Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Many Different Forms

Because you don't remember who you are, Ego presents itself in many different forms by tricking you and dragging you into its world. Because you don't remember Who's you are, you see others as a threat, this explains why those seen as weak are victimized, picked on, bullied, disrespected, berated, attacked, and yes, killed. 

Please know a weak mind is far more dangerous than a physically strong body. A mind is weak when led by Ego that took over the moment you lost focus of Who God is in your Life. Confused, you believe what Ego shows you with your physical eyes. Because you forgot you are a Spiritual Being in Physical Form (but for a short while), you believe what you see on the news, and live in Fear. You forgot Who is in control and so you worry about everything! Because you forgot Peace comes from within, you spend your whole life in search of it, going as far as paying others to show you how or where to find it. You can't buy it and it can't be found because it's not lost. Peace is, and will always only be in the Present moment.

A sound mind is one of knowledge which comes only from God. Because knowledge is Power and God is ALL Powerful, anything that produces Fear, Anger, Hostility, Shame, Regret, Resentment, Jealousy, Worry, Despair, Anxiety, Panic, Distress, Doubt, Mistrust, etc., is of Ego because there is no knowledge or Power in any of those. If there were, they would not leave you feeling lost, holding onto nothing but pain when it's all said and done. All of your unanswered questions will be left that way by Ego because Ego has no knowledge. With God there are no questions, only knowing! The only thing that's Fearful is the unknown which is why there is no Fear in God, being all knowledge and all knowledgeable!

Allow the Holy Spirit to show you because of Who God is, you are healed the moment you put your stuff (physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.,) in God's hands by letting go of what is not in your control anyway. What you do control (God's Power in you to choose) put in the hands of God by asking His Will be done and you will never regret that decision, no matter the outcome of your life situation, which, at the end of the day, doesn't matter. When the mind is taken over by Ego there will be nothing but regret left to torture. Instead, be of sound mind, for the body is temporary and is of no use without the mind yet when not led by the Holy Spirit, conflict, drama, war and disaster are certain to be expected. 

Do not be confused by all the different forms Ego presents itself as. Recognize them for what they are (not of God.) Do not acknowledge them (that's all Ego needs) and Peace will be sure to follow. Peace. 

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