Tuesday, August 16, 2016

NOW is the time to go inside.

Because The solution to ALL problems is found only within,  a moment,  at the very least, is required in order to recognize and accept it. This is because the Now, the Present moment is the only opportunity offered where The answer to ALL questions are answered.
Remember the Truth about Who's You are and ALL of what you're dealing with becomes clear for what they are, temporary, of which will pass. Up until that point, Ego will continue to use its tricks - mind games of Fear, to distract, deceit and destroy.
Do not fall into Ego's trap of believing that "fighting back" is the last resolution because that is precisely what ensures further Pain and Suffering, all the while, blinded to the Power within that was never lost.
This Power is accessed through only one entry point and that is the Present moment.  It is here, Now, that Truth is recognized for what it is and no longer what it was believed to be considering not ALL that is believed is True.
Belief is something regarded as Truth which leaves room for whatever is not True. For those that are not convinced, there is more than enough evidence to support that fact found on the daily and nightly News. Truth is what it is, was and will always be, leaving no room for what is made up yet causes disastrous outcomes.
Choose to remember the Truth about Who You are, a PERFECT creation of LOVE, and ALL of what you're going through will be seen for the reason they're there. The reason is always the same which is only to learn from it; of which The solution to ALL problems is found.
Be Still. Be Silent. Be LOVE. Peace


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