Thursday, April 30, 2015

You are not Special

Ego says you're Special to keep you separate from others because that invites Jealousy and Envy which are perfect ingredients for Ego's recipe for Conflict and Drama! Because you have forgotten who you are, you believe Ego in thinking "there is nothing wrong with a little healthy competition." Because you've forgotten Who's you are, Ego slips in and convinced you because you're "Special," you must pay for it in Pain and Suffering. 

Do not be fooled by what you see with your physical eyes for that is precisely what Ego uses to imprison you in Fear. Because Ego doesn't know the Future (that's God domain,) all it can do is project. Considering Ego is the gatekeeper of Past offenses, it uses them to both torture you with Guilt and Shame or it keeps you sick by never letting you forget what others have done to you. It tricks you into believing, it's by not forgetting, that will keep you from further Pain and Suffering when, in fact, it's the complete opposite that's True.

God created ALL (human beings) equal and because God is the creator of all that are real, there is no need to compete for what is already yours! Do not be tricked into believing anything made is worth much for because  they are temporary (nothing on earth lasts for ever,) they are not of God and not worth the competition. 

What is of God is given as His gift for one and ALL, through the Holy Spirit, you just forgot. The only requirement is that you recognize who you are by allowing the Holy Spirit to remind you that God is in control and for that reason alone there is never a reason to live in Fear. When you remember Who's you are, you will remember the Power within your and know because it's of God, its Power is magnified in UNITY not separation. You are not Special. You are Spiritual being created by God to honor Him by recognizing God in everyone you encounter. Don't be fooled by the ensemble of insecurity Ego puts together with Worry, Doubt, Confusion, Anger, Resentment, etc. yet has you believing you're dressed as a warrior ready for war (over nothing.) 

What God created can not be recreated for God does not make mistakes. To believe you're Special is to put a limit on the Power of God in you and God is limitless so don't continue to be fooled! Peace

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

It is your responsibility!

You must understand your one and only purpose on earth is to honor God in everything you do and say for anything else will cause Pain and Suffering. Considering Pain and Suffering are the result of Fear, they must come from Ego for everything Ego does is out of Fear of something or someone. Ego causes conflict and drama in order to maintain separation. There is Power in unity which explains why Ego uses Fear to trick you and so keep you imprisoned in your mind. Separation is Ego's best weapon because separation signifies weakness. There is Power in the unity of One, God. Don't get caught up in the name game, it's the relationship, through personal experiences, that matter, because they're real!

When you remember who you are, you will know there is no need for Fear. Because there is no other Time like the present moment, seize it! Stay in it! Honor God in it, by reminding others of what they too, have forgotten. "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am also." This explains the Power of God in unity! Do not continue to fall for Ego's tricks in believing labels, used to separate and maintain division, is how one will ever find Peace. Peace is experienced in the moment when you realize because of Who God is, there is nothing to be threatened by for there is nothing that is a challenge for God. 

You're confused, it's Ego that's threatened by everything and everyone. This is simply because there is no reasoning with Ego for one can not reason with what makes no sense. Ego is insecure because it's on borrowed time considering everything it made up will be revealed for the senselessness that it is (religion, race, gender, class; 1st, 2nd) Really people?!?

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of who you are. A Spiritual being here temporarily in human form. Use God's gift (Time,) to honor Him by recognizing God in everyone you encounter, despite Ego's disguises to cause and maintain conflict. Remember Who is in control, always. Just step aside  allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with the Power of God (Love.) There is nothing the Power of God (Love) can not do however it's your responsibility to use it in every/all instances for only there is where healing lies. Peace 

Oh, you're not done yet? Take all the Time you think you need!

Clearly the lesson history is back to teach has yet to be learned. Because you've forgotten who you are, you are distraught when a loved one passes away. It's apparent you forgot death (of the physical body,) is a part of Life. When a loved one passes at the hands of another on the other hand, Ego convinced you that's enough reason to justify revenge as if revenge would/could bring your loved one(s) back.

Because you've forgotten God is in control, Ego slips right in and uses what you see with your physical eyes to cover up your Spiritual eyes. "Live by Faith not by sight" means do not be fooled by what you see for its just a test to determine with whom your Faith lies. When you remember God is in control, at all times, you will be in Peace despite turmoil all around you. Continue to live in Fear for when Truth is revealed (that we are all one and the same) Ego will thank you for your loyalty after it leaves you with nothing but Shame and Regret as its souvenir. 

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you what you're killing yourselves over is nothing. God is the creator of Life and no one else holds the Power to take an other's Life. Because you forgot who you are, Ego has you convinced what you see with your eyes is the reason you need protection. Fear is how Ego manipulates any situation to where the outcome is worst than what it was in the beginning. You will never have that experience if/when you place your "stuff" in His hands for because only God knows the Future and specifically for that reason, there is Hope. 

There is no Hope is Ego because there is no Future in Ego. Ego exists only in the Past which is the reason is refuses to allow you to forget the Past. Ego has you believing if you forget the Past, your likely to repeat it, another trick by Ego. What you must know is when you've learned from the Past that's when you won't repeat it! Remember you're here but for a short while. Don't get caught up in what won't matter in the end. Stay in the moment, where the Peace of God is, for you'll find it no other place. Certainly conflict, war, riots, and the like, hasn't worked. If you're not convinced, take all the Time you think you have, you'll only end up  regretting not dropping it Now! But don't be fooled God (Love) never Fails, try it, it really works! Peace

Forgive them, for they know not what they do!

Because you have forgotten who you are, you believe you have to protect yourself. Because you've forgotten Who's you are you forgot He is the One in control which explains why your life situation is out of control. Because Ego has no knowledge, everything that involves Ego is made up considering its perspective on any/everything is from Fear's point of view. Ever wondered why the first reaction to something you know nothing about is negative? Hmmm

You must remember ALL of what's happening in the world today is simply a test to determine with whom your Faith, your loyalty lies. Ego is loyal to nothing and no one despite your desperate need for its protection. "It's a crazy world out there, am I supposed to just lie down and let them kill me?" Says Ego. Please know, because of who you are (reminder to follow) there is nothing/no one worth dying for. That was already done, once and for ALL!

Because God is the creator of Life, there is no price one could ever pay for the value of Life. Life, being of God, is priceless. You don't remember that. Take a look at the news, is that not a perfect example of how Ego manipulates any situation to ensure confusion, conflict and separation? It's all Ego! The tension, the hatred, the anger, the fear, etc. Ego made it all up which explains why it makes no sense. "Forgive them, for they know not what they do!"

