Tuesday, December 2, 2014


If you spend half your day, more often than not, in a state of Panic/Worry it's because you haven't Let Go. You're in a state of Fear because you need to refocus. You've lost your way because your vision is blurred by Panic, Worry, Anxiety, Uncertainty, etc.

You must (consistently at first) remind yourself that God has everything under control. You ought to really sit with it for a moment then accept it for yourself (and others) because that's when you'll experience God's Peace - there is no other Peace.

To experience what "Be still and know that I am God" means is to be free of Fear in the form of these kinds of questions - "But what if?", "How will I?", "When", "What", "Why?", etc. These questions blur your vision of what is most important in Life - being a blessing to everyone you come across. To preoccupy yourself with what's out of your control is a waste of time. If not corrected after a certain period of time (ex., three weeks or more), you're susceptible to fall into a depression, if you're not already there.

This state traps you and keeps you in a constant state of Stress (Fear of what the future looks like to you and/or Fear of forgetting the past.) By holding on to the past you're not "forgiving the offender or the offense" and by not allowing yourself to forget is creating and holding onto a grudge.   This kind of Stress presents itself as headaches, nausea, irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety, stroke, heart attack, etc.

You don't have to wait until you no longer have the choice to Let It Go. You're associating Letting It Go with Fear which is why your body is sick. Your body and how you live your life is a mirror of what is in your mind. You're afraid that if you Let It Go you'll spiral out of control when in fact you're  not in control, God is! You're afraid that if you Let It Go you leave yourself open to being hurt again. When you remember YOU give others your power to hurt you is when you'll take it back by showing them God in you. Who looks at God and wants war?

Let It Go! How? See God everywhere you look and it's gone!

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