Saturday, April 18, 2015

Get Focused!

In order to play the game of Life (well,) one must accept the fact that God is always in control, not you, or anyone/thing else for that matter. Your willingness to accept this as truth is all that's required of you to ensure Peace. Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of what you know but just forgot. 

In order to play this game (wisely,) one must know the Holy Spirit is always ready and willing to give guidance. The Holy Spirit is Truth (being of God,) and knows what you forgot the moment Ego blind folded you with Fear. Because your spiritual vision is impaired, Ego continues to confuse you into believing what one sees with physical eyes is what must be used to determine your level of Faith. See illness, debt, job loss, foreclosure, death, infidelity, etc., through Ego's perspective of Fear (only and always from Fear) and your Faith will waver because you're confused and afraid of what the outcome will be. 

In order to play this game and remain in tact on your journey is to remain focused on the one and only thing that matters (Now.) Stay focused on what is real and Ego will no longer have the opportunity to trick you with Fear. Fear is of something you anticipate happening but do not wish  to come. You see, because the Future is not in your control, only God is, this is how Ego is able to trick you and trap you! Put "it" in God's hands. This is done by reminding yourself because God is the only One always in control and He knows better than you what's better for you, there is nothing to Fear!

Stay focused and know this, because the Past is gone and there is nothing you can do to ever change it, let golearn from it, and move on! Allow the Holy Spirit to keep your vision sharp and guide you along on your journey through this game of life so you're not distracted by what doesn't matter anyway - what you see with your physical eyes. Your life situation is simply a test to determine with whom your Faith lies.

Remember, because God is always in control, the outcome of your situation does not matter for "Thy will be done" so live for the moment! Share this and you will know Peace because you will experience it  by recognizing (and accepting) that Peace comes the moment you let go and trust God so stay focused and have fun playing the game! Peace

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