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of this:
- You are a Spiritual being created by God. Temporarily in physical (human) form while here on earth, which by the way is for a short while. The fact that no one knows when their last day (on earth) is, live Life in honor of God as gratitude for His gift.

-"Be in the world not of the world" means do not get caught up in what Ego made up for any time and/or meaning given to what makes no sense will just leave you with Pain, Suffering and Regret in the end. "Thou shall have no other gods before me." You know this, you just forgot. It's not God that causes the Pain and Suffering, ever. It's Ego's only excepted form of payment which it demands at some point in Time for its "protection" of you. Because of who you are, it's never worth it! 

- Remember who you are and you will know there is nothing to Fear. The Holy Spirit will show you clearly  all of what Ego tries to trick you with. You will see race, religion, politics, class, nationality, age, gender, sexual preference, etc., is all a test that Ego made up to determine with whom your Faith lies. Continue to believe these things matter, while expecting change, is called INSANITY but I ain't one to gossip so you ain't heard that from me!

- God is in control at all times. Pain and Suffering must come whenever you forget that and take matters into your own hands. "Not my will, but Thy Will be done" will never leave you with regret precisely because God knows better than you what's better for you! Trust Him, for if Faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, there is nothing He can't or won't do, just let go!

Share this, now that you've been reminded and forgive them for they know not what they do. Peace

Monday, April 27, 2015

You'll know when...

The knowing of God is experienced when there is complete Peace/Silence within. This means when everything you do is in honor of God, your life is blessed with Peace. Because Peace is a state of being, one must stay Present in order to be in Peace, for its not possible to be in the Past, considering the Past is already gone. The Future on the other hand, does not yet exist, which explains why it's not possible to be in the Future.

For clarification purposes, Peace is the capability to completely immerse yourself in whatever it is you're doing at any particular point. For example, if you are cooking, stay present in your mind with everything you're doing and the chances of you making the most incredible meal you've ever made is highly probable for there is where Love is. Whenever something is done in Love, it is obvious. It's just as obvious if/when you prepare a meal, or do anything for that matter, without being focused, Present in the moment, because the outcome is never magnificent!

Most have no concept of what that's like for they're either stuck in the Past holding on to what is deemed impossible to let go of or because they've (clearly) forgotten Who's in control, they worry constantly and live in Fear over what they have no control over anyway. It's because you've forgotten who you are that you worry about anything at all considering it doesn't ever seem to help the situation. 

Peace, a state of being, is of God which is indescribable. It's indescribable because there is nothing on earth like it and so nothing to compare it to. You have to experience it for yourself to know what the Power of God can do. Pictures and even video footage of the Grand Canyon, for example, can not capture the awe, the essence of God. That's something you have to experience for yourself to see and understand the magnificence of God! 

You don't remember you're here but for a short while which is how Ego is able to trick you. It made up a whole new world where everything is made up yet believed to be True to the point where lives are at stake over what makes no sense. It's Ego behind the scenes, pulling your strings. Because you've forgotten Who God is, Ego confused you with Fear into believing money is what will secure your Future however because God is the only One that knows the Future, there is nothing you can do to secure it. If you knew who are and Who's you are, you would know your Future is in the hands of God, and for that reason alone, there is no need for Fear. 

You'll know when you remember God never Fails. Peace

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Let's play!!!

Consider Life a game. Anyone/everyone is welcome to join in and play. The ironic thing is everyone is in the game, they're just not aware of it. In order to play well, you must first remember God is in control and you'll win every time for God never fails.     

So! The object of the game is to see God in everyone despite the disguises Ego uses to trick you. Here are a few important tips to remember. 

1. God is in control at all times. Remember this for when Trouble comes your way, you won't be fooled by Ego in the form of Fear, Doubt, Worry, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, etc.

2. You are a Spiritual being playing this game of Life in physical (human) form. You are here, as everyone else, but for a short while so live every moment in gratitude, for only God knows how long you're here for. 

3. Place all "trials" and "tribulations" in God's hands for He knows better than you what's better for you. Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you because of Who He is, there is Hope for "trials" and "tribulations" are simply Ego's sneaky tricks to try and throw you off course. Remain steadfast and know they're just a test to determine with whom your Faith lies. Place it in the hands of God and know you will never regret that decision however place it in the hands of Ego and you will be left with nothing but regret. 

If you you ever get confused or lost, don't panic, just remember Who's always in control and the Holy Spirit will show you there is never a reason to Fear. Don't forget, the object of the game is to see God in everyone! Spend every moment in the Present and you're already ahead of the game for the Past is already gone and there is nothing you can do it change it and the Future is not guaranteed so don't trip over it! 

Ok, Ready?!? Let's plaaaaay!!!  Peace.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Details...they don't matter!

You lose focus of the big picture (God) when you get into the details. Details do not matter to God for He is the One in control anyway. Details do not matter to God for there is nothing He can not do. 

Ego uses details to steer you off course by confusing you into believing it's the details that matter. Please know, when it comes to relationships (of all types,) details are precisely what cause and/or maintain drama. Ego must keep track of every single offense so at some point to roll it all out for you on the red carpet in Revenge! Ironically this is exactly what happens when a relationship is severed. Because the focus has been placed on the details, the relationship between God and Man suffers and as a result becomes Man against Man and so you have conflict and drama!

Once you are able to fully understand and accept the fact that God is the only One in control (not you,) will it connect for you, that because of Who God is, the details do not matter. Place it all in His hands, let go and leave it there! Ego, being the record keeper of Past offenses (that's all Ego sees from Fear's perspective) will never let you forget them for this is what it convinced you is for your protection, your benefit. 

Details are how one loses Faith in God because your Faith has been placed with Ego considering their  importance to you. It's ironic however when crisis hits, details do not matter. When you're lying on your death bed, details do not matter. Why not? They are of no value because they are made up by Ego to cause confusion and conflict. In any relationship, when guided by the Holy Spirit, there is only Peace for He will show you Love (the Power of God) doesn't ask for, or need details. 

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of who you are and Who's you are for you too will see details  are just a delay from what God has for you Now. Peace, Love, Joy are all gifts from God through the Holy Spirit. Because they are a state of being, you must be present to experience your gift which is the only way it can be received. Details have nothing to do with that which is of God for they are meaningless to God which explains the Pain and Suffering they leave as gifts from Ego.

