Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Who Are You?

On my way to my favorite diner for breakfast after dropping my girls off to school. For Stay At Home Moms, I'm not one but I use this comparison to make a point, you know we're not "getting dressed" to take our children to school. So the first thought that comes to my mind is "Oh My Goodness, I look terrible! My hair is a mess and I should at least have mascara on!" My clothes look like a cross between the 1980's and I look borderline homeless - not a good look, LOL!

I enjoy going to a particular town specifically because it's an Artsy town where the energy in that area seems to be more pleasant. How you look is not particularly important in comparison to who you are as a person. There are those (artists, musicians, philanthropists, etc.) who are more likely to live in a longer and more frequent state of peace/happiness because they have a better understanding of the meaning of Life. Loving what you do and doing what you Love is part of it. The other (most important part) is the fact that your Life is at its best when what you're doing is what you love because it helps (not harms) others. 

There is the argument "you should always look your best before leaving your house" because how you feel about yourself lends itself to your appearance. On a larger scale, our Country is in the state that it's in because we still judge others according to their appearance. 
This Country has become (well, has always been really) one that lives is a state of scarcity and lack (ex., "Who is going to pay for that?!?") Despite this, our Country is still considered the most Powerful Country in the World - how does that make any sense? What Power is gained when (because what you look like plays such a large role in why) our children are being killed, by Police specifically? What Power is gained by living in Fear of others being out to get what you have?

When WHO you are as a person is valued for more than what you look like is when we'll no longer see one another as a threat. To view another as superior or inferior because of their appearance is Absurd - extremely unreasonable AND Ignorant - lack of depth of knowledge or thought or feeling.  There is no Power in any of them however this way of thinking is the very reason the most "Powerful" Country in the WORLD is in a constant state of turmoil, conflict, anxiety, WAR against "their very own" as well as the "illegals"...REALLY PEOPLE?!?!? 

If you put more meaning into how you look than who you are as a person, you're also the one that judges others for how they look. Do you agree or would you prefer to defend this way of living because your Ego continues to cloud your vision from the FACT that we are all one and the same? It's by remembering that you'll be able to see God in others. You'll see there was never a threat. You created it in your mind when you judged the other by their appearance. 

Either way, ask yourself WHO are YOU? The way you live your life and treat others is the answer to to part of the problem or part of the solution. Peace

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