVE brings Peace which is where understanding/clarity comes from. 

Choose to remember Life is a precious gift because it's and experience that is worth it only when lived in Gratitude (in spite of your current situation which is temporary.) Enjoyed in the comfort of Knowing because of Who's You are, there is never a reason to worry!

Be still today. Life happens for you not to you so loosen the grip of what you have no control over anyway and see what happens. Peace

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