Thursday, September 29, 2016

Where do we draw the line???

The moment we (the entire human race) forgot the Truth about Who we Really are was precisely the moment the door for "anything goes" flew wide open! Its because we don't remember Truth that explains the chaos and confusion swarming this country in particular. The fact that Truth does not ever change is the only guarantee for Hope (in the future).
We have lost our way but the way itself has never changed and never will because Truth is unalterable. Faith and/or Trust are not applied because Truth is not recognized for what it  Really is but "seen" rather as foreign and often times uncomfortable.  Fear is the natural state for those that are lost because whenever knowledge (Truth) is absent, confusion shows up and chaos is not far behind. Evidence of the madness is displayed on the Daily and Nightly News.
The line for mutual respect is obscure at best and downright invisible and/or nonexistent too often considering the value of Life itself is overlooked and forgotten about. There was a time when the elderly, infants and women were spared but that is a thing of the Past. We have come so far away from Truth that today, no one is exempt and everyone is seen as a potential threat. The level of hostility toward one another is fueled by fear through the media yet because misery loves company, "unplugging" seems like something imagined not realistic. Ha!
It is Time to get back to Truth and the ONE and only way to do that is to fully accept and recognize the fact that we (the entire human race) are ONE and the SAME. We are here temporarily in physical human form to experience life on earth. The expiration of the body is the end of birth, not the end of Life. We are Really LOVE in Spirit, made in His image, which never changed when we took on this human form because it is Truth, we just forgot.
The moment we wake up to Truth, the light of its Power will shine away ALL confusion and chaos eliminating the need for lines to be drawn which limit because LOVE is limitless. Peace

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

What's it gonna take?!?!?!

The fact that everything happens for a reason has yet to be fully accepted and understood because knowledge of this fact is not reflected in life (at least not as a collective force). Because knowledge is only useful when shared, it is pointless to stay quiet and look away at the injustices for the sake of "keeping the peace".

Unless and until the light of Truth (knowledge) is shed on ALL that is covered up and hidden in fear's shadows of hate, shame, guilt, etc., what seems like senselessness will only continue because the cycle of lies, confusion and corruption continue, then justified as the only way to survive.

This one reason/lesson comes in many different forms however its point is always to bring the awareness back to what really matters. This is because the essence of who we really are has been forgotten which explains the pain and suffering that hovers over this country and the world as a whole.

It is not logical to think we can restore damaged relationships,  form new ones and/or maintain current relationships with others when in fact our relationships at home are lifeless at best or in extreme cases, terminated because of lies, confusion, corruption, insecurity; all of what maintains conflict and war - division.

We need a sincere moment of clarity to ask the question "what is the reason for this?" We need a sincere moment of acceptance/willingness to receive the answer. Fear can not continue to dictate the way we see the world. We must STOP and not react (again)!

Truth comes in silence, in stillness, never in chaos and Truth brings with it Peace. We need healing. We need a rest. We need to breeeeathe. We need to wake up. We need LOVE. Peace

Monday, September 26, 2016

Live and let live.

The breath of Life is a priceless gift promised to no one, but death, on the other hand, is guaranteed to ALL. Because ALL that is born, dies, Time spent here in the physical realm passes like a blink of an eye in comparison to life outside of the physical realm where Time does not exist.   
The meaning of this gift is not valued for what it Really is because its meaning has been forgotten. Because Truth never changes, its meaning is not taught and so not learned. Only that which is made up and believed to be True, taught, to learn. Truth is Known which explains the feeling of Peace that is experienced when Truth is recognized; to identify that which is previously Known
The fact that Truth has been lost to what is believed to be True is the fundamental reason for the consistent senseless acts of violence displayed and more recently, recorded live and seen around the world seconds later. From one perspective, recording injustices (e.g., police brutality) is seen as the only "credible" witness amid further cover ups (hiding/disguising Truth). From the other, this too confirms what has been forgotten considering because of Who You are, "no weapons formed against me shall prosper". This is True although not in the literal sense, apparently, however unless and until Truth (We, the entire human race, are ONE and the SAME) is recognized and fully accepted, positive change will be something continually Hoped for the Future missing yet another opportunity to experience Peace NOW.
The essence of our being, LIFE, has no beginning and no end which means because it is not born, it does not die. Death is the end of Birth not LifeLife is eternal. Life, unlike Time is not of this world which explains why it is priceless. There is no amount of Time deemed "acceptable" as payment/punishment for taking the Life of another (whether intentional or not) for no other reason than (again), Life is eternal. That idea, placed into law, is made up by the judicial system which was established and practiced (to this day) by corruption and greed.  
Life (on earth) is an experience to be had not one to be dictated by another(s) believing he/she/they are superior/entitled, for whatever reason.  There is no reason because it is simply not True. This gift in the form of breath is temporary and will be over, in the physical realm, in no Time at all.
Choose to remember Who You Really are (LOVE) so the countless forms of Fear will be seen for what they Really are, a cry for help! Remind ALL of Who they Really are (LOVE) and the world will Know and experience Peace. Peace

