Monday, December 29, 2014

I Have Arrived!

Because I know who I am and who's I am, I don't think the way I used to. I've forgotten who is in charge here, I mean God is the one in control wouldn't you say? That being a fact, I put my entire life in His hands, as if that's not exactly where everyone else's life is. They too, those who've forgotten, just need to be reminded. 

Because I no longer associate myself with the Ego, who's sole purpose is to cause pain and suffering in order to exist, my relationships are changing for good because God is good. The Ego is the reason we have "stuff" and I now know none of it matters. You see, it's all a test (Life) to see if you know who you are and who's you are.  Because I know this, I have arrived to fulfill my purpose in life which is to give you this very message.

It's only when you recognize who you are (not who you want to be or should be by Man's standards) is when you will arrive to be led by the Holy Spirit to fulfill your purpose which is the same as mine -  our life purpose is not different from each other. God did not create Man to become successful or  famous. Because of who He is, there is nothing to ever need or want. God created man to honor him and live together in peace. I mean how could you honor God and have even one enemy?

When you know who you are and who's you are, the Holy Spirit will remind you of who your neighbor, spouse, child(ren), coworker, teacher, employer/ee, roommate, stranger, etc., is. It's when you're living your purpose is when you've come to know God. 

By understanding and knowing who you are and who's you are, you will arrive to let the Holy Spirit show you none of this "stuff" matters. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to show you your purpose. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you what the Ego made up (religion, racism, sexism, politics, class ism, etc.)  is not true. Only what God creates is true because its created to last for ever. Trust that because God is ALWAYS in control, He knows what He's doing because He doesn't make mistakes!

You are a creation of God and there is none like you. Understand your sole (God given) purpose is to show God in you, that's the reason He created you in His image! Know this and you'll arrive to fulfill your purpose and show everyone you come in contact with who you are and who's you are and by doing so will show others who they are and who's they are.

What a day that will be when we all arrive together! Peace.

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