Peace comes the minute you let go of the grudge(s.) First, lets be clear on what a "grudge" is - a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation.
Because the ego is hurt and offended by another, it will hold that offense up front and center so you never forget. This is the ego's way of protecting you. This is how the ego thinks because otherwise it wouldn't exist and it know this. Why do you think it behaves and reacts so irrationally? It needs conflict to exist and its purpose is to make conflict to continue to exist.
What you forgot is you are NOT your ego. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Your human experiences are called LIFE. Life is a test to see if you know who you are. Who you are is a creation of God, created to live together in peace.
As long as the ego is the leader, you will continue to live in fear, pain and suffering. Remember the ego's only purpose is to make drama in order to exist. It doesn't care who is left with its bruises and/or scars, it will do anything to anyone.
Knowing this and how foolish you feel after the ego got what it needed, you're left picking up the pieces. That's if the ego hasn't convinced you that your actions are warranted. You're confused because you're angry and hurt. Angry because you're hurt and hurt because you feel betrayed.
Its ONLY by forgetting the "debts" however is when you choose peace BY letting go of the grudge. You may think in your mind that you've forgiven or let go of the grudge but your actions will always tell the truth. Your body listens to what the mind tells it to do. Whenever the mind is conflicted, your mouth says one thing and your actions say another.
When led by the Holy Spirit is the only time your life will be in peace and not in pieces. The Holy Spirit erases all of what the ego told you never to forget because the Holy Spirit doesn't keep track of the past, that's what the ego has to do in order to exist yet leaves you with the residue (regret, pain, shame, anger, fear, etc.)
Let the Holy Spirit cleans your mind. He'll show you to see beyond the ego. Its just a fluff away because it has no substance, no foundation. What it consists of is all made up, self made no less. Let the Holy Spirit shine its light through you and you'll watch the ego disappear right before your very eyes.
Because the Holy Spirit doesn't hold grudges, it will release you of the ones you're holding on to and show you the weight you're carrying around in anger, resentment, pain, etc., weighs nothing because it is nothing.
The ego gives hurt and offenses meaning because it needs to hold on to them in order to exist. You on the other hand mustn't give meaning to anything that doesn't already have meaning. This way you won't continue to believe what is not true. The one and only thing that is true is the love of God. We (God's creations) are the only ones that can show His love to one another. Any other love is not Love because only His love is free from grudges and free of grudges.
Let go of the grudge and you'll feel "a weight being lifted off" your shoulders. It weighs nothing because it is nothing - don't give the ego a chance to make it into something. Its all a test! Remember that and you'll realize lessons are necessary as long as you continue to see what's not there because the ego has you believing what's not true. It's as simple as that! Peace.

Because the Holy Spirit doesn't hold grudges, it will release you of the ones you're holding on to and show you the weight you're carrying around in anger, resentment, pain, etc., weighs nothing because it is nothing.
The ego gives hurt and offenses meaning because it needs to hold on to them in order to exist. You on the other hand mustn't give meaning to anything that doesn't already have meaning. This way you won't continue to believe what is not true. The one and only thing that is true is the love of God. We (God's creations) are the only ones that can show His love to one another. Any other love is not Love because only His love is free from grudges and free of grudges.
Let go of the grudge and you'll feel "a weight being lifted off" your shoulders. It weighs nothing because it is nothing - don't give the ego a chance to make it into something. Its all a test! Remember that and you'll realize lessons are necessary as long as you continue to see what's not there because the ego has you believing what's not true. It's as simple as that! Peace.

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