Friday, September 23, 2016

Again we meet.

Here we are again, at a crossroads in time with a decision to make. The choices are always the same although one comes in many different forms and the other remains the same always.
One offers false promises, hopes and dreams that are at best, temporary, before they're realized for what they really are, nothing, and where Shame and Regret patiently await continued absent mindedness.
The other offers nothing however what's been forgotten is the fact that because of Who WE (the entire human race) Really are, there is nothing of Real value that can be offered or taken away. Unless and until this is remembered, confusion, chaos and conflict will continue to dominate and control every decision made in fear. Its worst case scenario will always end in Death.
Because Death is the end of Birth, not the end of Life, and because the physical body is not Who WE Really are, this realization and complete acceptance of this fact is where the one logical decision becomes clear. Fear has no place in what is Known considering fear is always of the unknown
Fear preys on what is kept in the dark, makes no sense, is unclear, confusing, confused and illogical yet because its reaction is always the same (attack in any form), the vicious cycle of revenge continues.
Knowledge, on the other hand, is Power because only what is True is clear which leaves no room for question, doubt, concern, worry, etc., is apparent yet not intimidating. Nothing Real can be threatened and is never threatening.  
There is a decision to make. LOVE or fear (which is really nothing) albeit its devastating results. Make the right choice so Shame and Regret will remain a thing of the Past. Peace   

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Live fearlessly not carelessly!

The moment Reality is recognized for what it really is, fear in all forms, dissipate. Confusion and doubt come only from what is made up because it makes no sense. The moment you remember Who You really are, all of what seemed impossible are laughed at once seen in the light of Truth.
The Power within is unalterable however because it's been covered up by what ego made up for its benefit (always to divide and conquer), fear sets in and stress becomes an unwelcomed guest. Because Truth has been lost to what apparently makes no sense, i.e., another young black boy shot and killed by police, life is lived in defense mode where attack is the first reaction and (from ego's perspective) the only form of "protection". 
Ego, insidious and vicious, stops at nothing  to maintain its goal of conflict and dramaNo one is exempt and anything goes, even death.  Ego takes advantage when the mind slips from its distractions of fear. At this point any/all decisions made in the state of fear will not only not be to your advantage, it will absolutely be to your regret.
Life is always and only NOW. The Past is gone and there is nothing that can be done to change it. The point/reason for the Past is to learn the lesson it came to teach. Remembering the Past is not what prevents it from happening again. Learning from the Past is what prevents it from repeating itself. Once the lesson is clearly and completely understood, Truth is once again recognized for what it really is, LOVE, and Peace is experienced as the gift LOVE gives to ALL.
Because life is NOW, Hope for the Future is pointless unless and until change in the mind NOW reflects Truth (LOVE). Because the body displays what the mind projects, nothing changes unless and until the light of Truth is accepted as the only way to real change.
Fear keeps covered all that is kept in the dark where confusion and discord rule and the results are detrimental. Open your Spiritual eye so what ego keeps hidden will be seen for what they really are, nothing. And the fact the all of what you could ever want and/or need is already within will be what it takes to remind You to live fearlessly in LOVE for that is the only way to Peace. Peace

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

STOP letting fear dictate what you do!