Details, don't get caught up in them!  Details are not worth the effort to remember because at the end of the day, when your Time is up, you'll see for yourself, the bigger picture (God) and know they mean nothing. Keep your focus on Christ as the Holy Spirit guides you back to God (whom is always there, you just forgot) and you will see details for exactly what they are, a tactic Ego uses to throw you off balance. If you don't have a real, personal relationship with God, you will panic when disaster strikes because you won't remember that 1. God is in control at all Times and 2. God knows better than you, what's better for you. Take your eyes off the details (your life situation) and Trust that because you're placing it all in His hands, the outcome is nothing you need to worry about. 

Keep your focus on Christ, not the details and you will experience the Peace of God (Silence.) At this point,  use the Power of God (Love,) to show God in you by seeing God in others. Joy will then the glow of the Holy Spirit that is with you always. Keep it for others can and will recognize it and they'll need your light to help them find theirs. Details do not matter yet what you do Now, does! Peace

You get what you pay for!

You have forgotten who you are and so placed your Faith in Ego whom you believe is for your protection. Operating from Fear, Ego's perspective on anything will always be negative at first but to confuse you, Ego convinced you its only looking out for you. Because Ego knows nothing about the Future, only God does, it projects what it sees and because it operates from Fear, the outcome is never good!

Because you forgot Who God is, the One always in control, you take matters into your own hands and fall apart when things don't go your way. Joy and Peace come from "Thy will be done," Pain and Suffering come from my will be done! This explains your incessant drive in search of what you'll never find in this world because nothing of value is worldly for anything worth having is of God. It's worth comes from its timelessness, it's pricelessness. Because it's of God, no one can take it from you. Because it's of God there is no need to take from another for each has its own and it's the same across the board, it's called Love (the Power of God.) Try it out, it hasn't failed yet!

Allow the Holy Spirit to show you all of what you've given meaning now, is the very thing(s) that will cause you suffering later for "Thou shall have no other gods before me." You don't have to wait until crisis hits for you accept that fact for it's True whether you believe it or not.  You can safe yourself the time Ego demands from you now, as well as the regret he will leave with you then. Understand and know what God offers through guidance of the Holy Spirit, Silence/Peace, is priceless. The only way to have it is to be it for then, and only then, will you know it for yourself because you've experienced it for yourself.  Here is what you must know and  share, because it's of God, you can't buy it for all the money in the world.  Because it's of God, it doesn't cost a thing, in fact you already have it - look within, it will always be right there for that's exactly where God placed it, you just forgot. Peace

Friday, April 24, 2015

Alone, not Lonely.

Shame, Guilt, Resentment, Anger, Hate, etc. is how Ego keeps one depressed, unable to move forward for all Ego does is rewind the Past. Only God knows the future, you just forgot, which explains how Ego is able to trick you into believing your Future will look like your Past. Ego refuses to allow you to let go of the Past for that is how it covers up the Present moment convincing you the Future will be the same as the Past.  

Anxiety, Worry, Panic, Stress, etc. is how Ego keeps you imprisoned in Fear as its slave. The insane part is because Ego is thought to be needed for protection, you come to its defense (i,e., "Well, I have to protect myself, it's a crazy world out there!") From who/what?!? Clearly you've forgotten "If God is for us, who ever can be against us?" 

You've forgotten God is in control at all times and He knows better than you, what's better for you. You know this when you accept reality for what it is and place it in God's hands no longer concerned about what the Future looks like. Because God holds the Future in His hands there is never a need for Worry, Doubt, Anxiety, etc. Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you to not use your life situation(s) as a guide for where you think your life should be. "Live by Faith not by sight" spares unnecessary Pain and Suffering for you are not the one in control here.  

Ego uses Fear to isolate, which causes tension and conflict. Isolation is the easiest form of weakness which is why Ego causes conflict to maintain separation for "Where two or three gather in My name, there I am also" and Ego can't have that, no Sir! This is where suicidal thoughts come in to play for we (humans) are not meant to live alone and would rather end it than continue in "Hell." Fear is Ego's best and only weapon yet it's disarmed the moment you remember "Fear not, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God." 

Experience the Peace of God for there is none like it! How? Be still. For then and only then will you know because of who God is, you're never alone. Peace 

What are you doing?

This is how Ego has you confused! When good things happen for others, Ego says to you  "that's just luck, that could happen to anyone!" When bad things happen to you, Ego says to you "you're just down on your luck!" When miracles happen, which is all day, everyday, Ego says "that's just  coincidence!" 

Do not look at your life situation to determine Who God is in your life for when things seem bleak, you'll lose your way and your loyalty will sway like trees in the wind that snap during storms. Ego, having two faces, tells you whatever you want to hear when you want to hear it. You believe Ego is out to protect you when in fact because "God is for you, who can be against you?" When you experience God's hand in your life for yourself, no longer will you be tricked by what Ego uses in the dark (Fear,) disguised as something else which you believe is for your protection.

Trust in God, regardless of what you think the outcome should be, is what brings Peace for God knows better than you what's better for you. "Thy Will be done" means just that, no questions, for in God there is only knowing/knowledge which is Power. With the Power of God, there is nothing you can't do for when it's according to His Will, it is already done!

Go forward in your one and only God given purpose which is to honor Him and everything else you do will be effortless. Peace

Thursday, April 23, 2015


There seems to be no argument when it comes to God being eternal, never changing, "the same, yesterday, today and forever. Being constant, one way, the only way, please know there are no exceptions to the rule when it comes to God.

Because God is one way, the only way, there are no provisions made by God for an alternate route. The same goes for Truth. Being what it is, whenever it is altered, even in the lightest way as "a little white lie" (to suit Ego's version,) another form has been made, it's called False. 

When referring to God and begin with "sometime...," Ego has already made an alternate route for what it makes up yet passes it off to you as an exception God makes for that particular situation. Sometime is of Ego for it makes up the rules as it goes along. Ego makes exceptions left and right so the end result is always in its favor. Ego, being selfish, is only interested in its own existence and will do every/anything to secure it through conflict and drama. 

Where God offers Peace through the Holy Spirit, Ego offers protection through Fear. Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you that God is always in control so you can let go. Because God is the same yesterday, today and forever, there are no exceptions to the Rule which is why you can always Trust Him. Put your trust in Ego and only regret will await you because Ego has nothing but pain and suffering to offer disguised by what ever you've given value/meaning to. This is why God said "thou shall have no other gods before me."

