Friday, April 10, 2015

How would you know?

How can you say "I Love You" and believe Love hurts? How? Ego, that's how! Ego convinced you to protect your feelings and yourself from others because you believe you're weak and powerless. Ego takes over to do what is never necessary (simply because of Who God is) but you forgot. More on that to follow... 

You believe you need protection which explains the guard Ego keeps up and the dagger that's always in position and ready to attack! If you would but remember who you are, you would know there is never a reason for attack. The mere fact that you're convinced you need protection is the reason attack is still believed to be necessary. 

All that's required of you by the Holy Spirit is your willingness to recognize Truth when brought to it. And the Truth is because you do not remember who you are or Who's you are, you continue to bring pain and suffering to you and those around you. You see, Truth is what it is (reality) but because it's believed that "the Truth hurts," Ego creates its own reality filled with lies and ignorance to protect you from what you believe will hurt you. Because you don't remember who you are, you are dragged around by Ego according to what's "trending", searching for Peace of mind. 

You haven't found Joy because you're confusing it with Happiness which because it's not of God, it comes and goes and doesn't last long. Could this be the reason you seem confused and/or depressed when Happiness is gone and you're forced to face the Truth (reality?) How many are faced with the Truth but refuse to accept it, choosing to believe what makes no sense hoping instead for it to bring you solace. Remember, because Joy is of God, it is eternal and because it is a state of being it lasts for ever and can never be taken from you!

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you because God is Love, and you are created in His image (His likeness,) you too are Love. For this reason alone, you never have to protect yourself from Love because contrary to popular belief, Love doesn't hurt, it only heals! Know this and you'll know Peace. Peace

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