Fear imposes itself at the precise moment you forget Who You are. From that point on, fear plays a major role (if not the main character) in life simply because Truth has been lost to what is made up, makes no sense, yet believed to be True. This explains why attack in any form, is fear's first reaction.
Unless and until the Truth of Who You are is first recognized then fully accepted, fear will continue to have some say in every decision made. A quiet/still moment, a couple of deep cleansing breaths at the very least, is how Clarity is experienced and the right answer(s) made available. Decisions made with Clarity leave no questions and/or doubt because there is a Knowing that comes from Clarity that can not be described, only experienced. Clarity comes from Truth which is not of this world and that is why it can not be described - there is nothing on earth like it!

Because ego rules the world with fear, the One answer to ALL questions, concerns, worry, expectations, etc., is too often inaccessible because fear, disguised in life situations, is the distraction. Decisions made in fear will always result in regret specifically because where there is darkness (lack of knowledge), there is confusion and doubt. Decisions made in the absence of Truth are always made clear once the light of Truth shines through ALL of what seemed, in the dark, to be an insurmountable task(s).

Because ego lives in the Past, it never forgets and demands you don't either! Because ego can not exist in the Present moment, at least not for very long, it uses fear as its one and only tool to project the Future as something to constantly worry about. You have forgotten Who's You are and that is how ego uses your Power to its advantage, never yours or anyone's for that matter. Ego is on borrowed Time and would never waste any of it on a moment in search of Clarity for that would mean a failed mission. Please know, ego is selfish at best and savage at its worst - the evidence is seen live on TV, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Remember Who You Really are, a PERFECT creation of LOVE. It is only by recognizing and fully accepting this fact that you will not only value and appreciate yourself for Who's You are,  but You will be able to clearly see fear for what it is Really is, nothing. It is when LOVE (only) is the guiding force that every decision made will result in Peace (of mind) . Peace


Thursday, September 8, 2016

You can't give what you don't even know you have.

Despite sporadic moments of clarity, typically brought on by a Life changing experience (ie., birth, loss, death scare, health scare, etc.,) the mind tends to return to what is confusing and makes no sense simply because ego prefers it that way!

Unless and until Truth is recognized for what it Really is, LOVE, ego will continue to control the mind with Fear, always leaving situations worse off than they were before ego arrived on the scene.

Because you don't remember Who You Really are (LOVE,) ego takes complete advantage of your absentmindedness and attacks using Fear as its only weapon. The fact that Fear has no Power is very well known to ego however the fact that You forgot the Truth of Who You Really are, is precisely how ego takes over and uses Your Power always for its benefit only.

Considering ego is selfish at best and savage at its worst, one doesn't have look farther than their own backyard to witness the evidence left in ego's wake. It's known for leaving behind Shame, Confusion, Disbelief and Regret as a token of appreciation for Your lack of awareness which only happens when Fear is the distraction. 

Remember, the True essence of Who You Really are is LOVE. It is only from this point that Fear, in others, be recognized for the cry for help it Really is. LOVE is when attack is no longer the typical reaction because Healing is the desired result which always bring Peace. Peace

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The answer is ALWAYS the same.

There is only one reason for temporarily occupying space here in human physical form through the body and that is to experience it (Life) how it was intended. The fact that We (man) are not in control has yet to be fully accepted and acknowledged through complete Surrender, is the primary reason Fear invades the mind and takes control of the body. Because its been forgotten about, the most Powerful gift isn't accessed which explains the unrest, tension, depression, anger, hostility, stress, conflict, disease, addiction, etc. 
The whole purpose of Life is to experience it in the moment, Now always in Gratitude, in spite of any/ALL circumstances. Because the body is useless without the mind, what is believed comes with a set of thoughts that produce behavior which typically ends in regret as opposed to what is Known which requires no action at all. On the contrary, it is precisely in the moment where confusion, terror, and chaos is all around that Peace is established through complete Surrender. It is only and always through Surrender that "miracles" happen and miracles are not found in the Past and they don't exist in the Future. They happen only in the present moment, Now because any other time, you are working against the force of Nature. This happens because you forgot Who You Really are, LOVE, and so believe it’s all about you which is really Ego in disguise.
Remember, your breath is a gift that is to be treasured as such. No one is guaranteed this gift and no one knows when their last breath is taken. That isn't as important as living Life through experience and that can only be done by staying in the moment and being Grateful for the inhale and exhale you subconsciously overlook. Ego's one and only job is to maintain conflict and drama using Fear as a distraction to get you to stress out about what you don't control anyway. The Past which is gone and the Future which is not guaranteed is how Ego controls the mind with Fear.  All to continue its war path of destruction over what is meaningless but clearly disastrous.
Wake up and recognize the Power within, LOVE. It’s the only guarantee to Peace of which is always established through Knowing, because of Who's You are, Fear has no place in the mind. Truth sheds light to restore Stillness and Calm and that's precisely the opposite of Ego's environment. No matter the situation, the answer is always the same, LOVE, and is found only within...BREATHE Peace  