Because God never changes, "sometime" never applies when referring to God. Get to know (experience) Who God is and you won't be fooled by Ego who's sole purpose is to keep you from Truth. All that are constant are of God (Joy, Peace, Love) which are sure as God Himself. They never change (ever.) Whenever there is a "sometime," Ego has made an exception for the decision you've made to justify your reason for going against God's Will. Don't be fooled by Ego into the "sometime" game for God is ALWAYS! Peace

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Stop Asking For It!

Because you forgot who you are, Ego has you convinced things of the world (money, houses, cars, yachts, private planes, fame, etc.,) is what should be used to determine how "blessed" you are. This explains the term "the less fortunate," those without. 

Because you are created by God, you are created perfect,  for God does not make mistakes, we do! Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of what you must remember in order to get the answer to your question(s.) Because you are created perfect, it is imperative that you invite the Holy Spirit to remind of what you forgot. Then you will know and understand you already have everything you need in this world, for you are not of this world. 

Material possessions are of this world, Ego's world, which explains the need to acquire as much as possible and at all costs, hence term "keeping up with the Jones'" sadly believing your treasure will be found there. Ever wonder how a homeless person can end up back on the streets shortly after  winning the lotto? 

Because you've lost your way, Ego convinced you what man made holds more weight in value than what God created. To add insult to injury, Ego convinced you if you pray hard enough, God will be the One to "bless" you with material possessions. What does that even mean? How does one pray "hard?" You're either sincere in your relationship with God or you're not and please know you're not fooling anyone, certainly not Him for God is sincere! 

Know this, the mere fact that you're searching (for anything/one) lends itself to the idea that you're lost. When you remember who you are and Who's you are, all searching ceases. The Holy Spirit  will show you all of what is man made is of value to you now but is worthless in the end and so is worthless now for no one knows when their end is!  

Stop asking God for what won't matter in the end and is worthless now. Most aren't convinced until their mortality is questioned (ex. terminal illness, traumatic accident, etc.) Because you are created perfect, Peace (beyond your understanding) is found no where but within for God placed His Peace there. It comes in the form of Forgiveness which brings along Trust,  so stop with the questions. You are not in control so questions like "where will the money for that come from?", "how will that happen?', "what about me?", "will there be enough?", etc., are tricks Ego uses to throw you off track!

Stop asking for what may bring you happiness for because happiness is only a temporary state, it will bring you pain and suffering at some point for Ego demands payment of everything thing it gives you. Being constant, God offers Joy as His gift to you through the Holy Spirit. Because it's a gift of God, Joy is an eternal state of being. Remember where it came from and you'll keep it rather than give it away for no one can rob you of it! 

Of all these, Love is all one ever needs because Love is all it takes! Stop asking and start sharing what you remember now! Peace

That's when it'll all change!

When the voice of God (silence) is heard over Ego's loud and obnoxious voice (fear) is when it'll all change!

Because Ego's perspective is always from Fear, every decision made in Fear will end in regret. Regret, because there is no time to "be still" and so decisions are made on how you're feeling at the time. Please use Fear as your sign to wake up! Put whatever is causing you Fear in God's hands and  leave it where you put it for then (and only then) you will know, by experience, Peace. 

If you're not convinced the constant worry, stress, anger, resentment, anxiety, etc. is Fear, your body will tell you (high blood pressure, cancer, psoriasis, stroke, etc.) what Ego must keep concealed from you. It mustn't allow you to know there is nothing to Fear. It's all made up (by Ego,) and because Fear has no substance, only smoke and mirrors, shadows hidden in dark corners, there is no thing/one to Fear.

Allow the Holy Spirit to be your guide and Its light will shine in you. It'll all change when you are no longer afraid to be among the "unsaved" because the light of the Holy Spirit in you will shine on the "darkness" in them, sparing not one shadow hiding in a corner. The light in you will show them they too are the light of the world, they just forgot (like you did.)

Always choose to step back (in silence) and the answer to all your questions and concerns is Peace. It'll all change when you realize because of Who is always in control, you no longer need an answer for the outcome of your situation is not as important as your Faith in God is.

Life is a Test, to determine with whom your Faith lies, place it in the hands of God and that's when it'll all change (for the better, of course!) Peace

Monday, April 20, 2015

"I don't have Time for that!"

One has to be unaware or confused to believe what Ego made up is real yet what is real, Ego refuses to allow you to accept. How else could one explain the need for protection or the need to defend oneself from another simply because of their race, nationality, religion, etc.? Why else is there such a divide among us when it comes to everything under the sun? Could it be the result of believing what  is man made and yet taught to believe is true will save you from hell? Could it have something to do with the fact that you think you're religion, race, political party, class, etc., sets you apart and makes you special? To the world, Yes! To God, No because we are one and  the same!

You make Time for what makes no sense because it won't matter in the end anyway yet what needs no Time at all (Truth,) you refuse to accept. Truth seems strange, scary even, which explains why, when reminded of Truth, the response is "that's True, but this is the real world." Now, if that's not an oxymoron...

Choose to not give anymore Time to Ego, for its only accepted form of payment for its protection of you, is Life, for without Life, it's non existent. Because God is the creator of Life (not Ego) it settles for the mind instead. Ego uses Fear to take over the mind then tricks you into believing its you two against the world and for this reason it must protect you. This is how Ego uses the Power of God in you, against you because you now believe no one is to be trusted.

At this point you've lost Faith in God because Fear controls your Life and your Faith has been given over to Ego. "Well, I have to protect myself some how, there are crazy people in this world" you say!
Know this, the only Time you're guaranteed is the moment you're in right now for only God knows what happens in the next moment. So trust Him, I mean He is the One in control here, right?

The Holy Spirit comes at no cost yet can and will transform your Life. Its only stipulation is an invitation, for the Holy Spirit will never impose Itself and Its only requirement is a willing heart. Be open to Its possibilities and they will be endless! What do you have Time for? Peace

Sunday, April 19, 2015

What is your motivation?

If money is your motivation, you'll find happiness but you'll never find Joy. "Money doesn't buy happiness" needs to be corrected to "Money doesn't buy Joy."  If money were of God, as Love, Joy,  Truth and Peace are, you would know there is more than enough for everyone which will then eliminate greed, jealousy, envy, deceit, war, murder, etc. 

Because money is of the world (Ego's world) and you're caught up in it, it becomes your motivation for any and everything. Money is what Ego uses to distract and trick you into believing money is power, which explains how money changes people. Please know this is simply because you've forgotten who you are and as a result, Ego has taken over and demands your soul as payment. Being from God, taking your Soul is impossible which is why Ego settles for your mind. Ego uses Fear to take over your mind then tricks you into believing money is the solution to all problem. Because Ego know not of Truth, "more money more problems!" Because you don't remember who you are or Who's you are, the decisions you make decisions are from Ego's perspective and this is what it means to "gain the world and lose your soul."

