Thursday, April 30, 2015

You are not Special

Ego says you're Special to keep you separate from others because that invites Jealousy and Envy which are perfect ingredients for Ego's recipe for Conflict and Drama! Because you have forgotten who you are, you believe Ego in thinking "there is nothing wrong with a little healthy competition." Because you've forgotten Who's you are, Ego slips in and convinced you because you're "Special," you must pay for it in Pain and Suffering. 

Do not be fooled by what you see with your physical eyes for that is precisely what Ego uses to imprison you in Fear. Because Ego doesn't know the Future (that's God domain,) all it can do is project. Considering Ego is the gatekeeper of Past offenses, it uses them to both torture you with Guilt and Shame or it keeps you sick by never letting you forget what others have done to you. It tricks you into believing, it's by not forgetting, that will keep you from further Pain and Suffering when, in fact, it's the complete opposite that's True.

God created ALL (human beings) equal and because God is the creator of all that are real, there is no need to compete for what is already yours! Do not be tricked into believing anything made is worth much for because  they are temporary (nothing on earth lasts for ever,) they are not of God and not worth the competition. 

What is of God is given as His gift for one and ALL, through the Holy Spirit, you just forgot. The only requirement is that you recognize who you are by allowing the Holy Spirit to remind you that God is in control and for that reason alone there is never a reason to live in Fear. When you remember Who's you are, you will remember the Power within your and know because it's of God, its Power is magnified in UNITY not separation. You are not Special. You are Spiritual being created by God to honor Him by recognizing God in everyone you encounter. Don't be fooled by the ensemble of insecurity Ego puts together with Worry, Doubt, Confusion, Anger, Resentment, etc. yet has you believing you're dressed as a warrior ready for war (over nothing.) 

What God created can not be recreated for God does not make mistakes. To believe you're Special is to put a limit on the Power of God in you and God is limitless so don't continue to be fooled! Peace

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