Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Whenever more time is spent in the past, replaying what you refuse to accept, you are wasting time and causing yourself unnecessary pain. If you accepted what can never be undone, there would be no need for you to relive it in your mind. Instead, you replay it again and again and recreate difference scenarios of what you would do or say if you got a "do over" (as if that would ever happen), all because you haven't accepted what is. Since a do over can never happen, you're wasting time dwelling over what's already done and gone forever and there is nothing you can do about it. Understanding that, is the beginning to the road to recovery and healing.
The Holy Spirit is our comfort because only with the Holy Spirit do you realize what's done in the past doesn't matter now. Being that only the Holy Spirit shows you what truth is, (remember the Ego disguises truth), He also shows you what you wont let go of is the very thing that's keeping you in bondage. Let the Holy Spirit comfort you by reminding you of what IS real because you're clearly confused. 
What's NOT real is any/everything made up so you feel better about your current situation - its called denial, in the form of lying, stealing, cheating. etc. You make these up and then believe them to be true so you feel better about yourself because you don't know who you are. If you did, you couldn't feel better about yourself!!

If you have to make something up its because you would (obviously) prefer to not deal with reality and thus hopefully sleep better. Having an affair, cross dressing, Priests molesting children, hoarders, etc., are all forms of living in secrecy/fantasy. They're made up and believed to be true, even for a short while, or maybe a long while, but at one point or another, the mirror of denial comes crashing down into hundreds of pieces. Its at this pivotal moment where you will see reality for what it is rather than the fantasy you made.

ONLY at this point are you capable of inviting the Holy Spirit to comfort you as you face reality because there is NO WAY you'll be able to do it alone. You've been gone so long, you don't even recognize reality for what it is which is why you need the Holy Spirit to comfort you. Otherwise the pain, regret, shame, etc., will seem too much for you to bare and because you don't know who you are, you'll choose death (suicide) over trying to pick up the pieces.

Let the Holy Spirit comfort you as you surrender and give it to God so He can exchange your pieces of nothingness for His peace of mind. Peace

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