When (and only then) you invite the Holy Spirit, will you see (by experience) what Power is. Because Power is of God, money is not to be your motivating factor, God is! That which is of God (and God alone) Truth, Peace, Love, Joy is what ought to motivate and inspire you. Being of God, they are eternal, meaning, they never change, can never be replaced, they are priceless - no amount of money in the world can give you these and there is nothing you can do or have to do to get them. When God created you, He created you with ALL of those things in you, you just forgot!

Don't waste your precious life chasing what is worthless in the end while missing what's priceless right now! Allow the Holy Spirit to motivate you and you will experience the hand of God at work in your life. Peace

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Get Focused!

In order to play the game of Life (well,) one must accept the fact that God is always in control, not you, or anyone/thing else for that matter. Your willingness to accept this as truth is all that's required of you to ensure Peace. Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of what you know but just forgot. 

In order to play this game (wisely,) one must know the Holy Spirit is always ready and willing to give guidance. The Holy Spirit is Truth (being of God,) and knows what you forgot the moment Ego blind folded you with Fear. Because your spiritual vision is impaired, Ego continues to confuse you into believing what one sees with physical eyes is what must be used to determine your level of Faith. See illness, debt, job loss, foreclosure, death, infidelity, etc., through Ego's perspective of Fear (only and always from Fear) and your Faith will waver because you're confused and afraid of what the outcome will be. 

In order to play this game and remain in tact on your journey is to remain focused on the one and only thing that matters (Now.) Stay focused on what is real and Ego will no longer have the opportunity to trick you with Fear. Fear is of something you anticipate happening but do not wish  to come. You see, because the Future is not in your control, only God is, this is how Ego is able to trick you and trap you! Put "it" in God's hands. This is done by reminding yourself because God is the only One always in control and He knows better than you what's better for you, there is nothing to Fear!

Stay focused and know this, because the Past is gone and there is nothing you can do to ever change it, let golearn from it, and move on! Allow the Holy Spirit to keep your vision sharp and guide you along on your journey through this game of life so you're not distracted by what doesn't matter anyway - what you see with your physical eyes. Your life situation is simply a test to determine with whom your Faith lies.

Remember, because God is always in control, the outcome of your situation does not matter for "Thy will be done" so live for the moment! Share this and you will know Peace because you will experience it  by recognizing (and accepting) that Peace comes the moment you let go and trust God so stay focused and have fun playing the game! Peace

Thursday, April 16, 2015

It's a game - get your head in it!

The one guarantee of Peace is to get, and keep, your head in the game of Life. To get your head in the game, you must be able to recognize yourself for who you really are. This happens only if/when the Holy Spirit is invited to make clear all that Ego keeps hidden in the dark. Where the Holy Spirit is, darkness is no longer because the light (truth) of the Holy Spirit alone, shines right through what can't stand the light. 

What you're in the dark about is the fact that life is a game and because it's a mind game, you have to know who you are. If there is one thing to know, it's that you're a Spiritual being created by God. You're body is here but for a short while and its sole purpose is simply to bring honor and glory to God by living in Peace. 

Because you don't remember who you are, you don't know God. To know God is to experience Peace by seeing His hand at work in your life, particularly in the midst of turmoil. That is called Faith and the size of a mustard seed is enough to move mountains! 

Keep your head in the game by paying attention to every thought that comes into your mind. This is very difficult at first and may seem impossible even however staying present in your mind is how the game is won - it's called Peace. Because you've been out of the game for so long, Ego has you playing by its rules. It uses happiness to convince you it's the same as Joy. It uses money to make you believe that is what brings Peace. It uses pain to keep you from Love. Ego keeps you stuck in Fear (Ego's home base) and makes up the rules as it goes along while leaving you lost and afraid to move forward. Specifically because you don't remember who you are!

Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. You've been blind for so long that what you see with your physical eyes is how Ego confuses you which explains why you've lost your Faith. Faith comes from understanding and knowing because God is in control, the outcome of any/every situation is better than what you or even the Pope would've done!
Now that you know who you are, join the game by allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you and stay in the game by sharing what you know! Peace

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

How much time do you have?

When asked the question "How much Time do you have?", the answer will vary depending on your perspective. From Ego's perspective (always coming from Fear,) it doesn't see Time at all which explains why you think you need more of it while Ego continues to waste it on what doesn't matter Now (the Past.) Because you've forgotten who you are, you believe Time is the answer because "Time will tell." Tell what?!? The only thing that Time can tell is if you don't experience it Now, when it's gone, it's gone for good! And you can't experience it in the Future because experiences happen in the Now. 

When life is viewed from the perspective of the Holy Spirit, you will recognize the value in Time because you know it's guaranteed to no one. Do not waste it on what can never be undone by ️living with anger, hate, resentment, mistrust, etc. These are just cells that hold you captive as prisoner in your own mind! 

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you that you are a Spirit Being in physical form here temporarily. Because no one knows the answer to the question "How much Time do you have?" choose to spend the Time you're in right now to recognize it as a gift from God. Show honor to Him for it by living in gratitude and being grateful for every moment because you don't know if you'll get another.

There is no present like the Time

Recognize Time as a gift from God for when it's gone, you'll never get it back. No one is guaranteed tomorrow so be still and just be. Time is of the essence means the present moment is where life is experienced however Ego translates it into a demand on Time with an urgency of now.

Because God is eternal, He has no use for Time and so there is never an urgency. Although you know Time is guaranteed to no one, you continuously fail to remember that Now is the only Time that ever matters. Because you don't remember who you are, Time is precisely what Ego uses to cover up Now with the Past. "My, how time flies!"

Please know Time does not fly. What happens is Time goes on while you're stuck in the Past. When you're brought back to reality, you're shocked at how much you've missed while you we're holding onto nothing. Being lost in the Future worrying about "how this will happen?" and "when will that happen?" is Ego's way of tricking you into believing you now have to take matters into your own hands.

There is no gift like the Time because Now is all we really ever have. Now is where you'll meet God for "Be Still, And Know That I Am God" means only when you are still, will you experience God. Its by experience that one knows. Please do not confuse knowing of something/one with actually knowing something/one. Knowing of God and knowing God (through a developing(ed) relationship) are two total and completely different things.

This can only be done by allowing the Holy Spirit to remind you that God is always in control. Because He is the one and only true God, surrender your will to Him and all trials and tribulations will become your testimony. Because God knows better than you what's better for you, you ought to stay in a state of gratitude which ensures Peace!