Monday, September 5, 2016

The forgotten piece is the most important part of the whole lesson!!

Because you don't remember Who You Really are, you don't remember Your True nature, LOVE.  When LOVE is not recognized for what it Really is, Truth, ego invites Fear into the situation which never declines and attack in all forms must be ready at all times.

Because you don't recognize the Spirit of LOVE in others, you believe attack in any form, is Real rather than accept them for the cry for help they Really are.  This is how conflict and drama are maintained by ego while convincing you it's there for your "protection."

Remember Who's You are and you will Know protection is for the weak and Powerless and that is not You! Ego cleverly convinced you, it plays a very important role in how life works and so you subconsciously give ego the lead role as the star in the show. All the while causing more problems, worry, stress, attack, etc., and the cycle continues.

There is only One purpose for ALL of mankind and that is to live life by experiencing Peace in earth. This is done by understanding, because everything happens for a reason and one reason only which is always to learn from it, unless and until the fact that you are not in control is accepted and completely appreciated, the whole point is missed.

Return to LOVE and the reason for why you're here will begin to make PERFECT sense. Peace

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Don't quit, Surrender.

Because you have forgotten Who You are, you lost sight of Truth and believe this make believe world (made up by ego.) This explains why you don't believe in magic, it's meaning has been completely misinterpreted, again by ego,  to mean something that is not real/illusion.

Because recognition of your Power is not a requirement and does not affect its efficacy, ego uses it, always to its advantage by keeping you caught up and distracted in Fear (of what you don't control anyway.) This explains why Truth is feared, considered dangerous and to be avoided at all costs. The illusion ego tricked you with is in believing this is how  to avoid punishment. Because ego always finds fault, blame is the next step because punishment is always for the offender and never the victim.

Believing you are a victim is the first mistake and where the problem lies. Remembering Who's You are is how the error  corrected and Fear a thing of the Past. What's important is the difference between quitting which is always of ego because there always some form of communication breakdown, and Surrendering which is always from LOVE and never Fear.

Try it out! The next situation that tries your patience, rather than do what is considered (to ego,) perfectly normal and even justifiable, choose to let go and Surrender. Watch what happens. Please do not be fooled!! Ego will do it  best to make you believe you got this but remember Surrender is found in LOVE only of which ego knows nothing. Peace

The game is made up, that's why the rules make no sense.

Because you have forgotten Who You are, a PERFECT creation of LOVE in Spirit, temporarily experiencing Life through the physical form, body, you mistakenly confuse the body as You. This is where the problem lies. Considering the body is useless on  its  own, you've been convinced (by ego) that you're weak and powerless without ego to protect you lest you become a "door mat."

That mentality is ego's way of thinking and it's always "me and mine before you and yours." When You remember Who's You are, the need for protection will be recognized for the joke it really is. You are LOVE and what could possibly threaten LOVE?? Only what is made up and not True, in constant Fear of being pointed out and recognized for what it really is, nothing

You are not the body. and when that is remembered (during the next test,) attack in any form will be seen exactly for what it really is, just another one of ego's ploys to trip you up and throw You off course. DON'T FALL FOR IT!!!

It's time to wake up and realize ego is the cause of the problem which is only and always Fear. When you lost sight of what is Real, LOVE, Truth became covered up with lies ego told you in order to keep you in Fear. It's time to remove the blinders and look, with blameless eyes, at the damage done and decide, "this is enough!" Or the madness continues.

