Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Life is out to get you!

When (take notice of the fact that I didn't say IF) one goes through a difficult situation at best, the typical reaction is Stress. Worry is the first emotion because the outcome is unknown. Anxiety follows because God is no longer the focal point. Because you're now afraid of not knowing how things will turn out and the fact that you can't believe its happening to you or why is, how you attract negativity into your life. You begin to create in your mind how things will turn out and because you're in a state of fear you could never imagine anything good coming from it.

Training your mind to stay present is what it takes to be able to see and be grateful for what you have. Worrying about what is not in your control (tomorrow) means you've lost faith in God. Comparing yourself or your situation to others is futile because it only confirms the fact that you are not grateful for what you have.

You'll begin to think life is out to get you. You can't catch a break. You're not lucky. You got the short end of the stick, etc. This way of thinking is a habit that must be dropped the same way it was picked up! Do not confuse looking to those that inspire you to do better with comparing your current situation to those better off than you.

You are not a victim - you just forgot the power of God is in you. The moment you began to feel sorry for yourself is when you began to give your power away. Reclaim your power today by living each moment to the fullest and know that God doesn't make mistakes - he's always in control.

Life is not out to get you. Life is what you make it!

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