Ego needs to keep you from remembering that, which is why it keeps you in Fear. Fear of Love, Fear of Failure, Fear of Success, Fear of Dying, Fear of Dying alone, Fear of others finding out who you really are, etc. Do not bother yourself with this, you've done that for far too long! Understand this. The only Time worth your attention is Now for delay is always on your part, that's your decision. God never holds back what He intends for you to have yet a willing heart is all that's required of you for the Holy Spirit does not impose Itself on anyone.

Be grateful for your gift by sharing it (Time) with others in a way that shines your light so others can find their light (which by the way, is never lost, so remind others to stop searching for it!) Peace

Monday, April 13, 2015

Be Grateful.

You must be able to see your blessings in order to be grateful for them because you have completely forgotten who you are. Breathing alone is the most important thing to be grateful for because it is of God given to all living begins as a gift! 

The birds honor God in their singing, flying, making nests, being a bird. The same goes for human beings however the fact that you've forgotten who you are, you doubt yourself and others. You even doubt God. You live in fear from constantly worrying about the Future. You spend years in a state of depression because you refuse to let go of the Past. This explains why gratitude or being grateful is not on your radar. 

Miracles are happening around you everyday all day but because you're either stuck in the Past (where you don't belong because it's gone and there is nothing you can ever do to change it) or lost in the Future (where you don't belong because it hasn't happened yet and you have no control over it) you don't see anything to be grateful for. 

When Ego is controlling your life through Fear, blessings are seen as coincidences and you go right back to stressing out and worrying which is the reason you suffer and you seem so unhappy. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and all  "trial and tribulations" will be seen as the miracles that they are because the Holy Spirit will always see you through! Know that and every moment recognized for the blessing that it is, is where you'll find the answer to all your questions. It's called Peace. Peace 

You'll Go Through the Fire and Not Get Burned!

Usually when one survives a traumatic or extremely difficult situation, one of the first common responses is "That was Hell!" Because no one has actually gone to "Hell" and come back to share their misery and/or report their findings, please know "Hell" is a state of being not a fiery pit in the center of earth! 

Hell is in the mind, which, when in that state, is taken over by Ego. From this point, your perspective is viewed from the lens of Fear as that is only from where Ego operates. What it offers is worthless yet can and will destroy you and others as long as Fear continues to control your life. 

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you to live by Faith not by sight so when you're in the fire, not only will you certainly make it through the fire simply because of Who God is, but without so much as the stench of smoke either!

Any/All (difficult) situations are to be looked upon as a test to determine with whom your loyalty lies. It's because you don't know this that you panic and worry about the Future and this explains why you're stuck in the Past reeling over what you refuse to accept yet can never change. It's only in remembering Who is always in control that we will see real change. "Be Still And Know That I Am God" means just that! It is only in stillness (Peace) that one can know God. Because God is Spirit, the only way to know God is through experience. Peace is that experience. Peace is a gift from God and because it's of God, it alone will sustain you when you're going through Hell specifically because no one can take it from you! 

Do not continue to allow Ego to drag you around like its puppet because death (suicide) is its ultimate goal for you and death (murder) is its ultimate goal for others. There are no victims here! You are a creation of God and when you're able to remember who you are will you be able to see God in others. Just step aside and let the Holy Spirit guide you and not only will you be able to make it through, you most certainly will make it through because there is no other way possible! Peace

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Take a moment to really digest it.

Because you have forgotten who you are, you believe in what you know makes no sense. Because 
you live in a world of scarcity and lack, you believe one must fight for their belief. Because you've forgotten Who's you are, you're willing to die for religion but not willing to live in Peace. How does that work? Oh, right! It doesn't

Could this be the reason conflict and war is so prevalent? Why else would there be the need to defend/protect yourself if its not for the simple fact that because you've forgotten who you are., you're not able to see God in others! This explains having to prove your religion is the true religion. The insane piece is you "say" you're willing to die for it when in fact, because man made religion (not God) the precious gift of life that is given to you by God is what Ego wants as payment for protecting you from nothing! You don't see that because Ego has you fooled into believing religion is what will save you from going to hell. Fear of going to hell is why you pray, go to church and read your bible because if there were no such thing as hell, there would be no reason for to pray for mercy on your soul.  

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of who you are and Who's you are considering the one and only purpose for mankind to live life in gratitude for the gift that it is by showing God in you. This is done by putting your "stuff" down (once and for all)  so you can move yourself out of the way and allow the Holy Spirit to shine in you so others are able to recognize God when they see you! 

Take but a moment to ponder. because there is only one God, there is no need to fight over anything especially not Him! Consider taking a step back to accept the fact that because we are a Spirit Being, in physical form, temporarily here, recognize God for Who He is (all mighty, all knowing, in control at all times and everywhere at all times) so meaningless things like race, religion, politics, class ism, etc., will be seen for what it is and not worth taking or losing a life over. Ego will take a life as payment for the littlest thing because Ego doesn't know or care about the value of life considering life is a gift from God. Honor God's gift (life) by recognizing Him in you and you will see Him in others despite Ego's disguises.  Peace

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Do the right thing.

Do the right thing and you'll never have to worry about it coming back to haunt you. There is Peace in doing the right thing because you're free from guilt, shame, regret, etc. There is Joy in doing the right thing because it's a gift from God that comes along with Peace. Joy is an experience you have once you realize and fully understand, because of Who God is, "the great provider" of all for all, there is never a reason to give up your Peace of mind in exchange for what is never worth it!

Anyone can recognize Truth when brought to it yet you must remember who you are in order to accept Truth. You must pay attention in order to not get sucked into compromising your integrity because you've forgotten Who's you are. Pay attention by staying present in the moment so you're more likely to make sound decisions rather than go with what you think will benefit you at whatever cost!  This doesn't have to be, remember Who is always in control and having to compromise your integrity is no longer an issue. 

You are not a victim here! It's by remembering who you are that you're able to let go of the need to do or say anything for your gain, at the expense of another. Doing the right thing despite all the green arrows authorizing, excusing and justifying what you know is wrong, is the only way to be the example you want to see in others. It takes the Power of God (Love) to get you through because anything else (Doubt, Worry, Anxiety, etc.) will drop you off saying "this is your last stop, my love for you ends here!" Because there is only one way (the right way) in God, keep going that way by doing the right thing, particularly when no one is watching. Who knows, maybe someday you'll recognize it for what it is, the hand of God at work in your life and not just another coincidence! Peace 

Friday, April 10, 2015

How would you know?