What was intended for good has been turned into a nightmare of Fear. Wake up! Understand, because it's ALL made up, it makes no sense which is why there are no questions when LOVE is the only answer. There is immediate Healing because LOVE is the  only cure. Words are not necessary because LOVE is the universal language which is always understood and how Peace established. Peace

Saturday, September 3, 2016

You got it ALL wrong!!

Because you have forgotten Who You Really are, you've been convinced (by Ego) that getting rid of or eliminating toxic people from your life, is the answer to conflict and drama. And we wonder why there is so much conflict in the world!

Because you forgot the Truth in You, you don't recognize Truth, in spite its distressing disguises, in anyone else. Instead you believe what your physical senses tell you, when in fact they're just outwardly reflections of what's going on in the mind. A mind that is absent of Peace is full with what doesn't matter in Reality because in Reality, it makes no sense.

Getting rid of or eliminating those that no longer serve your purpose is the complete opposite of  LOVE and precisely  how Ego tricks you into believing what maintains conflict and drama is the answer to Peace. REALLY?!??

Remember Who's You are for when you do, You will be able to recognize everyone as the SAME. We, the entire human race, are One Spiritual force (LOVE) temporarily experiencing Life in physical form through the body however because we've forgotten that LOVE is our natural state of being, Ego introduced Fear to you as a substitute and offers its "protection" from LOVE with Fear. Are you beginning to see the pattern of madness here? This is ALL made up and is of Ego which uses Your Power to torture and destroy while "protecting" you from nothing, all at the same time.

Please know, LOVE needs no protection because LOVE is not threatening and can not be threatened. Let your guard down and realize its ALL been just a nightmare and it's Time to wake up! Let's not continue to suffer unnecessarily over what offers no Healing and Peace. The Past is gone, put it down and let it go!! Life is Now and nothing else matters!

Acceptance is the first step in moving forward and Forgiveness, for yourself and others, is the second step. The last step is opening your heart, your mind and your hands to reach out and extend LOVE in action (begin with a smile) and watch the miracles begin to happen right before your very eyes. Peace

Friday, September 2, 2016

You will get it when...

Because you have forgotten Who You Really are, you subconsciously allow outside forces (Ego) to control your mood and as a result, your day and ultimately, your life. Let's just  be thankful We (the entire human race) is not in ultimate control considering the damage done by man already

Unless and until this fact, We, ALL living creatures, are not in control here, is accepted and completely understood, Ego will continue to use Fear to control the thinking mind (thoughts) which are displayed through action/behavior. ALL behavior apart from LOVE, is based in Fear which always has Ego to do with it.

Because LOVE is never hostile, cowardly, unsure, angry, afraid, resentful, bitter, cautious, worried, suspicious, manipulative, deceitful, anxious, revenge full, etc., only when in the Present moment, where Clarity/Sanity is acucessed and Truth is recognized for what it is (Love,) will Peace be experienced, in spite of the situation.

Only in remembering the Power within, by being Still in the mind, will you be able to recognize a cry for help despite their many disguises and respond appropriately, which is always and only in LOVE. See them as anything else and you will react as if you have already been attacked and must now retaliate. As ridiculous as it may seem now, because you don't remember Who's you are, you've been convinced, by Ego, that you're Power and without its "protection," you're always at risk of getting offended at the very least and/or worse. Might this be where the mentality "take or get taken" comes from?

Because you already have, within, ALL you could ever need, this fact renders any/all outside forces (Ego) powerless, but only with your awareness of this fact considering Ego depends on your absentmindedness to dominate and destroy. Take back your Power that only you can give away, subconsciously, by remembering nothing Real can be threatened. It's at this point you will see how senseless yet harmful it is to "defend/protect" what needs no defense, LOVE.

All that is required to experience Peace at any given moment and in any given circumstance, is to be willing to accept the Present moment as it is rather than what it should/shouldn't be. It is at this point, however brief, Truth resonates within which then sheds light on what seems confusing at best and life threatening at worse.

