Friday, April 29, 2016

You're not poor, you just forgot Who you are.

Because you have lost the True meaning of wealth, you suffer unnecessarily in poverty from lack of knowledge. Please be clear, the knowledge mentioned here is not acquired through books or years of study on any particular subject. True knowledge is not learned because it is innate - you're born with it however its been forgotten over time through learning and adapting the made up ways of the world. True wealth is not attained from things of the world which explains the term "more money more problems."

Money, credentials, material wealth, celebrity status (whether it be in the entertainment, academic, medical or political arena,) etc., has been accepted as the paradigm for success and/or a prosperous life.  Time however (typically through loss and/or devastation)  proves they are but smoke and mirrors. The evidence of lack of True knowledge comes as a result of those witnessing this fact yet choosing to continue to base their identity on what they've worked for believing their fate will be different. A house made of brick, wood or stone is irrelevant if its built on sand (smoke and mirrors.)

The True meaning of wealth is True because what is True can not be  threatened. What is True doesn't change which is why its foundation is reliable. True wealth comes from the understanding that because it can't be earned, it can't be lost. Its only in remembering Who you are, a perfect creation of Love, that the Power within (LOVE) will bring back what you thought you lost, PEACE. It is here  you will remember an abundance or lack of worldly things has absolutely nothing to do with Who you are. It is here you will no longer be a slave to the mind that believes Ego's way of thinking which makes no sense (lack of True knowledge.) It is here that poverty (which is a state of mind) is seen for what it is, Ego's trick which traps you into believing things of the world is what brings things not of this world Peace, Joy, Love. Don't be fooled. You're not poor, you're sitting on a gold just forgot. Peace    

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Keep It Real - (don't make it up)

Because you have forgotten who you are, a perfect creation of Love, Ego takes over in the form of Fear and controls your life. You believe what your physical senses tell you and you're distressed because they're messages are insane and make no sense! The most common example is the pattern of one ending the life of another in the name of god, money, race, religion, sexuality, etc. Whenever confusion, greed, ignorance, insecurity, etc., dominate the mind, decisions made in that state are surely to bring nothing but chaos and what is left in the end is pain and suffering.

Because Truth is not recognized, everything else is seen and taken as its replacement which is where the problem lies. You see, nothing real can be threatened but because its meaning has been lost, what is left is made up in a feeble and desperate attempt to fill its void.

The Truth is, because you have forgotten Who God is (LOVE), you believe what you see with your eyes. As long as what you see scares you and is not what you want, you will accept another version of how you think it should be then believe that version to be true to the point that this made up version becomes more valuable to you!

What is made up will never replace what is real because what is real doesn't change. Ego knows this, but because you forgot, Ego uses its tricks of smoke and mirrors (status, financial stability, real estate, notoriety, jewels, good looks, youth, etc.,) to distract and keep you from Truth. Once identified by any one of these, your chances of getting your feelings hurt increases as you lose yourself in them. This is inevitable because nothing on earth lasts forever. It is here you will question your self worth, your place in the world but your answer will never be found. 

Choose rather to remember Who you are, a perfect creation of Love, and you'll understand that nothing real can be threatened. It is here you will know the Power within you where Fear will be a thing of the Past.  It is here you will see anger, in the form of attack for what it really is (as a cry for help) and BEing Love, your response will reflect Love and not hostility. It is here you will remember Truth and it is here you will live in Peace. Peace

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

What's on your mind?

Is it ever just one thing? Or should the question be "What's not on your mind?" For the later to be answered, one would have to stop all the mindless chatter in order to focus long enough to come up with a sensible answer.

It's not uncommon for most to begin their day with at least one, if not several and worse case scenario, all of the following; what's most pressing on the To Do list, worries about this or that, rehashing yesterday's drama, etc. As if that isn't enough, local and world wide news, which is very rarely positive and promotes fear, is added into the mix.