How can you say "I Love You" and believe Love hurts? How? Ego, that's how! Ego convinced you to protect your feelings and yourself from others because you believe you're weak and powerless. Ego takes over to do what is never necessary (simply because of Who God is) but you forgot. More on that to follow... 

You believe you need protection which explains the guard Ego keeps up and the dagger that's always in position and ready to attack! If you would but remember who you are, you would know there is never a reason for attack. The mere fact that you're convinced you need protection is the reason attack is still believed to be necessary. 

All that's required of you by the Holy Spirit is your willingness to recognize Truth when brought to it. And the Truth is because you do not remember who you are or Who's you are, you continue to bring pain and suffering to you and those around you. You see, Truth is what it is (reality) but because it's believed that "the Truth hurts," Ego creates its own reality filled with lies and ignorance to protect you from what you believe will hurt you. Because you don't remember who you are, you are dragged around by Ego according to what's "trending", searching for Peace of mind. 

You haven't found Joy because you're confusing it with Happiness which because it's not of God, it comes and goes and doesn't last long. Could this be the reason you seem confused and/or depressed when Happiness is gone and you're forced to face the Truth (reality?) How many are faced with the Truth but refuse to accept it, choosing to believe what makes no sense hoping instead for it to bring you solace. Remember, because Joy is of God, it is eternal and because it is a state of being it lasts for ever and can never be taken from you!

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you because God is Love, and you are created in His image (His likeness,) you too are Love. For this reason alone, you never have to protect yourself from Love because contrary to popular belief, Love doesn't hurt, it only heals! Know this and you'll know Peace. Peace

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Denial is a state of being where reality is not accepted. Even when brought to Truth, it's refused because Ego uses what you see to trick you into believing it is real and not Truth (reality.)  Ego has you convinced because nations have been in conflict over Peace from the "biblical days",  that alone is enough reason to expect it to always be that way! Sad.

Confusion comes when you've shifted your focus from God (Who is the One and Only in control at all times) to your life situation which explains your anger, bitterness, depression, worry, hopelessness, shame, guilt, hate, arrogance, ignorance, impatience, disrespect, anxiety, etc. Because you are a Spirit Being,  you already know the Truth that's why you recognize it by saying "I agree with you 100% but." Ignorance is lack of knowledge. Denial is refusing to accept Truth despite recognizing it for what it is yet choosing to continue to believe in what makes no sense because "that's how it's been for thousands of years." 

You can save yourself from further pain and suffering by allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you and show you all of what you were taught, is made up. Despite what the majority think, being born into the physical world does not justify anything, i.e., "we're not perfect, we're only human." Please do not continue to let the fact that because you're temporarily in a physical form (body), you accept what Ego taught you. Ego needs you to believe this in order to keep your mind separate from others which is how it stays weak. Being of One mind is Ego's worst nightmare since it needs to maintain conflict and war to prevent you from remembering who you are; of One Body (God) , a Spiritual Being and here but for a moment.

Remember Who God is and the fact that your one and only purpose on this planet is honor Him. This is done by living according to His Will not yours and no longer will you go back to knowing what makes no sense yet choosing to believe it anyway because you've forgotten who you are. If this world is a stage and we (human beings) all have a part as actors in this production, if you don't know your role you'll continue to stumble in the dark through Life in fear, confusion, depression, etc.

Take your place on this stage and know your role. Do not create your own play because you refuse to accept reality for what it is, searching for what you'll never find (Peace) because it can't be found!  Follow the path Holy Spirit has you on and you'll never have to defend what you know makes no sense to begin with (race, religion, etc.) because with God there are no "buts" about it! Peace

Many Different Forms

Because you don't remember who you are, Ego presents itself in many different forms by tricking you and dragging you into its world. Because you don't remember Who's you are, you see others as a threat, this explains why those seen as weak are victimized, picked on, bullied, disrespected, berated, attacked, and yes, killed. 

Please know a weak mind is far more dangerous than a physically strong body. A mind is weak when led by Ego that took over the moment you lost focus of Who God is in your Life. Confused, you believe what Ego shows you with your physical eyes. Because you forgot you are a Spiritual Being in Physical Form (but for a short while), you believe what you see on the news, and live in Fear. You forgot Who is in control and so you worry about everything! Because you forgot Peace comes from within, you spend your whole life in search of it, going as far as paying others to show you how or where to find it. You can't buy it and it can't be found because it's not lost. Peace is, and will always only be in the Present moment.

A sound mind is one of knowledge which comes only from God. Because knowledge is Power and God is ALL Powerful, anything that produces Fear, Anger, Hostility, Shame, Regret, Resentment, Jealousy, Worry, Despair, Anxiety, Panic, Distress, Doubt, Mistrust, etc., is of Ego because there is no knowledge or Power in any of those. If there were, they would not leave you feeling lost, holding onto nothing but pain when it's all said and done. All of your unanswered questions will be left that way by Ego because Ego has no knowledge. With God there are no questions, only knowing! The only thing that's Fearful is the unknown which is why there is no Fear in God, being all knowledge and all knowledgeable!

Allow the Holy Spirit to show you because of Who God is, you are healed the moment you put your stuff (physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.,) in God's hands by letting go of what is not in your control anyway. What you do control (God's Power in you to choose) put in the hands of God by asking His Will be done and you will never regret that decision, no matter the outcome of your life situation, which, at the end of the day, doesn't matter. When the mind is taken over by Ego there will be nothing but regret left to torture. Instead, be of sound mind, for the body is temporary and is of no use without the mind yet when not led by the Holy Spirit, conflict, drama, war and disaster are certain to be expected. 

Do not be confused by all the different forms Ego presents itself as. Recognize them for what they are (not of God.) Do not acknowledge them (that's all Ego needs) and Peace will be sure to follow. Peace. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

It's A New Day!

Time is what you go by to determine how you live your life, and not the present moment (you know we'll get deeper into that later)  which is precisely why there is pain and suffering in the world! 

Please know, Time is only a delay from the blessing you could be receiving right now! The Present Moment is the one and only place you'll find the answer to all your "stuff." The Present Moment is where you'll be in Peace because the Present Moment is where you'll find God. Because you've forgotten who you are, Ego convinced you Time is the answer to all your "stuff" because it needs to keep you from Peace. Remember, Ego's purpose is to keep separate what God Wills to be One (human race.) Ego does this by causing and maintaining conflict. Because you don't see clearly, you believe your eyes when they tell you considering  your life situation (race, religion, sexuality, etc.) is different from another, you must be at odds. Because you don't remember who you are or Who's you are, you are not able to see God in others. You take what you see and feel and let that guide you through life then wonder why/how the world is in the state its in today. "Live by Faith NOT by Sight." 

