Saturday, April 25, 2015

Details...they don't matter!

You lose focus of the big picture (God) when you get into the details. Details do not matter to God for He is the One in control anyway. Details do not matter to God for there is nothing He can not do. 

Ego uses details to steer you off course by confusing you into believing it's the details that matter. Please know, when it comes to relationships (of all types,) details are precisely what cause and/or maintain drama. Ego must keep track of every single offense so at some point to roll it all out for you on the red carpet in Revenge! Ironically this is exactly what happens when a relationship is severed. Because the focus has been placed on the details, the relationship between God and Man suffers and as a result becomes Man against Man and so you have conflict and drama!

Once you are able to fully understand and accept the fact that God is the only One in control (not you,) will it connect for you, that because of Who God is, the details do not matter. Place it all in His hands, let go and leave it there! Ego, being the record keeper of Past offenses (that's all Ego sees from Fear's perspective) will never let you forget them for this is what it convinced you is for your protection, your benefit. 

Details are how one loses Faith in God because your Faith has been placed with Ego considering their  importance to you. It's ironic however when crisis hits, details do not matter. When you're lying on your death bed, details do not matter. Why not? They are of no value because they are made up by Ego to cause confusion and conflict. In any relationship, when guided by the Holy Spirit, there is only Peace for He will show you Love (the Power of God) doesn't ask for, or need details. 

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of who you are and Who's you are for you too will see details  are just a delay from what God has for you Now. Peace, Love, Joy are all gifts from God through the Holy Spirit. Because they are a state of being, you must be present to experience your gift which is the only way it can be received. Details have nothing to do with that which is of God for they are meaningless to God which explains the Pain and Suffering they leave as gifts from Ego.

Details, don't get caught up in them!  Details are not worth the effort to remember because at the end of the day, when your Time is up, you'll see for yourself, the bigger picture (God) and know they mean nothing. Keep your focus on Christ as the Holy Spirit guides you back to God (whom is always there, you just forgot) and you will see details for exactly what they are, a tactic Ego uses to throw you off balance. If you don't have a real, personal relationship with God, you will panic when disaster strikes because you won't remember that 1. God is in control at all Times and 2. God knows better than you, what's better for you. Take your eyes off the details (your life situation) and Trust that because you're placing it all in His hands, the outcome is nothing you need to worry about. 

Keep your focus on Christ, not the details and you will experience the Peace of God (Silence.) At this point,  use the Power of God (Love,) to show God in you by seeing God in others. Joy will then the glow of the Holy Spirit that is with you always. Keep it for others can and will recognize it and they'll need your light to help them find theirs. Details do not matter yet what you do Now, does! Peace

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