Because You are not a body but a PERFECT creation of LOVE in Spirit, temporarily either just surviving (until now,) or Truly living a life of gratitude, nothing and/or no one has the authority to take your Peace. Ego knows this which is why it distracts you with what never matters by waiting for you to "fall asleep," (again.) Stay awake and you'll pass with flying colors all the Tests that come your way. They come only to remind us of what we've forgotten,  We Are One. Remember that always and you will be returned to the Peace that surpasses ALL understanding. Peace

The circumstance doesn't matter, the end result on the other, hand does!

Because We have forgotten Who We Really are, One People, One human race, One Body of Energy/Spirit temporarily experiencing Life in physical from through the body, We believe Life happens to us rather than for us. Because We mistakenly identify with the body as Who We are, Ego must step in because the body itself is useless, meaningless and powerless which is exactly where Ego does its damage.
The mind has been so covered up and blinded by what makes absolutely no sense, i.e., the texture of nappy hair is seen as unruly and unprofessional, to be in a different income bracket is considered either inferior or superior to another, to nurse a suckling baby in public is considered indecent, to not have English as the primary spoken language is seen as foreign; to have black skin and be male is considered a threat and hostile/dangerous; how absurd! These and countless other examples are simply the result of Fear and Ego is culprit behind it ALL.
The answer to the madness is to accept and fully understand We are not the body. The body is how  Ego maintains separation through Conflict and Drama. From Ego's perspective no one and/or nothing is trustworthy and so its guard must remain up at all times. Because We have forgotten the Power within, We've been convinced, by Ego, We are powerless and need its "protection" which is to "never forget" and "never let your guard down." Ha! Ego lives in the Past which explains why forgiveness is never the solution and from Ego's perspective, forgiveness is actually quite suicidal because of the risk of being vulnerable and the chances of getting hurt/disappointed (again) not only increases but is to be expected.
Remember Who You are, a PERFECT creation of LOVE, that has been given an amazing gift (your BREATH) to (temporarily) experience Life through the body. Because the breath of Life is guaranteed to no one, please be reminded to accept whatever you're going through, no matter how upsetting/challenging it may be right now, as a Test and the reason for it is simply to learn from it. It is only at this point that Sanity returns to the mind because Truth sheds light on what makes no sense.
You are a beacon of Light. Remember that and let it shine so bright that it leaves no room for Ego to hide. We are One. The circumstance never matters - that is just one of Ego's clever tricks to distract you with meaningless details. Choose to remember Who's Your are and the control you thought you have to maintain will be released from you as if "the world had been lifted off your shoulders." This is where the "Peace that surpasses ALL understanding" is experienced and that is the best result in the world!  Peace

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The problem is in the mind...nowhere else.

Although there seems to be moments of clarity here and there, where Truth is recognized for what it Really is, the belief  is "because its been this way since the beginning of Time," Death and Destruction are to be expected. "It's even predicted in the bible" some would protest, in defense of what, is be to questioned.
Because Ego rules the world through Fear, which by the way presents itself in many different forms, the solution to this problem will never be found in Fear or any of its disguises. Fear is simply a projection of what does not exist right Now and this comes from basing the Present moment on Past experiences. Because Ego lives in the Past, the Present moment must be covered up and overlooked by anything/everything other than Now in order for Ego to maintain its existence.
Because the Past can never be undone, the one and only logical thing to do is to learn from it so to not repeat the cycle. Too many mistakenly believe "never forget," is somehow what will prevent further Pain and Suffering yet that is precisely what Ego requires in order to continue to cultivate Fear. Conflict and Drama is how Ego preserves Pain and Suffering all the while convincing you Ego is what you need for your "protection!" 
What must be unlearned is this the notion that We, the entire ONE human race, are different from one another. That somehow because of how horrifically inhumane one group treated another, one is thought of, to themselves and other groups as superior to all. While the other, because of "never forget," sees them as Devils in disguise that deserves to die just as inhumanely in retribution for their ancestors "sins." Because this way of thinking  has not changed on the same level of how Science, Technology, Medical Research/Treatment, etc., has progressed, it may seem like we, this  generation may not see Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream come to fruition  (because it has yet to be fully realized.) However considering change begins first in the mind, there is always Hope.
There is only One solution of every problem, Peace. There is only One Truth to every illusion, Reality - We Are One and the Same. There is only One answer to ALL questions, LOVE. There is only One way to live, Now. Peace