Do not spend another minute in Time, there is nothing of value there for you. Because nothing lasts forever, remember whatever life situation you're in now is temporary and is not to be held on to when it's done and gone! Choose not to stay in the Past for because its gone, it's a waste of Time. Choose to not live in the Future, stressing out over it because it doesn't exist. The only Time worth being in, is the Present because it's the only place where magic happens! This is the only place where Love, Peace, Joy is experienced. One has to be in the moment in or to experience anything. The Future can not be experienced now because it hasn't happened yet and neither can the Past because it's already gone (past tense.) 

Don't delay, decide to put down the heavy burden of ignorance Ego has you convinced is True (race, religion, politics, etc.) Do that and you will see all of what Ego made up, at the cost of too many lives, was over nothing. 

Today is a new day! Through which lens will you choose to depend on for guidance. Ego will allow you to see only Fear in everything which explains why you believe Peace is unattainable.  Choose to be guided by the Holy Spirit for because of Who God is, there is nothing to Fear. It's a new day, how do you see it? Peace

Friday, April 3, 2015

"Don't Worry, You're Safe With Me"

Perhaps the reason you don't trust is because you believe what you see rather than what you know to be true (you just forgot!) As a result, you either build a wall believing it will protect you and keep you safe or you cling to anything/anyone, hoping and praying you won't get disappointed or hurt again! You continue to suffer because you know what the Truth is but you're so fragile, lost, confused, angry, hurt, resentful, depressed, etc., that when brought to Truth, your response is "I know, you're right, but..." 

Please know, "but" is Ego's trick to turn you away from Truth so you will continue to depend on it for protection. "But" disregards everything you see in Truth because Ego drapes Fear over it. This  explains why you think "the Truth hurts." Truth doesn't hurt, it doesn't have that capability. What hurts is when your state of denial is stripped away and all of what Ego made up and convinced you to believe is true is gone with the wind and all you're left standing with is TRUTH. If you continue to refuse to accept Truth (reality) for what it is, you will continue to bring suffering upon yourself - and you know misery loves company!

The only way to know the difference between what's real and what's made up is when guided by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will show you what Ego made up is not real. How? Step into the light and Ego is not there. Step into reality (Truth) by remembering who you are and all of what you know doesn't make sense (but continue to defended) will be exposed for the foolishness that it is. Do not waste another minute on what can never be undone (Past.) Know everything happens for a reason. The one and only reason is for you to see it as a test to determine your loyalty. Choose to be in Peace in the midst of turmoil for then your loyalty is in knowing Who God is and trusting Him through all things

Ego, knowing it's always on borrowed time, needs consistent reassurance from you of your allegiance to it. "Don't worry, you're safe with me" Ego says, as it continues to cause conflict and drama. Choose instead to know this, your only place of safety is in Peace and that is found only when led by the Holy Spirit Whom will remind you of what you already know. "Be Still And Know That I Am God" means just that! Stop in the moment, recognize Who God is (the creator of the Universe - you would think He knows what He's doing...just saying!) and know, simply because of Who God is, there is never a need to worry because you're safe no place else but in the arms of God! Peace

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Caught Up!

In order to have Peace, you have to take an active role in the responsibility you have to make the one and only decision that brings Peace. Because Peace is a state of being, it needs to be experienced in order to know and understand it. 

Choose to recognize "trials and tribulations", (job loss, illness, bankruptcy, foreclosure, any upsetting news) as life situations. Because you don't remember you are not the only in control here, you begin to lose focus and worry. You worry about what the future holds because your eyes are locked in the past and you're not happy with what you see.

Do not get caught up in the particulars of "trials and tribulations", they are not important. They are simply a test to determine with whom your loyalty lies. If you're not actively involved in the goings on of the mind (thoughts), Ego will take over and cause problems where there are none! Being present in the moment and grateful for the moment is how you prevent an uncomfortable situation from getting worse.

Choose to remain faithful by trusting God no matter what, rather than fret and stress (about what doesn't make sense) because you can never undo the past and the future isn't yours to control. The particulars are just tricks Ego uses to trip you up. Don't fall for it! Don't get caught up because they're all a web of lies! Let the Holy Spirit guide you and you will be set free!!! Peace

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

"Don't pay it any mind"

You must be like a guard in your mind to monitor what thoughts enter and stay in your mind. When you're sleeping (spiritually unconscious), Ego takes over and uses Fear to control your every decision. Because you don't remember Who is in control (at all times) you panic or fall apart when you listen to Ego. It uses your life situations as evidence to support what it convinced you is true.  

Don't give Ego one minute of your time. Ego demands payment for its protection of you and your mind is the only method of payment it accepts. Ego waits for the slightest sign of acknowledgement from you (any question) and your mind is dragged back into the past stressing over what can never be undone or hurried into the future worrying about what you don't control. God's got that! You see, there are no questions only knowings in God, so Do Not Pay Ego Any Mind

Be still and know that I am God. Get to know God by seeing Him in everyone you come across (specifically through Ego's veil of fear) and your mind will be in Peace. Peace 

It can't be seen with the naked eye!

To believe what your eyes tell you is to bring pain and suffering to your life. Because you believe what you see, anxiety, worry, stress, depression etc., has become an everyday part of your life. This is how Ego uses Fear to confuse you and trick you into believing what you see is real. This is specifically why you ought to live by Faith not by sight. 

Peace is found and experienced only from within which explains why no one can ever take it from you particularly because it's given to you by God Himself. This is also why all the money in the world can't buy you Peace. It's not found in a new/better job, career, house, spouse, baby, etc., either! Peace is the coming together of one mind/one accord and war is the result of prolonged conflict with death as its only goal. Do not continue to believe war is what brings Peace. Hasn't history shown that enough to convince you it never will?

Allow the Holy Spirit to show you because Peace is found and experienced only from within, it can not be seen with the naked eye. Peace can not be compared to anything because there is nothing like it! You were given Peace when you were created (by God) that's why you don't ever have to fight or kill for it! You just be it!

You'll be in Peace the moment you remember Who is in control. You'll stay in Peace by keeping your faith in God, knowingdespite how difficult your life situation may be, THIS IS A TEST! Remember that and you'll return to Peace. Peace