Sunday, December 28, 2014

Use Me

In order to be used, one has to allow the other to take control.

When the Ego is running your Life, you have (subconsciously - just below the level of consciousness) unconsciously (- not conscious; lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as if asleep or dead) given up your control. Because of this, you will continuously feel like you're being used.

When asked for something, your first reaction is No. That's because the Ego knows it has to hold on to everything because its time is limited. While in its position (causing drama) it has you believing you already don't have enough for yourself. It keeps you locked in a world of lack and scarcity (hence the overtly greedy and the prevalence of poverty in this country alone.)  It completely blocks your mind from remembering that you are God's child. It knows the minute you remember that, all your needs and wants are no more because you place your Faith back in God's hands. You'll  remember he's in control and God could never and would never hurt or deceive you because he created you out of Love. 

The Ego however puts Fear in you (through religion) and has you believing you if don't follow these rules, and pray the "correct" way, you'll go to the fiery pit of Hell. Really People?!?!! Is this what we're teaching our children what God's love is???

Anyway, I digress, that's about another subject I posted. It's called....RELIGION. I REdigress!
The ONLY way to be used is by God. Remember, to be used is to ALLOW one to take control. The Ego doesn't wait for you to allow it to take over, you would never allow that. It waits for you lose focus by focusing on what doesn't matter! You have to be conscious to make sound decisions or else the Ego has taken over and is running and ruining your life!

It takes over in the blink of an eye and BAM! you've forgotten who you are. Yep, that simple slip up is what causes gossip, drama, conflict, arguments, bullying, fights, WAR. Over what? Nothing! Because NONE of it makes any sense! Why? Because the Ego made it up NOT God.

To be used by God is to allow the Holy Spirit to take the blind folds off your eyes to show you its all made up. To be used by God is to let go so the Holy Spirit can do its work in you. What God creates is ALWAYS perfect because there is only one of you. God leaves nothing undone so there is no work left to be done in you.  

Give to God the stuff the Ego made up so God can use you for the purpose He created you. He created you to show Himself in you that's why He created you in his image. His image is universal because Love is universal and God IS Love.

Let the one who created man kind and only one of  you, use you. You can rest, assured that he knows what he's doing. The Ego has no idea what it's doing and doesn't care, look at the state of the world people! Are we going to stay in denial and say this is God's plan??? As if God could create such a mess? How ridiculous!!!

Volunteer to let the Holy Spirit guide you - it won't and can't impose itself on you. That's a form of attack and the Holy Spirit never attacks. Once you're guided by the Holy Spirit you'll be able to see  reality for what it is rather than how the Ego sees it or wishes it to be. It's at that vulnerable point by putting it ALL in God's hands will you be at Peace because you know you're in good hands. You know, the ones that created you?

Let God, the one that created you, use you to bless others. Being a blessing to others is how you show God in you. When you have God in you, you're able to see God in your brother. Remember, we are one of a kind, the SAME kind, ONE race, the Human race. Peace

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