This is how a typical day begins for far too many and what is happening around the world is simply a reflection and clear indicator of what is going on in the mind. There is no other explanation for the senseless and incessant acts of violence (physical, emotional and/or verbal) that people are forced to deal with on a daily basis.

The average person has more than enough on their "plate" and many more have several "plates" to try and manage. Because the mind is bombarded with so much (all lot of it stressful) for many, it is no wonder the first reaction to the slightest form of opposition comes as an attack.

Too often, mindless chatter is the root cause of suffering because its usually in the form of worrying. Worrying is useless yet results in suffering considering 1. if there is something that can be done to improve a situation, worrying about it is useless. and 2. if there is nothing that can be done to improve or change a situation, worrying about it is pointless.

Mindless chatter is also based around regret, shame, resentment and the like. Because what was done can never be undone, reliving the situation in the mind keeps the pain, upset and anger alive and well which prevents growth and a healthy life style.

Choose rather to remember the Power within you by deciding to let go of Past offenses (of others and yours)  and live in this moment. Trusting things will work out the way they are meant to will relieve you (and those close to you) from further pain and suffering because worrying and/or being anxious  never changed anything for the better.

Be grateful for this moment, no matter how difficult and/or challenging it may be because 1. it could be worse and 2. it is what it is and you will come to know Peace which is never dependent upon life circumstances. Because Peace comes from within, it can never be taken from you but you'll never "find" it because its always with you. Just go within and quiet the  mind and there you'll Peace. Peace

Thursday, April 7, 2016

What is the point of it all?

There is a purpose, a meaning to life and going to work everyday to pay the bills isn't it!

Because the point to life has been forgotten, confusion and conflict are like cloaks that cover up Reality leaving a cold, dark and lonely world in the form of pain and suffering. Because the point to life has been lost, the need to justify, attack, defend, make wrong, make right, explain, etc., is how the viscous cycle of pain and suffering is kept in motion. Because life is viewed from the images taken in with the physical eyes, Fear is the state in which life is lived and when decisions are made in Fear, the results are guaranteed to bring more pain and suffering!

When life ALL situations are seen and accepted as an opportunity to respond in LOVE by BEing still in the midst of conflict, chaos and confusion will the meaning of life be understood. When not reacting to negativity is the preferred choice made, the strength and momentum of  pain and suffering becomes weakened and less frequent. As the lessons of life are learned, challenging circumstances are then seen as tests (of patience, tolerance, faith, understanding, etc.) and the passing grade is offered as Peace of mind. 

The point of it ALL is to live in Peace on earth and LOVE is the only way to get it. Peace

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What's good??

"What's wrong?" tends to be one of the first questions asked when someone seems upset or bothered.
Because Ego LOVES conflict and drama, what's wrong in any given situation will always be the preferred topic and/or focus. Because Ego initiates and maintains problems never solutions,  agreeing with and even justifying reasons for feeling upset or bothered is how it maintains its existence. Not knowing this or forgetting this is how life's lessons get overlooked, considering everything happens for a reason. 

There is a purpose to everything in life or it would not be. Please know the purpose does not have to make sense for it to be accepted. Unless the mind is open, present and willing to receive the message/lesson, it will be interpreted by Ego as either bad luck or a personal attack.  

The Truth of the matter is, unless and until the mind is STILL, what's "wrong" will seem to increase in both intensity and severity.  Choose rather, despite how dark and heavy the situation may present itself, to pause and ask "what is the purpose of this?" or "what is there to be learned from this?" considering everything happens for a reason. 

Another way of not getting dragged in and caught up with what's "wrong" is to focus on what's good!
That simple yet profound change of mind not only magnifies but multiplies what good. This is the law of attraction. By focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one brings positive or negative experiences into their life. 

Choose to focus on and be grateful for what's good by asking "what's good??" and not only will there be more to be grateful for, but you'll see what's "wrong" will pale in comparison! Peace