Tuesday, August 30, 2016

BUT, the gag is...

Ego has, once again, managed to slip in through the finest crack, called Fear, wreak total havoc on any/every situation, whenever Fear is detected. You've been mistaken in believing Ego is there for your protection, when in fact, Ego is always the cause of the problem. Be grateful beliefs are just that considering only what is fact is True. Because you've been mistaken, understanding where the problem lies is where the error is corrected.
The moment you forget the Power You have within, Fear magically appears, in countless different forms of attack, i.e., anger, jealousy, envy, worry, resentment, etc. And all within a blink of an eye. All it takes is a thought, that thought, and BAM!! Fear is on the scene. Because Fear if of Ego, it   cleverly uses Fear to render you Powerless and in desperate need of "protection!" REALLY?!?!? Yep.
Please understand that is exactly where the problem lies. Knowing this is the opening to better/wiser choices. Only when in a moment of clarity, which is total absence of Fear, answers to any/ALL situations are available, made clear, sound and without a single doubt. Decisions made in any state other than Stillness, is simply a reaction to and in Fear. Because Fear is of Ego, action taken from Ego's point of view will always bring Shame and Regret. This is precisely because Ego is Selfish at best and Savage at worst, is never to be slept on because that's exactly how it takes you over...again, renders you Powerless, then "protects" you, leaving Shame and Regret amidst the mess it made.
The One and only way to see positive change in any/ALL situations, is to 1. Recognize Fear for what it Really is, nothing. 2. Understand how Ego skillfully yet subtly uses Fear to manipulate any/ALL situations to its advantage and never yours. 3. Return to a moment of Stillness (a couple of big, deep cleansing breaths will take you there) and Know everything happens for a reason. That reason is only and always to learn from it. Learning from the mistake, error, wrong choice, etc., is how to not repeat the vicious cycle Ego so painstakingly made up. 4. Trust the process and never react, remember that's Ego thang, not Yours.
You see Ego may have pulled the wool over your eyes again BUT, the gag is, because YOU ARE LOVE, Ego will never win. Peace


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