Saturday, October 14, 2017

Expectation and Acceptance

When WE (human beings) remember the True essence of our BEingness, Peace can be experienced - even for just a brief moment - however it is Acceptance of Truth that maintains Peace.

Because WE (mankind) have forgotten Truth, Confusion comes in to play considering what is made up (not True,) makes no sense which is where Confusion comes from. 

Whenever Truth is forgotten, the only "damage" done is to self/ego because nothing and/or no one can stand up to least not for ever!

Remember Truth - WE (human BEings) are LOVE. The wonderful thing about Truth is it has nothing to do with belief. Truth is what it is whether it is believed or not. Acceptance of Truth on the other hand, is where ALL expectations fall away considering ego expects, while LOVE is.

It's time to return to our natural state (LOVE) and enjoy the experience of Peace (mind, body and spirit!) Peace

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Do not be afraid. BE AWAKE!!!

When ego says "Don't worry I'll get you back!!", LOVE says "because only LOVE is Real, there is no threat and therefore nothing to fear."

Unless and until WE (human BEings) remember our True nature - LOVE, fear will continue to be interpreted as justification for anger, attack, betrayal, resentment, dishonesty, etc., instead of for the call for LOVE it Really is. 

Because WE have forgotten LOVE, ego continues to take over and use fear to mask Truth. However because Truth has never and will never change, all it takes is the awareness of fear (in whatever form) for what it Really is - misguided and lost from Reality, to be released from its grip. It is there Peace is experienced which comes from accepting Truth (Reality) for what it is, not what its believed to be True. 

Do not be fooled! ego uses the physical senses to trick the mind into believing what is being reported  is Real. This is because the mind has been confused into believing it is in control when in fact ego is the one running the (shit) show! This explains the need for "protection". 

Understand this vicious and senseless cycle, is because of fear that one needs "protection". Recognize fear for what it is - nothing - and Truth will remind you LOVE can not be threatened because there is no fear in LOVE. 

Remember this, WE are LOVE expressing itself through the body. In order to remember LOVE, WE must wake up NOW and stay AWAKE! Fear is out of control because WE have failed to realize fear is simply a call for LOVE. Respond in LOVE rather than react in fear and Healing will soon take the place of all this suffering. Peace 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Because Truth has been forgotten, illusions are accepted as Truth and that is how Reality is replaced by insanity. Yet, because WE (human BEings) are LOVE, all it takes is the willingness to accept Truth for what it is considering Truth remains the same with or without acceptance. 

Truth must be recognized because although it is Known, it has been forgotten which explains the senseless acts of violence and terrorism that continue to devastate and destroy. Suffering is the result of Denial considering any/everything other than Truth is made up by ego and if believed long enough will eventually bring regret in some form. This is what HELL seems to be like...hopelessness. 

Reality is too often associated with pain and suffering because Truth has been brushed aside, passed over and flat out denied. However because Truth is, was and will always BE, it is Truth that offers the possibility of Hope and Healing which is the solution to pain and suffering. Hope and Healing is possible with the acceptance of what is, Truth. 

Truth is, WE (human BEings) are LOVE. Accept this Truth in the face of fear and experience the Peace that surpasses all understanding. This is what HEAVEN seems to be like...LOVE, where ALL are Welcome! Peace

Monday, October 2, 2017


The mind, when left unattended long enough, is capable of causing unimaginable and senseless  horrors because its purpose is to serve.  It serves one of two masters - LOVE or fear, never both simultaneously considering two basic facts; 1. There is no fear in LOVE and 2. Because only LOVE is Real, and nothing Real can be threatened, there is nothing to fear.
The fact that WE (human BEings) have forgotten the True essence of our natural state, LOVE, fear continues to slip in and taken over the mind. Unless and until WE remember WE are LOVE expressed (temporarily)  through physical form, ego will continue to take control of the mind using its number one trick, fear. 
Although it's been established that fear is nothing (not Real,) just a trick made up by ego, its effects seem Real simply because Truth has been forgotten. What has been taught to believe is True is not True considering what has always been, is now and will always BE, can not be taught. Truth is Known which explains the Peace experienced, however brief, the moment it is first recognized then accepted. Denial is another trick ego uses to drape its heavy cloak of fear as its barrier to LOVE.
Remember Truth - WE (the entire human race) are LOVE and ALL of what was once feared will be exposed for the nothingness they really are. Because only LOVE is Real, and nothing Real can be threatened, choose to not continue to let what is reported on the news, posted on social media, printed in the newspapers, broadcasted on the radio, etc., allow fear to distract the mind away from Truth. We have seen more than enough of what the end result look like!
NOW is when to WAKE UP!!! There has been far too many wake up calls ignored by humanity which will continue to cause suffering unnecessarily - and all for nothing, fear. LOVE is the only answer, because there is nothing else. Only LOVE heals because only LOVE asks for nothing in return. Peace comes only from LOVE because where there is no fear, there is Peace.
Don't believe what the eyes report or what the ears hear, they are mere distractions. Instead, WAKE UP, stay focused and remember what is Known but just forgotten - LOVE is the One and only answer to ALL chaos, conflict and confusion. BE LOVE in the face of fear. Peace