Monday, April 20, 2015

"I don't have Time for that!"

One has to be unaware or confused to believe what Ego made up is real yet what is real, Ego refuses to allow you to accept. How else could one explain the need for protection or the need to defend oneself from another simply because of their race, nationality, religion, etc.? Why else is there such a divide among us when it comes to everything under the sun? Could it be the result of believing what  is man made and yet taught to believe is true will save you from hell? Could it have something to do with the fact that you think you're religion, race, political party, class, etc., sets you apart and makes you special? To the world, Yes! To God, No because we are one and  the same!

You make Time for what makes no sense because it won't matter in the end anyway yet what needs no Time at all (Truth,) you refuse to accept. Truth seems strange, scary even, which explains why, when reminded of Truth, the response is "that's True, but this is the real world." Now, if that's not an oxymoron...

Choose to not give anymore Time to Ego, for its only accepted form of payment for its protection of you, is Life, for without Life, it's non existent. Because God is the creator of Life (not Ego) it settles for the mind instead. Ego uses Fear to take over the mind then tricks you into believing its you two against the world and for this reason it must protect you. This is how Ego uses the Power of God in you, against you because you now believe no one is to be trusted.

At this point you've lost Faith in God because Fear controls your Life and your Faith has been given over to Ego. "Well, I have to protect myself some how, there are crazy people in this world" you say!
Know this, the only Time you're guaranteed is the moment you're in right now for only God knows what happens in the next moment. So trust Him, I mean He is the One in control here, right?

The Holy Spirit comes at no cost yet can and will transform your Life. Its only stipulation is an invitation, for the Holy Spirit will never impose Itself and Its only requirement is a willing heart. Be open to Its possibilities and they will be endless! What do you have Time for? Peace

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