Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lighten up, it's not that serious!

Because Life happens for You not to You, it is only by letting go that miracles (known to most as "coincidences") continue to work and happen for You. Allowing and accepting what is, is the first step toward recognizing Truth in that, as Spiritual beings having a temporary physical  experience (living) here on earth, the essence of our nature LOVE is where The answer to ALL questions are found. 
Because LOVE never changes, what does is the precise indicator of what is made up yet believed to be and mistaken for LOVE but subconsciously replaced with lies/unTruth. Because LOVE does not depend on anything and/or anyone, it alone is dependable! Ego loves nothing more than conflict, drama and chaos and it depends on nothing else but past offenses (of both yours and others) to remind you of why you need Ego for its protection of You and Yours. Ha!

When Truth is revealed for what it Really is, the light of its presence, too powerful for Ego, unveils what has always been, what has never changed and what will always be. Remember what You've never lost, You just forgot, and the Peace that surpasses ALL understanding will be an experience you have because the details don't matter!

Change the way you see things and the things you see will change, meaning; live in a constant state of Gratitude (regardless of your current circumstance) and Life will reflect and extend back to You what you "see." Its reflection is simply a projection of your thoughts.  Its extension is a derivative of the efficacy of its Power meaning; when used for its purpose which is always for the benefit of another first and not Ego's purpose which is always for only its benefit, LOVE is magnified because Truth is established and Peace is experienced.

You decide. Peace


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